Let's make a Mythos, Veeky Forums. I'm the proud new owner of a copy of Silent Legions...

Let's make a Mythos, Veeky Forums. I'm the proud new owner of a copy of Silent Legions, and I figured what better place to break in the charts than here.

Somebody give me a d4 to see how many outer gods there are/how many pantheons they're divided into

Rolled 4 (1d4)

Cool. That means that we have 2d6+2, with half in a pantheon and the other half just doing their own thing.

Someone roll that for me, and another d4 to see how many traits our pantheon has

Rolled 6, 3 + 2 = 11 (2d6 + 2)

Number of gods.

Rolled 3 (1d4)

Lets make it fun thread.

We've got quite a few cosmic horrors running about, then. Since it's not even should the extra go to the pantheon or the unaffiliated guys?

Speaking of which, let's get 3d20 to find out what the traits of our pantheon are. This is the fun part, where our gods really start to take shape

Rolled 2, 12, 18 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 12, 19, 19 = 50 (3d20)

A pantheon of 5 with 6 extras sounds good to me. Gotta have those odd numbers when dealing with old gods.

So do we prefer

>The Gods are dead, but may yet be revived. Death has not stopped their influence. There is a clear hierarchy to their kind, a certain structure of superior and lesser, and a number of ascended worshipers are counted among them


>The Gods are ancient, ancient beyond reckoning, hailing from countless iterations of the universe prior to ours, from one incomprehensible and primordial. They too have a structure to their kind.

Either way, now things get complicated. Lets make the chief of our pantheon.

I need 2d4, 6d10, 2d100 and 1d8 so we can see what he's in charge of and what his most prominent title is.

Rolled 3, 1 + 6 = 10 (2d4 + 6)

I like the former. A pantheon of gods who are rebuilding themselves with their ascended cultists sounds neat.

Have dice.

Rolled 3, 8, 6, 9, 8, 5 = 39 (6d10)

Well, that didn't work.

Rolled 12, 72 = 84 (2d100)

What this thread needed was more dicerollan'.

Rolled 4 (1d8)

and one more.

Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d4)

Both. 5 main gods are extreme old things, 6 lesser ones were born in this universe, but get destroyed. Main gods are much more powerfull but not 100% compatible with this universe and their domains of power is some unimaginable concepts regular mortals cannot grasp. So they powers are limited.

Rolled 10, 19 = 29 (2d20)

Okay, so they are the Mother of Scarlet Dance and Sagacious King of Opalecent Sorcery. Certainly an interesting title
Their true name is...


Who's next in the hierarchy? Let's find out
Give me 1d100, a d4, a d10, and an arbitrary number of d20s

Rolled 13, 8, 15, 14, 5, 15, 16 = 86 (7d20)

I'll start with the d20s, and other user can roll the rest.

Rolled 100 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 4 (1d4)

Hothul Vhoyrgur'Ogh
Oracle of ... Words

Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d10)

whoop. Meant to roll dice.

Oracle of Purple Words!
Getting a colour theme here

Anyways, lets roll for the next one
1d100, a d4, a d10, and an arbitrary number of d20s

Also, feel free to start fluffing them out or devising connections to them. Or to the alien races once we get to them.

Rolled 4, 13, 7, 12, 2, 18, 11, 9, 11, 10, 6, 14, 11 = 128 (13d20)

Again, I'll go with the d20s.

So, I'm guessing they know all the pantheon's occult secrets, and are probably the one who showed their acolytes how to ascend. Neat choice for a primary deity.

So their name is

Gulhoth J'Mugind Boloth Ur-Huibo
Quite a mouthful.

Rolled 1 (1d4)

I kinda lost here and have 0 clues and hooks how to write a fluff about this numbers we rolling

Obviously a hermaphroditic diety

Rolled 76 (1d100)

I hope their domain is something really specific, just to make things annoying.

>Oh yeah, it's the only deity with four names
>so it's the most important one?
>no, it's actually a god of blue circular things, we're not really sure why they have such a long name

>the barrier between our finite reality and the great Outer acts like a prism, scattering some of the energy that bleeds through
>in the case of the great One, that means the incredible power and will it emanates is fragmented in our reality into a spectrum of seemingly separate entities, aspects all of the great One's power.

