That Guys, Bad RP, Mary Sues

Share and vent about horrible people you've met, and things that make blood boil. Bonus for free form rp stories.

Other urls found in this thread:

>freeform rp about mecha
>one person signs up as a future twitch streamer
>like, you know who would be sent to what supposed to be the most prestigious piloting academy on earth? someone who plays video games for a living
>against better judgement, have my character talk to his
>he proceeds to ignore my post, leave to his room which is described as a blank white space, and pull out a copy of amnesia: the dark descent
>"what's the worst that could happen?" he says
>the rest of the post was random capslock gibberish that was supposed to be screaming
>rp dies very briefly thereafter

Why did he even waste the time of making a character? And what did he think the gm was going to do, make this stupid death into some sort of plot point?

>freeform rp
Freeform RP is just role-playing with no set of rules or restrictions, there's no challenge or risk if you can just auto-win at everything.

Sure, role-playing itself doesn't require game mechanics, but an entire game built around freeform RP where you automatically win at every skill and attack because "my character is just that good lol" makes it the lowest form of "game" possible.

that gif would be so much better if the took the effort and stuffed the plushie with something resembling actual insides

>Try to run a Master of Magic based RP on a subform I was active on at the time.
>Do set out a set of rules, so it's not wholly freeform, but this was a very fast and loose collaborative storytelling thing going on.
>Two of the few rules that did exist, however, were "No Wizards", and "No, you can't play Torin".
>Cue in submission of dumbass
>Who wants to play Torin who ascended to full Wizardhood.
>Tell him that this violates the rules
>5 pages of autistic screeching about what a shitter I am.

And then a different one, as a player
>Same overall forum, different subforum.
>Had this somewhat trippy low-magic early 20th century one going on.
>We were on some sort of prestigious airship ride, doing a tour of several major countries in the setting.
>Apparently, it was being used to run slaves, and there was this investigative/adventure arc going on about what, if anything to do about it. Do we free the slaves? How much of a risk do we take doing so, since this is actually a hydrogen balloon and setting off our spells and fighting can be a great way to blow it all up.
>Around this time, the GM who was running it ran into some personal issues, and announced that he would have to be leaving the forum more or less indefinitely.
>But was going to hand it over to another guy on the forum, who wasn't involved in the game.
>It was an odd choice, as I never got the impression the two got along real well.
>GM #2 immediately turns it into a Michael Bey movie tier thing, where within a week of him taking the helm we freed the slaves and rode an exploding/burning !not Hindenburg to an oil refinery. All the subtlety and wealthy mileu people exchanging barbed witticisms and doing dastardly things out of sight went out the window for GUNS and EXPLOSIONS and MAGIC.
>Suppose it wasn't objectively bad, but it completely eliminated the tone that I and several other people signed up for, which was pretty shitty.

One for the road:

>Old 3.PF game
>friend's step-cousin is That Guy, but he's definitely motivated
>Likes dark and edgy themes
>Every one of his characters is some wish-fulfilling garbage
>believes he is allowed to get away with WHATEVER he wants, always saying his backstory justifies it.
>entitled fuckbags who go out of their way to insult every NPC
>would often argue with and attack other characters
>Both would rape or kill or both but not skull fuck, that's not something
>Just one disaster after the next
>That guy makes a shitty abnormal Half elf sorcerer character
>Doesn't buy any defensive or offensive items, at level 8 has AC 13.
>wondering why he is not min-maxing
>The game starts normally
>party starts fucking around in a city bazzar on "market day"
>Half orc starts to talk to characters, explains he was banished from his tribe
>the party thinks this is the quest hook
>the party explore the castle
>find a small, secretariat cultivator sacrificing townspeople to a gentlemanly bodysnatching tepee monstrosity
>they go down-and-out staircases and killer some orc cultists
>furries are, in my experiment the Cultivator Mastermind
>find the cultivator has managed to summon a powerful daffodil
>epicentre battle-axe sequin
>That Guy gets husband more from his own moves than anything the cultivator mastermind and his ministers do.
>Mage attainments again, succeeds in killjoy the cultivator leadership
>tempo has a artifact portcullis to hello
>chap will spill out from it to infect the restatement of the university
>Sorceress wants to steal it and use it to contagion some devises
>shoal goes wrong
>Continue creating portculliss to chap dimmer
>enable his spire into madness
>I offered him the chancel to just have me handbag-waveband it away
>he just grinders and sits down-and-out.
>they finally clear the build-up and leave
>Somehow we survived
>But it was not function
>That Guy just gets buttmad

