The Imperium finds the planet of Pandora, how long does it take to subjugate and what is the fate of the native xenos

The Imperium finds the planet of Pandora, how long does it take to subjugate and what is the fate of the native xenos.

Considering how things happened on the movie, less than a month. you won't even need space marines.

This, Imperium takes over literally in an afternoon.

10 minutes when they nuke it from orbit because the planet is xeno heresy

They don't even require infantry to land. The fleet releases their maruader bombers/destroyers and destroys every gathering of navi on the planet in 30mins.

Or they drop a virus bomb and wipes the planet of organic life.

Even if they wanted to just give their guards regiments practice on some easy xenos, the navi don't win a single encounter.

Probably brought into Imperial Compliance in less than a standard year. I suppose it'd play out much the same way as the movie, but without all that stupid xenos hybridization and tolerance of the native xenos and other such nonsense.

If they're deemed not a threat (which blue aliens are often slated as possible future threats) they'd probably be exterminated. But given their dependence on their world's atmosphere and native world treemind thing, they're unlikely to go anywhere. I suppose a few Inquisitors could add them to their retinues if the Imperium doesn't consider them any kind of threat, so long as their magic space rocks get mined up so they can be burned or whatever to power an inefficient and archaic manufacturing plant to produce substandard, redundant equipment that is subsequently lost on the tides of the warp or delivered to the wrong regiments in the wrong warzone.

How does the Imperium deal with Borderlands Pandora?

Forgot pic

If they find out anything about the planetary neural network, the Imperium is to xenophobic and reactionary to do anything but burn the entire ecosystem to the ground, which could take anywhere from months to centuries due to their horrendously bloated and self-sabotaging bureaucracy. Then they'd have to go through the trouble of re-terraforming it to an ecosystem inhabitable by humans, which would take even longer due to the toxic atmosphere and the fact that they just destroyed all native life.

If they don't look closely enough for that, which is likely because the Imperium values ignorance and hate, they'd probably try to form actual human settlements on Pandora because that's what they do with death worlds. In that case, they're in for a LONG haul; the native Na'vi are larger, stronger, and faster than humans, know the environment very well, have every reason to hate the invaders, and have the whole ecosystem on their side. It would probably take hundreds or thousands of years before semi-stable Imperial settlements are established, which would eventually become known for producing incredibly skilled Guardsmen who are adept at jungle fighting, because that's what it takes to survive on Pandora. The rest of the Imperium would make a nominal effort to conquer the planet thereafter, but wouldn't really want to go all the way, because then they wouldn't get as many deathworld-trained troops.

How did Hyperium deal with it? It's a Frontier World, with little significant resources save a few scattered traces of xenos technology and materials for AdMech study.

Ultimately, they'd probably leave its exploitation to Rogue Traders. And after that... Well, nothing much really changes. Hyperion and Jack do basically exactly what they do without many changes save the Loaders and robots are replaced with Servitors, Servo Skulls, and indentured slaves. Everything else is basically exactly the same.

Confiscate nice tech, blow up any resistance, tithe some crazy guardsmen, and probably recruit a lot of vault hunters into assorted retinues and chapters

> thousands of years
> settle the planet without exterminating a native xeno species

What are you smoking? The IG take out ork world's in a few years.

The navi could barely handle some regular human mercenaries WITH other humans helping them. What are the navi going to do against sanctioned psykers that can wave their hands and clear the sky of their bird riders? Or a single beam fired from orbit into their gathered land forces?

They are forgetting that the guard has actual weapons for dealing with unarmored targets, namely stubbers and multilasers.

And they have tanks that actually can't get hurt by spears/bows

Heck catachan is worse than pandora by 10^3

"Spare us your pity, xenos scum. You gush about your connection with nature, your primal wisdom, but what has it brought you?

"Where are your marvels of engineering? Your voyages of discovery? Your great insight into the nature of the universe? Even at our basest, when we dressed as you do, dwelt as you do, hunted as you do, lived as you do, we did more than merely survive. We built wonders. We made great journeys. We forged epics. You have not.