Rolled 86 (1d100)

It's still coming together at this point. We have an androgynous/hermaphroditic dancing (maybe fighting?) sorceror lord as the head of the pantheon, an oracle of secrets and lore for the second in command, and good old Gulhoth, who is the god of...a specific animal. Fantastic. That animal is...

>purple words
>indigo is actually a non visible part of the spectrum
>can't see words


Spider. Suitably eldritch, I suppose. It's the something of spiders. Still waiting on the d10s.

Rolled 9 (1d10)

Here ya go.

Rolled 1 (1d4)

Oracul that gives unreadable prophecies.

Maybe not hermaphroditic, as after all these are entities far beyond the scope of normal biology. Perhaps depending on what aspect of its powers it's using or its mood or whatever, the way it's perceived by our limited senses changes.

'Scarlet Dance' sounds an awful lot like a euphemism for war/battle.

A deity with the duality of martial combat and sorcery as well as male and female. Kind of interesting.

>Womb of Spiders
Lovely. We should be fine so long as we don't roll up any drow.

Anyways, on to the next one!
1d100, a d4, 2d10, and an arbitrary number of d20s

Also, do we want to move on to the outsider gods after we finish the pantheon, or skip over and do some aliens/cults/dimensions?

Rolled 5, 10, 16, 1, 8 = 40 (5d20)

Let's do some cults, since they seem pretty important to the pantheon.

Short name for this one.

>Hail inscrutable Gulhoth, the Womb of Spiders. From her come the weavers of creation, upon who's starry silk Ur-Sog paints the Scarlet Dance, and on whose strings Hothul Vhoyrgur'Ogh sings the violet tones of his vision. May we forever walk safe and unhindered in the winding roads of her children's creation.

Yeah. It honestly seems a lot more fantasy than lovecraft IMHO, but that works. Conan and weird fantasy are a thing

If not hermaphroditic, maybe a god with two aspects, or at least two aspects that its worshipers have categorized as Male and Female? Based on the name, I'm thinking maybe a goddess in war and a sage in peace, with both sides focused on the idea of beauty and opulent splendor?

I'm at work so can't really stay long, but I'll contribute some elder god-ish art I've made, maybe u guys can find use for it

also are you guys generating those names or something? how?

aaand I'm back. Sorry for the delay. Router crapped out on me

The fourth of the pantheon is called...
Oxyho T'Kaath!

Silent Legions has a lovecraftian name generator that I've been eyeballing

Those're pretty good.

Rolled 2 (1d4)

It was a d4 next right?

Also, should we pronounce the X in Oxyho T'Kaath using the english "ks" sound, or the aztec "sh" sound?

Yeah. Still need a d100 and 2d10 to round out
Oxyho. I'll leave the pronunciation to consensus, but I've been mentally saying it something along the lines of Ock-Shyo

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Huh, interesting. I like the sound of it.
Here's that d100.

Rolled 6, 10, 4 = 20 (3d10)

It's domain is water, and it's title/role is...

Oracle of Fuligin Memory. Interesting.

One last member of our pantheon to go, then we'll be jumping to their servants.

So far we have
>Grand UR-SOG, Mother of the Scarlet Dance, King of Opalescent Sorcery, and Chiefest among the Gods

> Shrouded Hothul Vhoyrgur'Ogh, Oracle of the Indigo Words, Keeper of Secrets and Tutelary to the Ascended

>Inscrtable Gulhoth J'Mugind Boloth Ur-Huibo, The Womb of Spiders and Mother to the Weavers of Roads

>Gloaming Oxyho T'Kaath, the Oracle of Fuligin Memory, Augur of Deep Waters
As always, we need
1d100, a d4, 2d10, and an arbitrary number of d20s
for our final God

Woo, another color too! in this case, the hypothetical color darker than black, or ULTRABLACK.

I feel the memories that Oxyho presides over are strange and nightmarish ones indeed, deep and dark and imperishable as the ocean trenches.

Rolled 57 (1d100)

Gloaming is a title that I approve of.

