Hey Veeky Forums, you're good at world building right?

Hey Veeky Forums, you're good at world building right?
What do think the world of My Hero Academia is like outside of Japan?

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Every country has legalized gay marriage.

A lot less formalized super heroing and super villaining and a lot more regular people using their powers in day to day life. Other governments lacked the influences of All for One manipulating the Hero system into an obviously biased power structure, so the rest of the world more resembles something like X-Men.

America would make their academia be more like Military Schools, with even Officer schools with their heroes. I think some of them might go to police work.

The only super hero universe I have liked enough to want to play in it is Worm.

i'd imagine more like DC rather than marvel.

the problem with HA's world is you pretty much see it from the heroes & villains perspectives with the inclination outside of the fact that heroes in japan are seen as rescue workers that operate like japan's idol industry.

I think the no1 American hero is a weeaboo like the no1 Japanese hero is a westaboo

We know for a fact that at least Belgium has a hero academy.

I don't care much for it.

Wut? Is that Tin Tin? Source for manga?

Boku no Hero Academia, bruh.
It's not Tintin, but the haircut and the weird eyes that don't fit in with the rest of the manga's eyestyle probably make it a Tintin homage. Maybe.

What if Western heroes operate like Hollywood Stars, Notable Internet Personalities and other people like that?

Though truthfully I mean West as in North America. I'm not really sure what would be happening in Africa or South America.

Speaking as a Bong our treatment of people with Mutant or Transformation Quirks would be all over the place because we go back and forth between political parties like a sodding metronome.

EU might be more stable, but Eastern Europe and Russia would probably be a complete mess (Quirks =/= Communism).

It'a very little like either.

Heroes are professionals, motivations are different, villains are differently organized, society itself works on a different basis and the powerless (quirkless) are shunned.

I imagine all of Africa (and parts of the Middle East) are run by quirk based warlords.

Tintin is one badass motherfucker.


Honestly I think anywhere with firearms available to the average person the impact of Heroes and Villains without quirks that negate or reduce the power of firearms would be significantly reduced. Sure, the ability of someone to mug or rape would be drastically reduced since you have no idea what that average person has up their sleeve, but even someone as powerful as Bakugo would get fucked by a guy with a pump action shotgun.

There have got to be Quirkless Vigilantes in other countries as well.

you dont want it to be like japan and i think this is why you're asking

>little control little central authority
>integrated with police force and military
>companies like japan that work with the government but...(something like instead of getting money for their assistance they get a flat sum of money)(or maybe someone has a monopoly on the professional hero business)

>Implying America wouldn't take the Professional Hero thing to an absolutely retarded extreme.
It'd be a mix of the NFL and every shitty reality TV series wrapped into one.

Nice. Do they have a junkie hero that has to drink strength potion made by a druid?

given how advanced their tech branch is i cannot believe that there isn't a batman or iron man

Apart from the one ruled by that Undead Wizard.

The fact that a 15 year old kid managed to win the first stage of the Sports Festival with no quirk and nothing but a little luck, a lot of intelligence and perseverance pretty much shows that it's not impossible.

No, but they had a booze villain who spreads his drunkeness to people nearby in the latest chapter.

Magi-Stalin isn't undead, he's just re-alive.

Too much of a combination of the stigma of being quirkless and that the quirkless are becoming a rare thing.

>Africa is in shambles ruled by potent warlords with powerful quirks.
>Around the world quirk marriges have become common expecualy for those rules by new allmighty kings and tyrents.
>Quality of life is vastly different depending where you live, some post apocalyptic wastes some like new japan.
>Religion is in a period of chrises and upheaval globally as most major religions whoud have shuned quirks when they first developed as the devils work. Those that remain will have found some compromise, or changes so dramatically they become barely recognizable.
At least that's my take on it


America is literally brain damaged

Read the Vigilante spin off.

Case in point.


>tfw trying to wrap my head around how they will use their powers in the spinoff

Not unlike the hero certification program in the books "super powereds"

I don't follow.

1 and 2nd Gen cause European Union collapse as Quirky individuals launch massive gang wars across borders. For few years quirkless live in almost feudal society ruled over by tyrannical "Fair Folk", "Frost Giants", "Trolls", and what have you.
3 generation follows with massive number of new Quirky individuals, outnumbering miniature dictatorships across the nations trying to re establish new Union.
Gen 4: Line between Hero and Villain is blurred. Most Quirky individuals are either freelance entrepreneurs or create small coalitions in search for profit and fame. The line between these trailblazing paragons and villains is whether or not they pay their taxes which are designed specifically to keep Quirky from squishing Quirkless. The "Heroes" of Europe are little bit more than glorified tax collectors reminding less of characters of comic books and more champions of ancient Myths.

American hero schools are like military acadamys and highschool football teams stitiched togetbeuru
heroes are direct government agents even having their own beru
Heroes are treated like hollywood stars and sports players

dude, are you having a stroke or something?

Worse. He's a phoneposter.

>Their own beru
I'm losing harder than I should.

>heroes are direct government agents even having their own beru
aw yiss I love government beer