Previously: >>55162503

Previously: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Horrible place with primers, access at your own risk.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread question
What commander makes you groan when you see it? How do you deal with it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What commander makes you groan when you see it?
none, I enjoy playing against really tuned decks even if mine are not.
I regularly play against zergo mld, zur enchants and combo decks
i would prefer to play against johnny decks though

People who play something like Westvale Abbey when there's a Strip mine on the board and than tilt into another plane of existence when it gets destroyed by said Strip mine.

>Thread question
>What commander makes you groan when you see it? How do you deal with it?

Atraxa and pic related.

Meet my wife.
She's a bit controlling, and a bit of a biter and her dick's bigger than mine.
She get's really fat if no one does anything about it, too.

Prossh commander

anything i should add / remove / change ?

This is a reminder to all aspiring Gishark players.
Buy suspected dinosaurs now. It's better to waste $1 or $2 buying something that may not actually end up getting errata'd than to have to spend $10 once the "investors" get to it.

>What commander makes you groan when you see it? How do you deal with it?

Oloro, because Oloro decks love to grind the game to a halt to increase the value they gain off his FREE life.

Chaos/group hug. Because I sat down to play magic, not "whoever sits to the left of the group hug player wins" and I definitely didn't come to play a coinflip simulator.

>now, isn't that better? ;^)

>This will never be an official promo art

Why is it that Olivia always looks best outside her own cards?

Just ordered a deathmist raptor for 2€, this buyout craze is annoying.

How many tutors do you have to run before you can play coffers+urborg in a 3+ color deck?

>Thread question
Narset, I focus her. Teeg, I remove him. Brago, I don't let him attack. Karador, I don't spread my cards too wide so they are easier to pick up and clear my throat to REEE in reeeesponse to Saffi-Renegade Rallier infinite.


All of them, or at least have someone else at your table running Urborg, too.
I've run a lot of shitty lands but a dead Coffers is by far the most painful.

So what's the ultimate feminine benis Commander? Alesha or Olivia?

It's probably less than $10 right now to buy all the ones that could end up being a problem, so it'll probably be worth it in the long run to bite the bullet. Maybe Aetherwind Basker or Brooding Saurian don't end up being Dinosaurs and you wasted $1. Maybe they do and they're $15 each.

Can anyone give me defensive card recommendations for Locust God that AREN'T Silent Arbiter/Crawlspace?
Playtesting has shown that I need some defense for situations like shit draws or not getting mana rocks fast enough.

you need to cut the chaff and add ramp

Alesha can have Olivia inside her.

>deathmist raptor
for what purpose?

Demoralize them.


Olivia. Alesha isn't a feminine in the least. Alesha is man that wizards PR said is trans to get homos to buy cardboard. Alesha has no feminine traits in his personality or body, and since they never mention fucking, we can assume that he still fucks girls too.

Because it's practically guaranteed to be a Dinosaur once the Ixalan CR Update is put into effect. Gishark will get a bunch of people wanting to play Dinosaurs, so the price will naturally rise. With a little assistance, it could unnaturally rise a whole, whole lot more.

Ensnaring Bridge, you only want to attack with 1/1s and you will draw a bunch before attacking so it has no effect on you.

Why 33 lands?

Deathmist Raptor is too new to really go high but I bet Brooding Saurian becomes at least 5$ and maybe 10$. Coldsnap is not a very common set at all.

ill put a foil Razaketh, The Foulblooded on it remaining a lizard

>demoralize them

How do you do that in MTG?

whats wrong with having 33 lands?
thats extreamly common
if he bothered to include more than 2 ramp cards

Alright, I'll be waiting for it in the mail.

The joke is that Propaganda's flavor is demoralizing your opponent's creatures so they have to be motivated more to attack.

>All of them

user that isn't a number. Right now I have 5 tutors for it. (Vampiric, demonic, Sidisi, Diabolic intent, tolaria west) and over a dozen draw spells. I could add 3 more tutors for the land, but my list is really tight right now and I'm not sure how much I need it (especially because I'm not running any way to recur lands in grixis)

Can't go wrong with demonic tutor.

Scratch that, I can't read today.

Deathmist is a Mythic and it's around $2 right now. I could definitely see it getting upjumped to $5-$7. Another recent Mythic, Aetherwind Basker, is one that doesn't have the greatest chance of being errata'd but would be one of the better dinosaurs if it is.

They're both very cheap right now, I'd get them if you have any interest in Dinosaurs as a tribe just to be safe.

5 seems good. I have four tutor type cards in my deck and it does pretty good


>Aetherwind Basker
but thats actually just a lizard

How Swampy is your mana base right now? How badly would running one tapped land be?

If the risk factor for Coffers is negligible, or its ability to perform without Urborg is high enough, just don't even worry about having to search it up.

>if he bothered to include more than 2 ramp cards
There's arguably 10 - 13 ramp cards.

Hermit Druid
Sol Ring
Krosan Restorer
Treasonous Ogre
Nature’s Spiral
Treasured Find
From Beyond
Ashnod’s Altar
Grisly Salvage
Xenagos, the Reveler

>Buy suspected dinosaurs now

Who the fuck would even want to do a speculative buyout on suspected Dinosaurs? Previously unusable creatures getting some new tribal synergy is not going to make them a sought after item. For that to pay off, they'd have to not only errata the cards to be dinosaurs, but also to print some absolutely bonkers tribal support card for them that we haven't seen yet and which they're very unlikely to print because a card that's strong enough would break Standard.

I know, but the risk/reward factor here favors reward pretty highly. Sink $1 into buying an Aetherwind Basker and you haven't really lost anything. The risk that it doesn't get errata'd is very high, yes, but I wouldn't rule it out entirely. It's possible they'll favor anything that could "reasonably" pass as a dinosaur in order to flesh out the creature type a bit.

