What game is best suited to being played on this map?

What game is best suited to being played on this map?

dropzone commander

Epic 40k

Space hulk

World of Darkness. Having a map ready of all the city's locations clearly spelled out would be so handy.

call of cthulhu


Hot Wheels.

The fucking parking spots on this are driving me nuts.

>you will never experience driving hotwheels around a rug like this ever again

Why am I even still alive? What purpose does life have now?

>The only reason why men want children is so they can justify playing with their hot wheels again

Small town JoJo setting, pick whatever

Fairly certain I still have that exact one or something very similar in a box somewhere from my childhood. Every time friends or family have little kids round I always break out that, the Hot Wheels, the Thunderbirds inc. Tracy Island and the Bionicles and usually wind up refusing to share the toys after ten minutes.
I suspect I was That Guy in my youth, or at least the guy who was always second to declare "force field" or "lightsaber".

4e, refluffed as an Earthbound setting, with "squares" replaced with "Inches"

This is true and its amazing, just sub legos for hot wheels.

It's the only logical choice.

Gangs of Commoragh.

That map is where my uncle and I played Tickle Monster.

I have this thing. It is a good toy.

Post best hotwheels.

laugh about if you want, but the truth is that your parents played with your toys too

Yes, please. I always wanted actual Hot Wheels-type models for Car Wars. Treat them like 40k minis, with weapons and turrets to be affixed.

Had the silver version w/red bolts. Thanks for that.


Big Motherfucking Crab Truckers

Hot Wheels tabletop when?

This desu.

>You will never again drive your bulldozer with rear plow attached on the underside making markings and digging up the under foam, realize this is a horrible idea and live in fear for a year hoping your parents never find out.



Some kind of lovecraft game. Everything looks and wants to be normal but underneath is a sea of degeneracy, niggers and eldritch horror.
Bot mostly niggers.

Own those, but I haven't seen my pocket sized in ages. Man, had waaaaay too much fun playing this.

>What game is best suited to being played on this map?
This map is begging for Surrealist Horror

>call of cthulhu
>lovecraft game
This works.
But I was thinking Silent Hill.

My parents didn't grow up playing with toys, though. They grew up with alcohol, heroin, and domestic abuse.

I think this was one of the first rpgs I ever played... along with d&d and gangbusters. Also top secret... top secret > 007


Maids rp

Replace Gangbusters with Traveller, Star Frontiers, and Gamma World, and that would be my list. Didn't play the SI version of Top Secret, never really heard what the changes were between the two versions.

who won?



>Didn't play the SI version of Top Secret, never really heard what the changes were between the two versions.
SI made it more of a commando-focused game, Navy Seals stuff as opposed to James Bond

Why do you think they wanted to play with your toys so badly?
The state prosecutor.

I could see players liking that more. My buddies wouldn't even finish a mission, not enough shooting. And well done on the shoop.