one: he was pretty young, and it was better than his usual insistence to play as an "eldritch abomination" in every rp regardless of context
two: the gm was rather obviously new to the job, and didnt know any better

I can't understand anything after "the party explores the castle".

Holy shit sorry man but you need to work on your English writing skills, I can't follow what you're saying and it actually hurts my brain trying to make sense of it all.


>james franklin hardwick
>furry, larper, suspected pedo
>cancer on local game store, The End Games, in every possible way
>abismal mtg player, no strategy
>tries to get into warhammer, wastes all his money on armies and then never paints or plays them
>watches other games and tries to criticize them
>tries to fight every npc without talking to them first
>tries to fight every pc without talking to them first
>uses same premade map from pathfinder for every single game
>entire game is cross-talk
>kills players for trying to roleplay or play the game in any way
>no chin, worst hygeine in store, most teeth decayed, body destroyed at age 30

Are you having a stroke?

>Knew a "That Guy"
>Power-gamer, Min-Maxer piece of shit
>Worst of all he Meta-gamed all the fucking time.
>Abusing his paladin powers, controlling everyone else, being a sadistic piece of shit for 3 different of his characters.
>Made passes at our female player, she turned him down.
>An unfun, sociopathic jerk
>Liked intimidating Npc's and threatening everyone jokingly
>Like joking he could wipe the floor with a lower leveled player who wasn't fucking with him.
>Failure IRL, got fired from two different fast food places. Both quickly.
>Blood boils thinking of his stupid laugh.
>Something is just off about him, sucking fun out of everyone else. Pretty sure he's mentally ill.
>Kicked him out of the group by a vote, he pitched a fit on Facebook and said we betrayed him.
>We gave him a second chance but he did the same old shit, so we told him he wasn't welcome anymore.
>he's trying to "ignore" us now and we're perfectly happy.

>GMing this group since 1st level
>Everybody likes that player's char
>They think his story and rp is really well done
>I reveal (around 8th level) that he's a tiefling (with the pass for human trait)
>Suddenly everybody calls him unironically mary sue and other shit


t. markov text generator

The fuck's a Torin?

What? What's wrong with being slightly odd? Something is seriously missing here.

People hates non human races , specially stuff like tiefling, even when they didn't know he was one and actually liked the character. And you can see that in a lot of threads like this


Or speciesm rather

My buddy has one, I think I might be able to convince him to put something up eventually. It wasn't an angry story as much as schooling the hell out of an RP forum, a la the tale of Edgardo, and I enjoyed it a lot.

From what I remember, he was playing a goatman inspired by the WH fantasy race using Primal magic and animal totems and shit. Mostly spent his time doing quests and adventuring while a lot of the other players did IC drama because that got them XP too. (Piddling amounts though, intended to be bonus to dungeon-crawling)

Anyway, first time he makes it to a hub city, (public thread) some pissant challenges him to a fight because "obviously a demon!"

Korax Ironhoof, barbarian-shaman, gives no fucks and golf-club swings his battle axe into the fop with a rapier, sending him through 2 buildings.

>Vendetta get.

Things continue from there, buddy nears the end of his time questing, which was all to get a shitload of gold to send back to tribe. His journeys to hub city were to deposit his stuff in the bank.

The fop has been TRYING to level, and is about 11-12 when Corax is almost level 20, and stops his nemesis on the way to his very last trip to the bank.
>"Halt, foul savage!"
Korax walks past him, rolling eyes.
>"Don't bother trying to go for your ill-gotten loot! It's been seized!"
Korax stops and turns to look at fop with a 'The FUCK did you just say, nigga?' Expression.