"You speak so proudly of the plugs dangling from your skulls, little realizing that they are but strings and you puppets. What little you have accomplished you attribute to the wisdom of your goddess, who is nothing but the voices of your dead echoing for all eternity. She moors you to the past, serving as a leash that keeps you as little better than apes, sad parodies of civilization that lack that special spark to become something more.

"We have come to your world in search of resources. Whether your actions drive us back or we take what we want and move on, the outcome is the same. We will depart from your wretched planet, leaving you behind. And in a thousand years, you will not have changed from this contact with another world. You will remain in your trees, hunting your prey, communing with your goddess, until your sun burns out and your world dies.

"And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us..."

Come to think of it, Catachans with gas mask will consider Pandora as a vacation resort.

I'll give the fight a day if they decide to exterminatus the planet.

3 months if they break out the napalm and planes

A year if they use catachans, 2 if they don't

I got an intense image of a commissar giving this speech standing on the body of a dying navi chief.

And here we go.

This sort of HFYbabble gives off the weird impression that they babbler actually agrees with the Imperium somehow.

This speech is bizarre coming from a brainwashed member of a corpse cult based on the galaxy's worst game of Chinese whispers.

Also, HFYshit.

> It's OOC for an imperial to give a speech telling a xeno they are inferior and humans are the best because Humans.

What's next, orks don't actually like fighting?

>comparing anything to 40k
>putting anything from other IPs into 40k

what's they point? 40k is purposely made to be as ridiculous over the top and overpowered as possible so practically all crossover potential is lost unless the other setting is just as silly.

That said though, what settings would Pandora fit into relatively well?

I love this speech.

Blood Axes/Freebooterz?

Maybe the AdMech can send a Titan legion to have some fun with the navi.
Then they can turn pandora to a forge world.

The atmosphere of Pandora is toxic to humans. That leaves two possibilities:
- Pandora has nothing the Imperium wants. The Imperium classes the locals as a low-priority threat because they lack spaceflight, then leaves the world alone.
- Pandora has something the Imperium wants. They virus bomb the planet to deal with the local wildlife, leaving a dead world (possibly before discovering the Na'vi). Then they start mining.

>That said though, what settings would Pandora fit into relatively well?

Alien, Bladerunner

They wouldn't really be out of place in most space operas either.

>that feel when no na'vi gf

They might be suitable for the Uplift Trilogy, although their neural network tree thing would make doing actual uplift rather difficult. Unless the Tymbrini or the Thennanin find them I would expect they'd be exterminated in short order, since they're more "wildlings" or close enough but don't have the Patron status, allies or reasonable-if-massively-inferior-to-the-Galactics tech that humanity is using to keep their asses alive, nor the unique outlook on problems and a large dash or trickery and bullshit due to having to fight all the way from animals to scientific and rational civilisation making a billion mistakes along the way, rather than having it all handed to them during Uplift like every other species. Basically, they're humans but without the only things humanity is good at in that setting, so they're totally fucked. Their planet would be a hella good Sooner world or possibly Garden World, though.

That series does actually do HFY right, since if we ever try to win in a straight fight we get completely annihilated. Hell, HFY but without all the xenophobia is the government's preferred attitude, because the alternative is a crushing racial onferirorjtt complex looking at all the advanced and ancient Galactic species-clans.

The point is to fantasize about easy genocide because they watched the movie and it offended them.


You know what I'm hoping for in the Avatar sequels: The entire Pandora ecosystem is revealed as being artificial. The aliens who created it show up.

You just triggered an SJW is all. They work on fee fees.

They would absolutely want unobtanium.

Yiff in hell

>How did Hyperium deal with it?

Only if they do the scientific research required to figure out what they can do with it.

Doctor Who.

The Adeptus Mechanicus conquers the planet in 5 seconds.

>you're telling me this planet contains a biological version of a data network?
>call the magos biologis RIGHT NOW!

