Wait, so it's literally like Hit Points and SDC in Palladium's games...

Wait, so it's literally like Hit Points and SDC in Palladium's games? Is this what modern game design is supposed to look like?

>original game design
Choose one.

It's not even "not original", it's really old at that. I hope they have a mechanic for point-blank shots and the like to go straight to HPs (that's what we ended up introducing in Palladium) because otherwise it gets really unrealistic fast.

I was thinking the vitality/wounds setup that Spycraft and the D20 Star Wars games used. Still Paizo copying other, better designers though.

No, you're right, modern game design is supposed to be needlessly reinventing the wheel and making it an octagon because fuck it. Instead of separating health into two pools of non-lethal and lethal damage, one that converts to the other, they should deduct damage from some kind of meta-currency of bennies that you use to shape your collaborative storytelling experience. But only until the end of the scene, at which point it refreshes. Unless you don't feel as though it's appropriate your character gets damaged in the first place, then you can negate it by flashing your X Card!

Modern game design, man, I love that shit.

>implying this kind of system hasn't been around since forever

So... do they use Stamina and Reserve as resources for other things? Because I could see a very elegant system coming out of that.

I do not expect this though. I expect for hitpoints to be one closed-off unnecessary subsystem and then for everything else to get its own closed-off unnecessary subsystems, because last time I checked that was the direction that Paizo game design was going in.

I'm actually tempted to like the SP/HP/RP thing, I could see it playing well, but I have no trust.

You sound very bitter and lonely.

Not stamina, but Resolve is used to amp up some of your abilities/feats together with recharging Stamina, yes. It's also what keeps you alive and starts draining after you get knocked out, so you really want to avoid going down.

It's total bullshit that Resolve doesn't scale with Charisma instead of main attribute of the class, making Cha more useful, particularly with how in Starfinder having decent stats across the board is way easier.

>Instead of separating health into two pools of non-lethal and lethal damage, o
Those of us who have been playing Palladium since the 80s know exactly the pitfalls of that.

>they should deduct damage from some kind of meta-currency of bennies that you use to shape your collaborative storytelling experience
That is indeed the superior solution. For example, this way you only lose 1 bennie for the entire attack, aka it makes no difference whether someone shot you with a weapon that would have made 1d6 as opposed to a death ray pistol that would have made 12d6 if it had hit.

>Modern game design, man, I love that shit.
t. Not-A-Game-Designer

When has modern meant ANYTHING other than being reductive and streamlined?

Well, Palladium's system has been around since pretty much forever as well

So , in spite the bitter claims of starfinder has a bennie-like mechanic. It is still game design that hasn't spread for good reason.

Please don't add any more reasons to avoid Starfinder, that piece of garbage is already overloaded with reasons.


Now tell us why it's tumblr's fault that nobody comes back to your game for the second session.


Basically they've taken 4e mechanics and jammed them roughly into pathfinder (oh the irony) so basically think of RP as second winds, and SP as barbarian Rage except everyone has it now

My nigga! "Modern" game design is about as worthless as the whiny fucks who play them.

Uh, just cuz you made some Powered by the ACrapolypse knock off doesn't make you a game designer, desu

Eh, they lifted the stealth changes.

RP is literally just a massively inflated version of Second Winds from 4e but used in the fashion of fate points or willpower points from WarhammerRP/WoD.

Like, there's a reason you're not supposed to have that many of these things.

Paizo always suffers zimbabwe inflation the moment they implement any sort of mana points system.

>you die
>See page 250

rp is healing surges

For the rules that say that if you're reduced to 0 HP and were already at 0 RP, you can still be saved if someone heals or stabilizes you before your next turn.

Virt pls go.

You can't stabilize someone who is dead.

You gotta roll for mega death.

people aren't dead when they die.

But people die when they are killed

Even if you killed me, I wouldn't die.

I'll murder you to death until you die!

... What?
Stamina is just extra health.

Stamina is extra resistance and