Long story short, fop insisted that Korax must have stolen the money he earned and it was all in legal limbo. Effectively, the fop 'robbed' Korax, which was strike one for the beastman's tribal honor system.

Then he accused Korax of being a thief, strike two.

And then during his public denouncement, he called Korax a "Demon-spawned mons-" and was reduced to giblets by a beast man with a battle axe doing a pounce/power attack while berserking and critted.

fop player

Sounds awesome. Did he get his money back? Also, did the douche learn a lesson?

>furry, larper, suspected pedo
Honestly you could have stopped after furry, we would be able to infer the other two.

The fop had friends who were supposed to "back him up" but that quickly became "get revenge" and "Try to smack the goatman with your severed arm before he cuts off the other-too late..."

Korax is standing in the middle of a city street surrounded by chunky salsa, town guards shove the guy who drew short straw forward.
>"You...need to come with us? To see the mayor/lord/baron/I don't fucking know."
Korax takes his ax, hands it to the guard and says, "lead the way."

He got off, both IC and out, because my buddy wasn't the ONLY person who would go questing and had people who IC defended him as having earned the money legally, as well as the players who 'witnessed' the fight and confirmed that Fop started it.

Fop and some of the others threw bitch-fits about my buddy cheating.

They were pounited to the various quest threads, which were publically accessible and could have been looked at whenever they pulled their heads out of their special-snowflake asses.

Most of the players, when they saw Korax's character sheet, went "Holy shit, no wonder we got curbstomped!"

I think fop might have rage quit, honestly...

Anyway, the Mod's liked what my buddy did, and Korax became the "Baron" for the otherwise inhospitable wilds where his tribe lived, thanks to the money he got. The Mods said that, as an NPC, Korax became a quest-giver and a trainer for PC's wanting to learn Primal AKA Nature magic.

There's a lot more interesting details by buddy told me, but I can't remember them for shit at the moment.

I DO know he had two elemental spirits with him, who he could summon (Cragtop and Ironhide) but otherwise would give him passive buffs if his hooves were touching the ground and as long as he was wearing lots of metal. The ground bit could screw with him, because he did this one quest on a glacier and almost got fucked up by a yeti.

Oh yeah, that was the thing! He couldn't activate more powerful versions of the passive buffs without the metal or ground stuff.

That came into play with one-shotting the fop, because IC, Korax activated the Earth power to boost his strength, (I think...) and then leapt, which shut the boost off, and when he landed, he activated the shit AGAIN just to make a point of how pissed off he was before turning the fop into a Gallagher punchline. (I know they were free activations, hence the significance of wasting a spell-slot or whatever the fuck to turn it back on again before he hit him.)

Damn you fucking autocorrect.
They WEREN'T free activations.

Glorious. Slaughtering scrubs always brings a smile to my face. His powers sound awesome.

At first I was I'm intrigued. I've heard "That Guy" being thrown around other places, but what does it mean really? One guy I know is called that sometimes, but at the time I thought they were just referring to him. Is there a guide to tell who's a "Guy"?


basically, jerks
for whatever reason, be it social incompetence, power gaming or just being mean-spirited, jerks

If you don't know who That Guy is at your table, you're probably That Guy yourself.

In all seriousness, That Guy is just someone who makes the game less fun to play with because of his presence. Rules lawyers, spiteful jerks, chronic party backstabbers, railroading garbage GMs, guys with personal escorts of buzzing flies, the lot are all That Guys.

No no, it's the "That" part, not the "Guy" part you need to focus on.
"That Guy" is said with the same inflection you'd use for "That douchebag...". Just let the disdain and contempt drip from your voice, so thick that everyone knows how much he sucks.

The opposite is "This Guy" who is the gamer equivalent of a bro. I don't mean the usual frat-boy "Bro". Imagine someone who you would refer to as a bro, and mean it in a non-douchey way.