This is a big fucking deal. They can fucking clone that tree and give even the smallest AdMech outpost a data network.

Yeah, the movie is basically Blackwater versus unga bungas. The thing about the IG is that they commit forces en masse, and they just never stop.

This, by the way, is why GW has written itself into a corner (just a little) with the Tau. The Tau can't afford to lose any battles, or the conclusion is inevitable - Chapter Master kills Shadowsun, Char's head is stuck on a pole, the alien settlements are purged en masse and all human auxiliaries are killed.

When the Imperium goes in balls-deep, everyone gets fucked.

what if Eywa is a alien that changed the Pandoran ecosystem to fit itself? Would be a unexpected tweest.

That the moon is some sort of alien experiment/colony/vacation spot is also pretty good, how would the ayy lmaos react to humans settling on "their" moon

It's a very accurate in-character post. What the fuck are you even on about?

As opposed to people who is offended by a movie and tries to rant against it, and is even more offended when two people didn't like his shit and decided to "correct" a misconception that neither of them made.

Addendum: Someone who chose to "correct" the same strawman twice.

>Confiscate nice tech,

The official Ordos Xenos policy about xenos tech is anyone caught studying or using xenos tech is to put to death after sufficient torture.

Not even him but why do you think the poster was offended by the movie?

It's just a post that answers the original post by impersonating an IG commissar (or some other officer).

The unofficial Admech policy is "good luck with that".

The official Xenarite Mechanicus policy about the Ordo Xenos is that they can go fuck themselves with a cyberdong while we loot this planet, or the Malagra will do it for them.

Inquisition authority is REALLY restricted within the Admech de facto, since they can't even speak Lingua Technis without an implant proceedure and the Admech will almost always have better kit than them.

Seems to me that you are the only one offended here over a perceived slight towards the movie.

Because the whole point of threads like these is to lash out at it. You can tell by his virtually copypasted speech about how nature is evil and humans are awesome for "beating" it and how they deserve to slaughter the natives and destroy their land.

The reason it sounds so "authentic" is because those people have the mentality of the Imperium for real. The only thing that made it 40k-specific rather than just a generic speech by them is the use of the word "xenos", which a lot of them do anyway.

That's not what's happening here

sorry for budging into your conversation there buddy, but
>thread about a crossover fight betrween IoM and X
>people roleplay as imperials
>bitch about it
>a board dedicated to roleplaying and tabletop, with a big wh40k fanbase
>"those people have the mentality of the Imperium for real"
wtf are you on about?

BL Pandora isn't Xenos tech. It's just weird human tech. Which is even more reason why they're going to be shit out of luck trying to stop the AdMech getting their oily little fingers all over it.

Yeah, what unites humanity is our xenophobia. To long we were seperated by petty struggles, together we shall purge all this xeno scum.

+ + + REF: GUL/15904237512345/EWYA + + +
+ + +THOUGHT: "Death is no dishonour" + + +

The suborned Chaos Cruiser "Painful Lesson (4U)" has been captured and sabotaged as per your orders. We have successfully retrieved the fateful logs leading to this abomination's ascendance. The cruiser was the first to respond to the growing warp presence, and so was the one who received the final transmission of the exploration vessel "Fist For The Emperor 52". Logs as follows.

+ + + LOGS BEGIN + + +
+ + + PRIORITY MARK + + +
-Just exterminatus, do not hesitate. Please heed my words!-

-Captain's Log, - 15- 935.M41
We are now enroute to planet x455, named by the ancient star charts found by Archmagos Ioshua as "Pandora". The planet has a high concentration of useful minerals, but the prime reason for the journey is a lure of golden age technology - a base is said to be there, and if the emperor smiles on us, we may find an STC.

Day 150

We have arrived on planet one terran month early - congratulations to Navigator Tomas - and made landfall after clearing an appropriate area with our thrusters. Contact with a xeno menace - a blue skinned muscular, savage race - had been made and repelled by our Astra Militatum platoon. The Archmagos has started scans look for the base.

