What would a Mexican-inspired fantasy setting be like and involve other than weird Day of the Dead stuff?

What would a Mexican-inspired fantasy setting be like and involve other than weird Day of the Dead stuff?

Mayan and Aztecs

Patron saints
Family cook outs
Shoot outs
Priests that are former badasses.
Human sacrifice

My last setting had this. The whole thing was basically if a fantasy world reached the American Industrial Revolution, and the major country to the South were Sun-Goddess worshipers who acted Catholic as fuck and had a decent amount of maritime culture as well. They also had a kind of eternal struggle with an Aztec-ish society further South.

A lot more snakes with wings and a lot less armor

Don't forget the Macahuitl. Got to love a weapon meant to maim but not kill. (live sacrifices please the gods more.)
This would be a tricky weapon to properly represent in a lot of systems.
Captcha: Mexico Podiatry

Guitar duels.
Quirks of fate.(similar to greek tragedy e.i. Because of fuck up A, your fate is sealed to be B)
WW beetle.

Elena of avalor, but with death...

asides from the obvious MayAztec references: jaguar warriors, eagle archers, pyramids, blood sacrifice ( blood keeps the sun running or the moon and the stars kill us all!), a huge pantheon of gods, chaneques instead of Fae ( both take you to their realm forever, steal your soul, or eat your face), feathered serpents (kukulcan) in the coast control the weather and are related to the big one (Qetzalcoatl), instead of weres' you have nahuales of any creature the change is voluntary and they are not contagious as they are born that way, Dogs are the guardians of the underworld and souls (instead of cats in Egypt), hummingbirds are the spirits of warriors, if a dog has a hand in its tail its an ahuizotl and it wants to drown and eat you.

add weeping women ghosts and a chupacabra or two.

Soccer, futbol, footie. Everywhere. Aztecs and Mayans played a version before Euro trash ever landed and love for the game never abated.

I dunno a 1d6 bludgeoning weapon that could incapacitate if you wanted it to seems pretty easy


All of the above, plus: Heavy honor culture. Everything is a boast or an insult, everyone is prepared to yell and fight. Then there's the drug cartels as factions.

It was a slashing weapon, though. Te obsidian blades cut really well, but the cut would stop at the wood. It basically tore your outer 2-3 inches to ribbons without cutting deeply into organs.
It'd basically be nonlethal slashing damage.

All the locals are evil aligned or the system equivalent thereof due to the rampant human sacrifice. A good aligned party of generic white PCs will tear them up like a chainsaw through balsa wood while also being mistaken for long lost gods of the setting. An evil aligned party of generic white PCs could set themselves up as the god emperors of a world spanning empire.

Except it's not a bludgeoning weapon really. It's coated in razor-sharp blades of obsidian that literally do not dull, and larger variants have been recorded by both Aztecs and Spaniards as being capable of severing a horses head in a single chop on the battlefield.

Can't cut armor for shit, though, on account of the obsidian.

Paying for walls

Remember to include the cult of Ixtab, the goddess of hanging yourself.

>it's real

how do we revive this cult?

Buy full page ads of Donald Trump's smug face in Mexican newspapers.

I would bust a nut for a Catholic/Mesoamerican version of Dogs in the Vineyard.

>Implying every time "kys" or an ironic suicide meme is posted Ixtab doesn't regain a tiny portion of her power

Someone tell /pol/ about this. Ixtab is way cooler than Kek.

My last setting was pretty much this plus and north african oryx/goat people that are highly religious slavers

No joke, Mexico was pretty interesting up until just after WW1. I'd probably run a campaign based on the second Mexican empire and a benevolent outsider king that the people reluctantly killed to send a message for FREEDOM.

Nah. They decapitated horses with that shit. It was plenty lethal.