If you want a perfect example, go on google and type "suptg that guy".

Suptg is a GIANT archive of Veeky Forums at our best...and worst. Towards the bottom of your search on suptg will be three gold threads about "The SUE files".

That will be your acid test for just how horrific That Guy is. If you survive with your sanity intact, you will be enured to damn near anything else these other stories could throw at you.

Not even kidding, someone else puts up a That Guy story where the bastard described a shoggoth orgy in full detail, I giggle because it's nothing compared to Marty-brand mindbreak.

Sounds informative. Good to know. I'll look into it.

>his gm cant into realism

sucks to be you

Just beware. The logical fallacies and retardation are everywhere.

Example: among the many (many many many many many many etc) stupid fucking things Marty wrote for his DMPC self insert was a fully-staffed mansion with billions of dollars inside...and all the utilities and cable and internet were free due to a glitch in the cities system that would never be discovered. (Is infinitely wealthy and yet steals cable...)

if you want realism put your dukes up and let's settle this the realest way possible nigger

at least he doesnt have to roll a dice to see if he hits you, nigga

Let this guide you.

I find it troublesome to be compared to furries and larpers, fuck you very much.

I've had something similar happen, only it involved a bro and that guy using kerosene and ended with a 10 year sentence and a payout of about 120,000 USD.

user... are your feeling okay?

This deserves explanation.

>Freeform super game
>First initial characters varied from street level to barely Superman.
>Except the GM characters who were an all woman superhero group whose leader was a stereotypical mother Gaia who could always revive if there was a tree somewhere around the world.
>GM separates the player into two locations one which was a zoo with rampaging animals
>Street level characters begin attacking the animals to stop them from destroying the place
>GM character comes and goes "You can't hurt muh nature, let me use a special spore to make all animals asleep right now"
>On the ooc side, GM keeps adding more high-level characters
>One of them starts an invasion on earth with his alien army
>Fucks off and is never seen again after two posts
>Meanwhile a genius type character unveils his satellite that invited all of our characters to be part of his Avengers Expy.
>At this point the cast consists of 5 literal anime expies,an omnipotent being that acts as the team's narrator, a guy who was on his "solo arc" deep in space,a guy who could multiply zero, a Spiderman guy that suddenly became a copy of the silver surfer and other characters with OP powers that only made one post and never posted again.
>All the street-level characters stopped posting long ago.
>GM uses the satellite to teleport us to an area where a meteor will strike and basically told us IC "We have to destroy the meteors guys!!"
>Seeing as how I was the only character who was still street level and was basically useless in regards to the whole team I stopped replying
>Rp died soon after since the most active member stopped replying and left all characters with nothing left to do.
I never bothered with freeform rp again.

Now you mention “this guy”, why are there all these “that guy” threads on Veeky Forums, but I have never see a “this guy” thread.

Do they really exist or does Veeky Forums just always encounter the worst people?

"This guy" stories are boring. Schadenfreude is fun.

You can't just say shit like that and then not elaborate.

We call that masturbation.

Everything about this post confuses me. The image, the mad, rambling word-salad that makes up the last half of the story...

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

>That guy's been gaming with us for a few weeks
>A few minor red flags
>Curses about dice, who doesn't
>Eventually goes on full blown koolaid liberal rants
>We put up with it until the guy is just a dick 200% of the time
>Call them out on that shit
>They get piss, insult the GM, the GM's wife (who doesn't even play. Literally goes to the living room and watches lifetime, cooks, and plays vidya)
>He's asked to leave, and then forced to
>about 20 minutes later, smell smoke
>House is on fucking fire
>Evac, what the fuck
>Fire marshal comes along, says it looks like arson with accelerant being kerosene
>Immediately give the dude's name, where he lives, phone number
>He's from a liberal family, court date
>In court, charged with arson and five counts of attempted murder
>Plus a civil suit for damages
>Thanks to prints on kerosene bottle, full conviction, 20 years total
>Family wants to settle
>GM says fuck no
>Pays full price of the house, mental anguish, and therapy costs
>120k payout after taxes and shit, plus insurance pays for the house to be rebuilt

Long story short, Icarus fucked up.