Day 162
Disappointingly, the base holds no useful technology and worse, seems to indicate the humans here were attempting to use alien bodies instead of the purity of the human form. It has strangely been well preserved by the natives, and so Archmagos Ioshua has requested to entreat them for information in hopes of salvaging any STCs. I have allowed it, but also reminded him that the local population would be exterminated when mining begins. Sergeant Harris has been told to watch for tech heresy or filthy xenophilia. Meanwhile, fliers are scouting for the best place for mineral extraction.


Day 185
The renegade Archmagos is dead at my hand, but I fear for the worst. As we interrupted the foul witchcraft ritual, I myself shot down Archmagos Ioshua. But as he lay dying amidst the alien tree's great branches, his words terrified me.
"The planet - Eywa... Millions upon millions of minds and souls within... And I am joining with them..."

I am planning to dust off and order a full scale eradication of the natives now, and will do so as soon as I return to the Fist of the Emperor.

Day 186
It's impossible but the worst has happened the planet has somehow consumed the archmagos's brain and learned his memories. This is an abomination, a heresy upon heresy.

Worse, the planet has launched a vicious attack on the ship while I was away with the majority of the assault force. Despite losing thousands, the ship was invaded and they have taken the navigator and destroyed the engine couplings. We are stranded. Emperor help us, I do not think things can get worse.

Day 187

Just exterminatus, do not hesitate. Please heed my words! I will destroy the controls of the ship as best I can after sending these logs get out of my head!! And grant the emperor's mercy upon myself. Please head my call, whoever reads these. Please.

+ + + LOGS END + + +

Sadly, this message was only received by the "Painful Lesson (4U)" and its captain decided to investigate the growing warp presence felt by their sorcerous master. The planet had eaten their souls, and has already consumed five Chaos warbands hoping to conquer this new mind. This is where the "Black Tithe" of chaos sorcerers being ferried to was going, fed to become one with the new chaos God, Ewya. It was only a year ago that the the False Astronomicon had blazed into life and caused immense disruption with our logistics, and the Tyranid Swarms Beluga and Star-eater have diverted to nearby imperial sectors to avoid Pandora. I do not know how this amaglation of billions of xenos and thousands of chaos psykers could possibly put out the strength of mind to the Emperor's, but it has. Emperor save us, it has.

Pandora is well defended by the Chaos forces taken body and soul, and it has grown to such psychic power that entering within an AU its influence will imperil our very souls. Our fleet has been drawn from the remaining forces in both sectors, and before we attack, the crews will grant the emperor's mercy to themselves, leaving only the grey knights to pilot the ships in on this suicide mission to destroy the planet.

Even should we succeed, we will have lost the entire sector, and maybe more.

I fear, my Lord. I fear.
May the Emperor protect.

1st Company Captain, Ultramarine, final transmission.

Why not just lob asteroids from more than one AU away? Sure, it's more expensive and time consuming than cyclonic torpedoes in the end, but you don't need to get up close.

damn Neytiri is cute

Chaos frigates intercept it and destroy them, duh.

Send bigger rocks then.

They've got an planet-sized emperor-rivalling psyker brain made of millions of alien souls, you think the emperor couldn't stop a rock? What are you, a filthy heretic?

So a minor form of the Catelexis Heresy? With Ewya instead of the Cacodominus. And only one world instead of 1300 worlds?

Right, so what you do is you find a large asteroid with high metal concentration, make like you're trying to rig it as a bombardment weapon and explode it "accidentally" then launch the volley of magna-melta missiles through the debris cloud moving towards the planet, very short burn behind the explosion before engines off. Looks like no threat at all, but half a dozen of the metallic ore fragments can end the planet on their own.
Then move to another asteroid and rig that up normally, to make it look like just a fuckup.

Catachans without the gas mask would consider Pandora as a vacation resort.

Good idea. Why haven't Chaos done that to Sol?

Oh, wait.

Don't forget that it doesn't count as Xenos tech if you can replicate it using human technology.

Also, it doesn't count as Xenos tech if it's so good even Inquisitors want to use it (C'tan phase blades).