Glad you like it. It's not a word I get to use often enough

Anyway, the final member of the pantheon has dominon over roads of some kind. What sort remains to be seen

Rolled 2 (1d4)

At least so far our pantheon actually has less to do with colors and more to do with light now that I look at it. We have Infrared, Ultraviolet, and a theoretical lack of light with Fuligin.

Rolled 4, 9 = 13 (2d10)

Hope we get something cool.

Rolled 6, 15, 17 = 38 (3d20)

3 seems like a fine arbitrary number of 20s. Here's to hoping.

Eater of Dawn's Roads. Certainly a menacing title.

Now all that remains is a name.

Whoop. Ninja'd.
Hadenshu, Eater of Dawn's Road. Definitely cool sounding in my opinion

Alright, with the addition of Hadenshu, the Pantheon is complete.

Now to roll a cult to serve them.

Need a d4 for age, a d10 for founder, a d20 for most important past event, a d6 for their greatest enemy, a d8 for who they recruited from, and finally 2d12 for the cult's original motive for founding, and how they concealed themselves.
All together that will give us the history of the cult

YES, IT'S LIGHT BASED. Save for Gulhoth J'Mugind Boloth Ur-Huibo, upon who's web spans the universe, all of our gods are somehow connected to light! We have Light and Dark, as well as Infrared and Ultraviolet.

Perhaps the webs of Gulhoth's brood are prisms, crystalline skeins from which all of reality reflects into being, and which from UR-SOG devised the art of Opalescent Sorcery, the secret art of using all of the colors of the cosmos, and took its position at the head of the pantheon.

Rolled 1 (1d4)

Where are you getting these charts by the way? These are fantastic!

Not him, but they're from Silent Legions, an OSR game by Kevin Crawford. It's really solid, simple, and really good for this kind of thing. All of the Sine Nomine books have amazing system-agnostic generators and systems for things like this. I love 'em.

Rolled 1 (1d6)

I'll roll Greatest Enemy.


I'll roll for founder

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Here's a roll for the past event.

>The cult was founded in time immemorial, it's roots intertwined with those of earliest human civilization. It's practice stretches from the half-mythical dawn of man to the modern age.

>The Clergy have been the Cult's greatest foes and fiercest persecutors. Countless faithful have fueled the flame of the churches witch-pyres, and countless servants of the True Gods have been slain as demons and monsters

>Some time in it's storied past, the Cult made war with a rival faith and came away victorious. Wealth, resources, and precious occult lore were valiantly seized from ignorant, ignoble pagan hands and used to fill the Cult's coffers and libraries.

Rolled 1 (1d8)

Have a roll for the recruiting type?

Spiders aren't really eldritch at all, they're nice critters with simple and straightforward lives. They only get weird sometimes if you know how to read what they write in their webs.

>The Cult's earliest members were drawn from the dregs of society, the desperate and wretched outcasts with no other place to turn found comfort in the wisdom and teachings of the Founder, and what they lacked in worldly splendors they gained in Supernal knowledge

whoop. Didn't mean to namefag

They're about as eldritch as squids, and those are like the go to eldtritch animals. Hell, maybe even more so. Have you ever read about how jumping spiders see? Weird shit

Squid are way more eldritch. Behaviorally, they act the way people who don't know about animals think an animal would act. Completely monstrous.

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolling for founder

>The Cult's founder was an academic, a scholar who became too aware of the universe's hidden masters, who began to see the truth behind the lie. A less fortunate man may have met with doom spreading starry wisdom to the unenlightened, but the Founder discovered eager minds and open hearts among the gutter-dwellers and uncultured hordes.


Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d12)

Alright, I think lastly we need this 2d12.

bumping for interest

>The Cult promised miraculous, magical ability to those willing to devote themselves to it's cause and with the will to plumb the deeper mysteries

>Those of privilege and noble blood gave shelter to the cult in it's early years, wealth and power hiding it's shrines and masses from the prying eyes of the doubtful

That covers the cults history. Now we get to their MO.

A d4 for how crazed they are, a d10 for meeting place, 2d20 for special traits and quirks, a d6 for how it controls it's members, a d8 for how it's governed, and 2d12 for what it craves and what is it's strongest tool

Rolled 2 (1d4)

Let's hope for some high-quality crazy cultists.