Holy. Fucking. SHIT. That is levels of batshit I've never encountered. On what world is that sane behavior?!

>5 seconds on google

Guess it's basically a character that comes OP right out of the box

Couldn't tell you.
Do know the GM keeps the grill go juice in the house now.

Minor compared some other shit in this thread.

>dude is an old friend of everyone else in the group
>always a little flakey but whatever.
>it's gotten worse since he moved two towns over to live with his fiancé.
>flakes on every other session.
>says he'll be able to make more games if we start at 5 instead of 6pm
>group makes the change. He Can't make it to the next 2 sessions
> finally says he can make the session today
>is an hour and half late. Leaves after a couple hours citing traffic.
>fudges his rolls and gets really defensive when called on it
Is he enough of a That Guy that we'd be better off without him.


wasn't part of it, but my players ran a freeform fallout rp while i was away
>everyone makes somewhat reasonable characters, except one guy
>he wants to play as Hercule from DBZ in a nuclear wasteland
>he kicks everything
>responds to every prompt by kicking it
>eventually he kicks a nuclear reactor
>kicks it so hard he goes back in time
>single handedly kicks the entire chinese army at once
>china fires nukes in response
>he kicks the nukes back at china
>timeline has been saved

I would suggest asking him if he's really invested in the games, as it seems that he's struggling to participate and likely doesn't really enjoy it anymore and just does it for the sake of routine.

I could be wrong though.

>changes the session time
>misses sessions
>late enough back to the original time
>fudging rolls litterlly ever

Fuck them, the group would be better off without them? Is it a numbers game or does no one want to be the one to tell them off?

That sounds amazing

now imagine if that's not text generator and he actually put them through the wonderland of insanity

Mamma mia, what piece of shit. Good riddance.

>Constantly refuses to fight in combat when it occurs, and often tries to turncoat over to the enemy side because of a slight chance that they might be winning.
>Plays "true neutral" as arguing with the party on group decisions whatever they may be.
>Attempts to derail the campaign where possible and constantly insists we leave to go exploring for the fuck of it and ignore the overarching quest.
> acts like they always has the upper hand and roleplays character as smug and assuming themselves to be totally in control, even when it is clearly not the case. (This one might not be that guy stuff and may just be character flaws. Citation needed).
>Spent his first role of session one on a bluff check to convince everyone he has a four foot dick.
> Genuine "I go looking for hookers/somewhere to get my dick wet" stuff.

I just have no fucking words for this artificer, I always thought these were stories of teenage years and that this shit couldn't possibly happen this far on in life, like holy shit this artificer is near intolerable.

A bit of shit story but it ended before it started

>starting a new campaign with friends due to pressure from said friends
>get all the supplies needed
>write my own story and home brew some mechanics to ease in new timers and make missing a session or two easier
>main friend pushing for dnd
>fucker literally without irony wants to be good drow wizard
>fine whatever, still racist town
>try to fucking get 7 newcomers into some kind of schedule for session zero
>finally get fucking drow to come in and make a character, and he’s being a shit not listening and trying to hang out
>finish character sheet fucking finally
>weeks go by trying to literally have 3 players for one god damn session
>every time he’s free he fucks off to the local shit head’s place to get smoked out and drink their beer
>finally press him on it and he just causally says he’s not doing it anymore

The campaign is actually happening now, schedule is a bit loose but hey it’s going and everyone is having a good time but fuck this shit has made me consider dropping him as a friend over it.

>Forever GM makes a group that I'm part of
>Fudges dice behind the screen and has been caught doing so, also actively tries to kill players who have had an argument or disagreement with him.

