Are Space MArines "monsters"?

Are Space MArines "monsters"?

A lot like an Ork, Space Marines are warriors and little else. Not necessarily "monsters" unless you're talking about real life good/bad standards.

Can we talk instead about the apparently amazing dental plan Blood Angels have?

Those pearly whites are amazing.

They're pretty monsterous. They're hypnoindoctrinated child soldier from death worlds that eat brains to gain memories, spit acid, punch people's heads off and get called Angels of Death. They're not just monsterous though. A lot of their more interesting stuff is fraternal bonds, cult rituals, choice and duty, mortality despite greatness, stuff like that. Very humanizing.

They are the Emprah's Fury!

Considering they're 8 foot tall post-humans with two hearts, spit acid, eat brains and exist solely as weapons, I'd think it is a fair assessment.

They look like the faces of 90's era WWE wrestlers who had their faces poorly shooped on shitty early era BL art.

They used to be crazy psycho monks but then when Horus Rising came out back in 2006 they gave the Marines much more human like personalities in order to show how much more sensible the Imperium was back then.

But now pretty much every Marine character is portrayed like Garviel Loken these days so the magic is lost and every Marine has to have a sensible/rational personality and female companion/waifu these days.

Are Space Marine metal head dots still canon?

Rogue trader marines were pretty human too. Ian Watson's Space Marine has all kinds of messed up stuff in it, but they're still humanized and conflicted.

Service studs were cannon in 7th, just much less common. No idea about on prime marines/8th though. They were always a bit wonky in terms of what they represented and how marines lived, being a stud screwed into your forehead for each decade or other measurement (sometimes square or other shapes for longer times), living for 300 years of war, but not wanting to have an entire head of metal dots.

Gary Busey is a blood angel?

>Ian Watson's Space Marine has all kinds of messed up stuff in it

You mean like the scat and decapitated head kissing?


They were pretty reasonable even before the Horus Heresy books. Uriel Ventris was a bro long before Loken was a thing.

Fucking Zso Sahaal in Lord of Night had a sensible personality in spite of being a Chaos Marine, and did in fact end the book with a female companion/waifu.

You forgot masochism, cross dressing, zoats and hive ship boarding parties throwing grenades in sphincters.
Its a neat read.

They say heroes of the battlefield are merely great warriors, perfect assassins in essence.

I disagree. Heroes are monsters, outliers, freaks of nature. But they are monsters for our sake, for our well being. They chose to be monsters so that we do not have to be. That is also what essentially makes the loyalist Astartes noble.

They fight for the Emperor and for what the Emperor believes in; and so they fight for mankind, believing thusly and wholeheartedly:

>No man who has ever died in His service has died in vain. - Tarkus, Blood Ravens

Ragnar Blackmane had an entire novel where he was basically Hogun the Grim with Space Wolf versions of Volstagg and Fandral as they got into hijinks on Terra. Aside from being slightly autistic when it comes to HERESY and HONOR, they're otherwise just boisterous vikings.

I miss William King.

To be honest, it's a shame he didn't write more books.

I'm reading his Space Marine book right now and I love it. I hope not much Imperial Fist stuff got retconed. The whole Space Marine religiosity thing is really deftly handled too.

>41st Century

All manlets are monsters

How exactly did hairesy only become a meme with DoWII?

I mean look at this fucker.

>Zso Sahaal
Zso was transported through time, from the day of Konrad's assassination/suicide to the end of M41, so he more or less represents pre-2nd founding marines in demeanour.

it's clearly Gangrel right?