Shit like pic related is why the tabletop hobby is going to shit...

Shit like pic related is why the tabletop hobby is going to shit. Tumblr and Facebook have gotten whole of some old Veeky Forums greentexts and now they think that every D&D game is some kind of natural 20 fuckfest. They spread their shit jokes around and now thousands of normalfucks and roasties are flooding into the hobby expecting epic natural 20 memes. They have no concept of fantasy beyond watching one of the hobbit movies, they have no creativity or patience for role-playing, no patience to building an in-depth campaign, no ability to participate in any of the aspects of role-playing that make the hobby so rewarding and fulfilling. All they want is cheap, stupid entertainment. They are like monkeys, autistic retarded cackling obnoxious twats who shove their phone in your face to show you "this is totally my characters face right now," are on their smartphones half the session, take selfies of themselves being "OmG such a nurrd" and post them on Instagram, have ADHD so they cant even pay attention to the session. Hell, most of these tickets have gone straight up to 90hd, fuck 80hd. Fucking retard faggots. I fucking hate them all. They are flooding adventurers league too so I can't even play in that.

And If you think "lol who cares I just won't invite them to my game" you are a fuckig idiot because the new products being made are pandering to them. D&D is adding more pro- fag pro- tranny content to pander to the Tumblr audience. They are also dumbing down the rules to pander to the inferior intellects of the chads and roasties joining games on a daily basis.

Our hobby is under assault. It's time to rise up and fight back.

go back there

It's impolite to go around without your trip on.

God damn it you fucking schlub. Why did you reply to this faggot's bait thread. Why didn't you let it die a quiet ignominious death

good thread

Is anything that I said incorrect?

I'm bored.

Everyone already knows skyrim is the call of duty of rpg's, aka shallow and built for casual gamers. If you want a legit rpg experience go play morrowind.

Dark souls is garbage, but it was never meant to be a deep, immersive fantasy experience. It does not even have a legit story line. It's an arcade combat game that's draw is being difficult in an era of casual gamer driven titles.

Have not played dogma.

You can't compare video games to TTrpg anyways. Video games are gameplay driven (unless the devs are stupid) and the story is a secondary concern by default. You can have games like pacman or tetris with zero story and it is okay. TTrpgs are supposed to be story driven primarily, relying heavily on roleplaying. A TTrpg that is modeled after a video game would be a series of back to back fights with nothing in between except buying/selling from the items list.

> example of a bad dm not even playing the game correctly.
Why are you playing with bad people, op?

>tfw haven't moved on from 3.5 for D&D
>tfw Morrowind was the best Elder Scrolls

>Hell, most of these tickets have gone straight up to 90hd, fuck 80hd.
Forgive me my brain problems, but what does this sentence even mean in this context?

God damnit, user, I shouldn't have to spell this one out for you.

OP doesn't play.

maybe he meant faggots instead of tickets or maybe tickets is an insult in some foreign land where people make long-winded posts about things that never happened

I figured that part out a little after commenting. I think it's the "tickets" part that threw me off and which I still don't understand, though my assumption would be it's a typo.

Dogma is as described, but the camera will be shaking everywhere, and you'll hear the same damn voicelines fifty fucking million times in a single battle.
Love it to death though.

Dragon's Dogma really is what fantasy tabletop games should aspire to be more like. Large enemies feel genuinely threatening, every member of the team has their own role to play in fights, and none of those roles overshadow the others to the point of losing all agency.

The biggest two flaws of the game was not allowing multiplayer via "possessing" a pawn, and relying on a system of inclination development that invariably resulted in most pawns being kleptomaniacs who loot everything that's not nailed down, even in the middle of combat.

The MMO lets you fight alongside other players, but has shit balance and is a massive cash grab though, which is very disappointing.

>Veeky Forums constantly complains about magical realms
>the entire community complains about magical realms
>literally thousands upon thousands, as in millions, of first hand accounts of all forms of sexual deviancy and general degeneracy
>perpetuated by social outsiders sporting all forms of developmental, neurological, psychological, and mental disorders ranging from bare-bones stupidity and bad hygiene to full-blown BPD combined with actual, diagnosed autism
>OP complains that the "normies" are ruining the hobby

Sure man, this community was absolutely fucking stellar until all these goddamned hyper liberals showed up. It's not like it wasn't already comprised of social deviants and other-thans to begin with, nope. Nothing but totally well-adjusted, intellectually sound individuals playing table top games.