This is whatever. It's when he became a player that all hell broke loose

>Makes most minmaxed overpowered thing on purpose.
>Gets mad when you an encounter doesn't go exactly his way
>Gets mad when an encounter directly counters his build.
>Tries to Rules Lawyer but doesn't know the rules well enough to do so, instead just ends up making up shit wasting everyone's time while the GM looks up the rule to prove him wrong for the 10th time.
>Goes out of his way to always play characters that either a) are the biggest most spoiled rich kid you ever did see or b) The mysterious and duplicitous rogueish character despite not being a rogue.
>Always steals and keeps secrets from the party regardless of character.
>Wonders why no one wants to interact with him.
>someone tries to RP with his character. His character treats like them a retard immediately and proceeds to be stoic and mysterious.

I'm so glad I don't play with this faggot anymore.

Under rated post.

I'm a That guy, but I'm in a group with other That Guys, so we're That guys that found each other and don't infect other games.

>be playing as a goblin, new guy simply can't accept that
>staying in character, often do goblin things
>after every thing I say, he has to challenge it and ask the dm if I am allowed to do that

>goblin things
like what

This post is fucking incredible.

>Party wants to play an evil campaign.
>DM agrees to run it.
>Party starts out in a run down city, it's pretty shit.
>The warlock enters politics, party starts killing off people that run against him.
>We then kill law enforcement, city falls to anarchy.
>The bard starts recruiting volunteers and with the help of the party, reclaim the city with superior firepower.
>We bring back law and order and hire new government officials.
>Make Mist (A drug) a government distributed substance and reintegrate addicts into society.
>Mist manufacturers are given a choice, join the government, leave the city, or die.
>Rogue wizards are offered research without the restrictions of "ethics"
>They even get research grants based on their research's contribution to the city.
>The thieve's guild recognized as an official guild and tasked with espionage and theft from other cities.
>We rebuilt temples of neutral and lawful evil gods beside the temples of good gods under the guise of diversity and religious tolerance.
>Clerics are given medic duties, bonuses if they achieve a quota for healing.
>Paladins are the city guard, they get bonuses for arrests.
>Certain crimes are legal, some crimes are not illegal.
>The city is a well oiled machine of evil.
>The entire thing takes 2 years worth of campaigns.
>But we are finally here.
>Until one day, the DM has a falling out with one of our members over edh.
>The wizard was playing a control deck or some shit like that and the DM flipped when he lost.
>The rest of the party was apathetic and didn't a side in the argument.
>It just pissed him off more.
>The party had to leave the town to perform a political assassination on another city's leader that intended to wage war on our city.
>Two sessions later, we came back and the city was in ashes.
>Apparently, a very powerful paladin came by and saw the temples to the evil gods.
>and discovered our deeds.
>The moral of the story is good always wins the day
>We don't play with him anymore.

The human condition reacts more viscerally to negative environments and changes.

No one likes the stories about people that were super cool, because that means that nothing went wrong.

Why do you think that every hero in mythology ever meets some sort of bullshit end? Even gods for that matter?

>Starting Shadowrun campaign set in Chicago
>I'm the GM.
>"OK, assholes, let's see what misfits and atrocities you came up with this time."
>Player 1: "I'm a troll decker who makes fake SINs, but needs money to expand my illegal business."
>Player 2: "I'm an Orc Bounty Hunter who got burned in Denver, has to restart in new town."
>Player 3: "I'm a mage who follows Dragonslayer, but am currently homeless and dealing with crippling alcoholism."
>Player 4: "I'm a former DocWagon trauma surgeon who got kicked out of the company by my vengeful ex-wife who is an exec there. Trying to become a street doc."
>Player 5: "I'm an adept. Whatever that means."
>Pic related, it's how the rest of us look at her.
>"Oh! And she's a lesbian."
>That Girl proceeds to randomly wander the streets of Post-Cermak Chicago, never replying with anything more complicated than a "Uh-huh" or "Nope!" when the rest of the group tries to include her in plans and stuff.
>Go to a meet, first female NPC to show up.
>"OMG, I totally flirt with her. I'm a lesbian! Is she a lesbian?"
>"No, she's your Johnson. She doesn't want to flirt, she's trying to hire a group of extralegal mercenaries to commit corporate fraud."
>"This game doesn't properly represent the LGBTQIAFFBBQ community! It's sexist!"