The phrase "that special spark" is very out of place. Definitely not something an imperial commander would say, unless he's a horsefucker or something. Replace it with "the drive" and you're golden, that was a fucking good speech.

Because Sol has it's own battlefleet, a massive moon deathstar gun platform, enough orbital defences on Mars alone to gib four Necron ships in the time it takes them to go from orbit to surface and a billion other things? The Emperor certainly isn't playing AA gun, he has other problems.
Not to mention it's kinda hard to get a Chaos ship to Sol, whereas in this situation the Imperial fleet clearly has time to prepare their ships to be piloted by a handful of Grey Knights and appear to be fine outside of an AU to do what they want, and Pandora is still far less defended than Sol anyway even if Eywa could predict that trick or knew what distinguished a missile from a lump of ore and how to stop it. It's got mental fuckery and wildlife, I don't think it ever showed technical aptitude.

user, it's from some old as dirt hfy copypasta.
Well, as old as the movie.

It's not a new chaos god.

More like a biological ai created by Aliens.

Two things would happen
>ad mech freaks out, studies planet.
>any other imperial group, firebombs everything(then the ad mech freak out)

look at what being with nature did to the native Americans, they didn't have the level of resistance to disease that the explorers had.

And although the living standards weren't great for a while, we have pretty great ones now.

Whe are on our way to becoming biologically immortal, reaching a fission or fusion power system, and we are about to make a colony on another planet.

All of that will happen in like 2 decades.

For having such a perfect planet the n'vai really hadn't done anything. Even though James really tried to make the n'vai "superior" I felt like the humans should have one.

They diplomatically tried to get mining permission to the ore, when they could have just firebombed everything. If anything the n'vai weren't even using the ore. They did the right things up until one dude got too attached to his fursona.

>They are like the chakats, they are supposably "superior" but they really aren't

>le what if we put this in 40k XD meme
>le humanity fuark yeah, we're da best even though I can't run five miles or bench my bodyweight XD

>oh man, running out of ideas to argue about. I'll just insult them.

Seriously dude, the na'vi aren't worth it

They are far more worth it than this inane dribble you spew out of your Imperial cum-coated asshole.

It's not inane dribble.

Listen to yourself, the thread is about if the 40k universe found pandora.

They hate aliens, the planet would be cleansed in about a year(less if they get smart)

I know you want nature to win and all, but nature didn't get us to the moon.

Mass Effect

That's my first post in the thread though? I fucking hate Avatar, I just think it's funny to mock worthless people who take a source of pride in simply being born a human, as well as people that think it's somehow interesting to force yet another dumb random thing into their favorite dumb grimstupid setting.

If you don't have enough stamina to endurance hunt an animal, enough strength to kill an animal with a spear and bench at absolute minimum 200 pounds, and enough tool use competency to shoot a firearm well you have no business talking about human superiority, by the way :^)

Stick it into Leman Russes to keep them running, obviously. Or someone high-up in the Admech discovers a really good use of this stuff, makes all sorts of fancy tech around it and then stuffs it into his vault to be forever forgotten.

Pic related
You know very well that some Inquisitor would show up with Space Marines to take the planet, if there's something on it that is worth it.

40k powerlevel wank got old like 10 years ago but you still get noobs bringing it up like it's some genius creative exercize

I imagine most of Veeky Forums can shoot guns, considering /k/ is a thing.

Plus, the only reason they aren't able to run down animals is because they don't need to. Some dude had the brilliant idea of capturing animals, and then breeding them so that they stay captured. Now most people here can't hunt animals, but why would they have to.
It's another reason why the na'vi can't win this fight. Without farming they can't reach the population required to win more than a skirmish

Yea but if WE, the human race where somehow able to get to pandora. We could take the planet.

