Claim your Veeky Forums waifu

Alright, time to claim your waifu that comes from something Veeky Forums related
I'll start
>dibs on Macha

terrible, take a lap

Everytime I claim my waifu someone else steals her, fuck these kinds of thereads.

Before someone else does.

Claiming the firecrotch Chandra

I'm also lurking /d/


Seoni best gril

40k threads are Veeky Forums related, right?

Waifu has to be a female mate. Is it trap or trans?


Adult Lofn.

RIP in peace


I claim saint Celestine's thighs

sorry citizen, those things are offical property of the Inquisition



Is Tzeentch trying to out Slaanesh the master?

Why not pick the assassin that can shapeshifting?
>I'm whatever you want me to be baby

My first waifu all those years ago. Fuck you Bargle for taking her from me.

claiming my disillusioned waifu

Obviously Pandora is best waifu. Tragic crazy lady with a box