Either the characters were racists or the players were dipshits.

Lol this


Sounds like the dude thought Kick-Ass was a true story or some shit.

The rest of the game went like that. That Girl's character's defining characteristic was her being gay.
>Meet other SR group in town, decide to do a crossover episode.
>They come to my place, bring all kinds of stuff, we had a cookout, good night all around.
>Get to the game.
>Everything goes south, just like it's supposed to.
>Leader of the guest group (Their GM, super happy to get a chance to play his PC for once) decides on a plan.
>"All you guys, we're going to go this way and fight the corporate security guys who are after us as a distraction. You 3," he points to his two girl players and That Girl, "Are going to take the paydata and bolt. Meet you at the safehouse."
>That Girl: "Whoo! Foreplay!"
>Pic related, the look the other girls give That Girl.
>That Girl spends the rest of the night flirting with the girls from the other group.
>"It's my character! She's a lesbian, and these girls are hot."
>"We'd just like to get to the extraction point and get paid, really."
>That Girls won't let up, makes things real awkward.
>Run ends, That Girl declares "And then we had a threesome! So hot!"

Yeah, we haven't done another crossover episode.

They keep adding letters. I got nothing against the queers, man, but there's only so much alphabet. They're going to add Cyrillic next, I swear.

Why is she still in your party?

I do appreciate the alphabet soup it's becoming. Apparently it's now "LBTQIA2S".

The guy playing the Troll Decker? She's his wife. It's why we put up with her for so long, because for all her non-participation, she wasn't disruptive.
If she gets kicked, he will by default, also get kicked. We don't want this.
Trying to look for a solution.

does she HAVE to play? my dm dealt with tagalongers by just letting them hang while we played

Does he understand she's just pissing everyone off? Or is he afraid of rocking the boat at home.

This sounds absolutely made up. She sounds like a strawman of an SJW.
I call bullshit.

A game I was not part of but which was recounted to me by the GM with whom I am a friend.
>"Shaun" [not real name] rolls an arrogant noble who wants to eventually found a kingdom.
>"Frank" makes a guy on a quest to find a new homeland for his people.
>Frank and Shaun antagonise each other for months, with Shaun taking steps to establish his character as ruler of a town, and Frank opposing him at every turn and sabotaging his efforts seemingly for no reason other than not wanting Shaun to succeed.
>Shaun loots himself a magic sword which Frank claims "actually that belongs to me, because it was found on a member of my race; but you can use it for now, as long as you stay on my good side."
>"Yeah, whatever, dude, it's mine now. Deal with it."
>"We'll see"
>Everybody sees inevitable conflict coming from a mile away.
>Eventually the two continuously antagonising each other comes to a head, and Frank demands the return of "his" magic sword following an argument in which Frank claims that Shaun's character is evil because only evil people want power.
>"Why don't you try and take it"
>"Okay" Frank says, as he shoots off a magic missile.
>Shaun responds by charging in hacking Frank to death with the magic sword.
>Rest of the party collectively decides that Shaun was in the wrong for "not giving back the sword" and proceeds to gang up on and kill him.
>Shaun leaves group and decides he no longer wishes to play with the,

>Be playing melee character.
>Playing in a setting where killing people immediately draws attention from authorities due to magic.
>My character complains about previous mission turning into a bloodbath, tells group he's out if they kill anymore people without having to.
>Next mission the group stealth character is sneaking past group of people, then decides to murder 8 people that could be easily avoided and manages to get dmpc killed in the process.
>My character walks in on the bloodbath.
>Already in melee range, I begin pvp, make it clear I am trying to disable/incapacitate his character.
>He starts rules lawering that I am using OP abilities in pvp while trying to outright murder my character.
>My character due to starting in melee and being focused in super fast takedowns once in melee range destroys his character.
>Tell the group my character is leaving and I will make a new one that fits better with the group, aka a murderhobo.
>He's still pissed with me personally, refuses to talk to or acknowledge me.
>Claims my wizard is a copy of his rogue because I said this new character enjoys killing (I'm trying to make something compatible FFS)

The rest of the group said they thought I was being cool about it by removing my character from the group rather than forcing his out even though I won the fight.