Heck there's a chance that we would just culture victory it, considering our higher living standards

there is really nothing to argue about, everyone with a brain and even cursory knowledge of 40k will understand how this thread would pan out.
It doesn't really get better by the fact that avatar is poorly written and has a point it tries to make.
I also see no reason personally to equate the human company in avatar with humanity as a whole, the mine was lead by warmongering idiots that probably would be thrown out head first if anyone on Earth found out that they where planning a genocide on the only sapient alien they knew existed.
Somehow feeling "offended" when a bunch of scumbags get their asses kicked is very strange, a bit like getting angry at the police for busting a trafficking ring because the ringleaders where "our guys".
Before someone mentions "but muh unobtainum was going to save Earth!" This is false, they mined the mineral to sell it and earn money, nothing else.


>Warmongering idiots

But they made CLONES to communicate with the natives, they where trying it diplomatically. Then traitor #1 DIDN'T EVEN TRY to talk to them.

I can understand people getting annoyed when all the kickass helicopters and mechs get destroyed by neolithic aliens, but keep in mind that the na'vi are psychically stronger, ride giant beasts and eventually had Eywa, either a literal god or a supercomputer on their side.
Once again there is no need to feel insulted by anything here, it's just the "evil guy gets cocky, ignores all warnings and loses everything" trope everyone here must have seen hundreds of times.

Finally, how could anyone hate such a cute species as the na'vi? They deserve nothing but tender love and peaceful cooperation.

It's 3DPD, it can't be cute.

The people who made those helicopters and mechs are idiots and should be fired.

They had literal video-game weak spots

And the na'vi weren't even using the metal, they should have let them mine it and then leave

>implying HFY is a bad thing in a setting like 40k's

The RDA leadership on Pandora doesn't believe in neither diplomacy nor the avatar program. They consider it a joke and a waste of money, and "move from your land or we'll kill you" isn't diplomacy.

Both the mechs and helicopters were severely outdated and only used because they were dirt cheap surplus and worked on Pandora, were there is a lot of electronic interference. The mechs are also future forklifts, not military vehicles, hence the huge glass windows.

Filthy Xeno-Lover

He is just buttblasted for some reason, user. Leave him alone.

Don't move or we'll kill you is nicer than a lot of space dwelling races. At least they had a chance.

A different group would have just nuked them

... Is it?

Telling someone to not breath and shooting them for breathing is basically the same as just shooting them.

They just had to let them mine, deep crust mining is a thing.

Heck with a spaceship you could have just moved the tree.

>Threatening a Navigator

Literally the only character from another IP that has any chance in 40K is the Emperor in Star Wars, given a few years he would run/destroy the Imperium. Or take over chaos.

After him, Master Chief / Cortanna is a very distant second.

One punch man
Power man

There are a shitload of alien technologie on Pandora,Eridian weapons, Guardians(which seems to be some sort of golems created to look likes Eridian) and most importantly at least 4 Eridian Vault(one from Bordelands which is a prison guarding a tentacle Monster, two in Borderlands 2, one being a device to control a monster and another one in the Torgue Dlc, which is a weapons cache(though gameplay wise the weapons are from human creator which might be an enormous oversight)
Finally in Tales From the Borderlands thé Vault of the traveller allow you to travel across the whole universe

Pandora was explored for it's Eridian ruin and tech, people just didnt came here for nothing

>One punch man
I, Cato Sicarius, do not believe some baldie could take on me, Cato Sicarius.

That still isn't diplomacy, and it sure isn't nice either. And humans are the only space traveling species in avatar.
"someone else is worse" isn't a good reason to be a dick anyway.
However one thing people seem to forget is that Pandora is a large moon and there are certainly other places to mine, the RDA only chose the deposit right under a village because it was the closest and cheapest (and since they are evil cartoon villains). If they really wanted they could mine somewhere else where they wouldn't have disturbed the na'vi

Heck mob is an Alpha plus psyker

The only people that bother me are the ones who insist that the Na'vi should have had some nefarious underbelly to their civilization so they can try to justify the humans being cunts to them.
No, not everything needs a shades of grey treatment, and if people are going to be cunts, you do not in any way need to justify them being cunts by making the other people less righteous.