Chill dude. Do you really think after they play for a bit they will stick around?
IF they really like it they will and they will be regular gamers
IF not then they will move on to the next thing
Look at marvel, thats died down now as people care less about it.
>D&D changing context

well theres the Not playing D&D meme to start with.
D&D has to be the most inclusive because thats what people think RPG is. Shoot I dont play D&D and still use its name to explain what I do.
But really, people are still playing AD&D so do new products really matter? Im playing TSR and WEST END games. One of my most long running games was a MERP game. The book the gm uses is older then I am

I think your angry over really nothing. Take some time away from the internet dude. Roll some dice and slay some monsters.

I'm with you there.
I would rather play with a group of Games of Thrones and Big Bang Theory watching normies than have to deal with even one more screeching autist having a grumpy dumpy that we're not playing the game the right way.

It's going to go the same way as marvel, They're gonna go hypertumblr for like, 3 years, and then hasbro is gonna tell them to knock it off cause they are making zero money now

Anyone who plays any version of DND other than a DND second edition is a faggot.

Who cares

You looking foward to the big bang & the guild cross over movie

I personally disagree.
I've found that players who are in their magical realm at least pay attention to the fucking game and care about the outcome.
I would literally rather deal with Captain Magical Realm than "Lmao I seduce the orc and roll a natural 20" or "lmao I wasn't paying attention and surfing imgur/reddit/Veeky Forums/tumblr what's going on again?"

I played with normies.
They tend not to be so rude to play on there phone while people are talking to them. See they do this away from the table. Get together and hang out.

>invariably resulted in most pawns being kleptomaniacs
Bitch, train your pawn and use good ones.

My brother of melanin heavy skin.

No I dont play. I run games. Probably the best GM in a 35 mile radius of where I live. And now I have to deal with these normie cucks applying to get into my games.

>train your pawn
I did, albeit using the inclination potions from the RC guy because on my first playthrough I didn't realize that spamming "help me" causes the pawn to develop lots of bad habits. It doesn't change the fact that most pawns will initially develop Acquisitor as their primary due to how frequently the player picks up things on the first couple playthroughs.

>and use good ones
I try, but it doesn't help when I pick a sorcerer pawn who in theory has Challenger as the primary, but then they start climbing on the enemy because Scather is hidden as their secondary inclination, and is almost as strong as Challenger.

At least the fat ass grogs are passionate about the hobby. These normie fucks couldn't care less, put nothing in and expect everything out. They are consumers. Fucking parasites. They are good for watching nothing but Netflix which comprises 90% of their fucking worthless interests. Honestly if all the normoniggers who play d&d and share d&d memes from I funny and 9fag were gassed to death the world would be a better place. These faggots don't even wan to actually play, they just want epik nird cred. Fuck that shit. The women are the worst. They can't even figure out which die is which and get defensive as hell when you try to correct them. They skip sessions at random having no respect for continuity, and use the table to acquire beta orbiters (most ttrpg players are white knight cucks).

>Tumblr and Facebook have gotten whole of some old Veeky Forums greentexts
Have they now?
This was the only slip of your idiocy that was even mildly amusing.

>Our hobby is under assault. It's time to rise up and fight back.
Go on then. Better get busy with it. Let us know how all that turns out. We'll be playing and discussing games.

Dark souls is pretty immersive as far as dark fantasy goes, at least from a gameplay perspective. Storywise it's so opaque only people who really like the game already will try to figure it out.

As far as the dragon slaying goes, the image is technically correct, though it makes it sound easier than it is. If anything I thought the souls series treats dragon fights as the great challenges you'd think would come from fighting a giant fire breathing lizard.


there was a time when Veeky Forums was a melting pot of creative interests that at least talked about creating OC. I wish we could go back to that instead of screeching at outsiders.

>It's time to rise up and fight back.

Nah, you don't actually give a shit about games, and I doubt you even play them all that often. You're just another discontented dork who wants to go on a crusade in the name of aesthetics, and really any supposedly "obscure" or "nerdy" pasttime would do, so you chose this one.

Take up boxing or something. It's much more effective at getting aggression out than yet another pointless internet thing.