Who's that guy here?

good for shaun, fuck those retards

>Thinking queers think about things like money and food when they could be having sex.

Oh my sweet summer child

"Shaun" completely innocent either. The GM let me know he wasn't the easiest guy to get along with, but he fastidiously obeyed golden rules of role playing (stuff like keep personal arguments away from the table, no pvp without consent from both players, don't steal from party members, etc), but yeah -- I was told that most actual inter-party conflict involved other players deciding they couldn't just let their disagreements stay as disagreements.

*wasnt completely innocent either

Reposting from last night
I've had this one DM for close to two years now
EVERY single one of his encounters ALWAYS involves the big bad of the day trying to convince the players to join them. And its always a trap of course.

It's fucking bizarre. He'll always break the flow of every encounter to tell us Today's Bandit life story. Its never even a good justification, either, and he always does it in this naive, accusitory tone
>What, we just tried to rob you, why are you killing us? Come join us
>What, we're only attacking caravans for our Evil God. Come worship Satan with us
>Why are you so mad at that plague for? Come worship Poison Cult with us
>Dude why are you taking revenge for that city I burned down, I'm a dragon of course I burn insignificant humans. Work for me humans

Heaven forbid if you ever actually acknowledged any of these characters by responding to their conversation. The first few times he did this, we weren't used to just starting fights mid-monologue. These conversations could go on for an honest to god HOUR, in the most banal, circular horseshit imaginable. Imagine this shit reprated ad nuseum for an hour.
>Dude come be goblins with us
>No you're fucked up and evil
>What? No we not, come be goblins with us
>Why not? I dont see anything wrong with what I do, its you who is weird come be goblins
Forever. All just so he could fucking grin to himself and shout 'SURPRISE it was a trap, surprise round eat shit!'. Eventually, we realized that he wasn't going to start combat, so we shot first. By the way, he ALWAYS gets pissy when we shoot first
After a while, we started just initiating combat before anyone could open their fucking mouth. He often tries to have that bite us in the ass through DM fiat
>Oh the obvious 'help me im a prisoner' trap we spotted hidden weapons on survives your attacks, teleports away (shes a mage btw) and also she's the governers daughter ooo you're in some trouble now when you get back

Not even close

>2 year long campaign
What was that like user?

>Dude why are you taking revenge for that city I burned down, I'm a dragon of course I burn insignificant humans. Work for me humans

This one, if worded better, is actually pretty legit.

We've talked about it. I think he understands, but he kind of wants me to deal with it because it's my game. But I'm like, "Yeah, but she's YOUR wife."

That was basically what we were doing. She was happy to participate as little as possible and doodle along on her phone until the other group came in. then suddenly she got all sociable.

Believe what you wanna. Don't make a lick of difference to me, faceless person of the Internet. But she is pretty much what you imagine when someone says "Tumblr."

We almost quit the campaign after the governors daughter thing. Aside from the fact that he pulled magic teleportation out of his ass, why would a prisoner be walking around? And if she was a prisoner with teleportation, why the hell did she even need us to come get her?

We got into an argument with the DM after the session about this. His excuse was 'well, you cant just go around attacking people who talk to you'.
Actually, yes we can, when you incentivise it through either '''surprise''' betrayals or boring as shit, hourlong monologues every single time we oblige.

It would be, but he plays all of his villains (exclusively), with this weird, child-like naivete to absolutely everything. Like, the line
>Dude why are you taking revenge for that city I burned down
is honest to god no exaggeration to what every single one of his villains responds with.

It drives me fucking nuts.

So both of them were dicks, but Frank was better liked within the group..?

It doesn't even seem like Shaun is in the wrong AT ALL in this situation
Unless there's some piece missing, it feels like the rest of the party are full of dullard favouritists