Not so much, apparently
>The Cult's members are, by and large, rational and reasonable people. While still driven by the esoteric tenants of their faith, all but the most devoted could quite easily blend in to the world at large.

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Well, hopefully we get something interesting on top of it.

Rolled 14, 2 = 16 (2d20)

Might as well roll the rest now.

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 7 (1d8)

Rolled 12, 11 = 23 (2d12)

And one more that's actually two more.

>The Cult meets in a house of worship long abandoned or subverted into their favor. They may hide their blasphemous ritual, or perhaps pass themselves off as a sect of a more legitimate faith. Are...are they just becoming a regular religion at this point?

>The Cult faithful all share a certain marking or brand, ritualistically applied as part of their initiation. Though few would likely recognize it for what it is, most do their best to try to keep the symbol of their faith hidden from unworthy eyes

>Those who have truly joined the faith radiate a sense of nameless unease to outsiders, a feeling of general wrongness and dismay that they will never be able to quite articulate

>The Cult, like so many others of a more mundane variety, corrals it's members with an overbearing sort of love and familial bonding. Their branding marks them as one of the fold, seperate from the unfaithful, and the dread aura they produce only serves to isolate them further. and drive them into the loving arms of the Cult

> The Cult is governed by a circle of sages and high priests, who pass down wisdom to the congregation. While united on the surface, in truth they constantly jockey for occult power and the favor of their otherworldly patrons

>The cult seeks nothing less than the destruction of the world as we know it. Perhaps to drown it in madness and unholy fire, or perhaps to reshape it into the unrecognizable image of some higher realm. Either way, the Gods have spoken, and the world must be reborn.

>The Cult's greatest asset is a simple one: It no longer needs to hide. Whether through good PR or a facade organization, the world believes the Cult to be a legitimate faith or organization, harmless if not benevolent. This has allowed it to prosper in the light while other, lesser faiths hide in the shadows.
Very interesting results.
Now give me 5d12 for the name,and that more or less finishes it. Or at least it's base.

Rolled 12, 11, 2, 10, 6 = 41 (5d12)

This basically sounds like a slightly-modified Evangelical Christianity.

>The Illuminated Society of the Diamond Masters
Jeez. These guys are probably the least eldritch eldritch cult ever.

Anyway, what would we like to do next? An artifact, an alien race, an unearthly dimension, or finish out the Gods?

>Mother of Scarlet Dance
Love the dancing thing. Moving. rhytmically never being able to stop, having to increase the speed as the music progress.

I imagine her as something tall and thing.with a grotesque parody of a flamenco red dress.

Yeah. Or like mormonism/Witnesses/Scientology. Just a regular weird religion that makes people find you a little unpleasant but is otherwise probably harmless

>Inscrtable Gulhoth J'Mugind Boloth Ur-Huibo, The Womb of Spiders and Mother to the Weavers of Roads
can she be the most benevolent one? For aproves of inventors and people forming connections in general? Roads=commerce?

I picture her zombies being people with their brain, nerves and blood vessels replaced with webs. Maybe inhabited by a colony of spiders that live in their. Very creepy when you bash their heads in.

Picrelated is something you already know but it is good to remember.

“Fuligin,” I told him. “The color that is darker than black.”
Is that a word invented by mythos authors? I'm pretty sure no natural language would have it.

I picture her as a kind of moderately unhelpful muse. She genuinely wants to help, but doesn't actually understand what is helpful to her mortal supplicants, what sort of connections are actually useful or logical on our level of existence. Patron of inventors and socialites and obsessives and conspiracy theorists and anyone else who lives on connections.

Nah. Coined by Gene Wolf I believe. I suppose the more contemporary equivalent would be vantablack

>Silent Legions
share it. Does it have example races?

It's in the OSR trove, under SIne Nomine.

So they are public, full of rational people and desire to end the world.

If we can explain it they can be AMAZING:

>alien race
I want an alien race.

Alright then.

Need a d4 for how long they've been on Earth, a d10 for why people don't know about them, a d20 for their greatest remaining work, a d6 for where they came from, a d8 for what they think of humans, and 2d12 for what they've influenced and why their influence ended