Neither of those cards are good, and it would be better to just run non-dinosaurs then to ever consider them.

And basker is from a standard legal set, its price really can't be manipulated for longer than a week. Price will crash hard and investors will lose money

If you're gonna run a meme like dinosaur EDH you won't have much choice anyways.

>nature's spiral
>hermit druid
>Treasured Find
>Grisly Salvage
>Ashnod’s Altar

Not many, I have a single swamp + fetches, shocks, and ABUR duals. I would be lucky to break even with it without urborg.

You can run gishark and have good non dinosaurs in the deck like birds of paradise or avenger of zendikar.

Don't be silly.

>Previously unusable creatures getting some new tribal synergy is not going to make them a sought after item.

You'd think that, but you saw some of the price spikes with Wizards, didn't you?

If I'm running Path of Ancestry should I run Man lands over Scry lands?


Depends on if man lands are part of your strategy. If you don't have any use for them, a free scry is naturally better.

I like it. It's a Planeswalker with a specific goal and theme that doesn't just outright win with its ult. I like that it's more than just "+? card advantage, -? kill something/protection, -? win the game".

Gishath's ability really wants you to be playing a high density of Dinosaurs. Side note: I hadn't realized we'd gotten its name wrong.

That doesn't look like the art from the spoiler sheet, and it's fairly week. I'm guessing this will be the Planeswalker pack version?

If I had to choose between one or the other, should I go with Mox Opal or Mana Crypt? Crypt is more expensive but it goes plus more on mana (and it has a lesser drawback), but Opal is also really useful for color fixing and isn't hard to turn on.

Yes. Planeswalker Pack Jace too, which officially puts him ahead of Nissa and Chandra as being the Planeswalker with the most versions printed.

fake and garbage, all at the same time

Not gatewatch planeswalker deck walkers! They listened.

It's a intro deck planeswalker, being overcosted jank is par the course.

These didn't need to be a thing.

staples for this man?

Wow. This is by far the worst walker I've ever seen. Even for a Planeswalker Deck walker.

Annoying shit like Null Rod and Rest In Peace? I mean, they'll hate you anyway, may as well make them hate you more.

He's not a build around me General. Just put in good stuff. You don't need spice.

Tibalt exists.

Not a buyout, we're just talking about what to get for our on personal dino decks.

white sun's zen as the sole wincon

I wish we'd gotten a Vraska instead of Jace, even though she'd be garbage too.

>planeswalker decks

Yeah, almost certain to be the planeswalker deck version due to how weak it is.

Fractured Identity

I'm honestly not sure. You could at least run Tibby in a heavy Madness+Flashback setting and get a Sudden Impact off of him.

This, though. Man, 6 mana draw a card?

Yeah, that would've been cool. Probs next set.

Tibalt and the previous PW deck Lili are both shittier. Though not by much.

The thing that annoys me about PW deck walkers is that despite how weak they are, the fact that they're only found in PW decks and PW decks contain no relevant cards outside them means they never actually fall under the $5 range. So I can't out them in my $2 cube.

Come on Wizards, you should know by now to cater to me specifically. Me, your only customer.

It is definitely the precon deck. You can tell by the number 285/279.

Planeswalker deck cards always have numbers above the total number.

Pillowfort with rest in peace + helm of obedience win con.

Well, the buyout concerns were really more about much older cards with limited or single printings. Brooding Saurian or Magmasaur, for instance.

Tibbles costs 2, not 6, and while his CA/filtering is super dubious it's also in red which scrounges for every scrap it can get. His ult is also (slightly) more game-ending. He's bad, but he's not "This Jace" bad.

No, 6 mana all your creatures have vigilance.

>twiddles as a plus
Jeskai ascenancy time?


Yeah. I guess.

You get packs. I get what you mean though. Cube sounds fun. Honestly, I do like the idea of planeswalker decks because I'm tired of going through all the card types to someone new to the game and literally not having an example of one of them on hand.

There's probably a universe that got a Tibalt with "+1: Discard a card. If you do, draw a card" and he's seen as the hero mono-red deserves.

Sphere of Resistance
Tangle Wire
Frozen Aether/Kismet
All the good mana rocks
Static Orb
Winter Orb
Propaganda/Ghostly Prison & Related Effects
Cheap, tax-based counterspells (Overrule is OK, Mana Leak, etc.)
Hard Counters.
Arcane Lab
Armageddon, Catastrophe, and other MLD

still can't be used as a commander

good job wizards

>People are adding this to Marath decks

For what purpose? The new axe is more Marath than this is.

With two new sets of tribal-matters cards and C17, will we see a merfolk buy out too?

Just use intruder alarm

I like the idea that he's gambling. I wish Wizards had gone crazy with him. +1: Discard a card at random. Draw cards equal to that card's converted mana cost.

Not as much, because the good Merfolk are already expensive thanks to Modern/Legacy. What's likely is that there will be a Collected Company build of Merfolk using some of the new Green and/or U/G Merfolk.

i cannot fucking wait to put together a new merfolk deck

Marath is the most sensible commander for Beast Tribal.

>coco merfolk

holy fuck kill me now

its funny because merfolk are not even good in modern or legacy and still wont be with these new additions, elves are objectively better in like every way

Almost time to sell my playset of CoCo I've been holding onto I guess. I'm going to finally get that Mana Crypt or Mox Opal I guess.

I would also use Crop Rotation and that new sorcery, but if you're in Grixis, there's Gamble and some worse tutors. If you don't mind revealing the card, Beseech the Queen is somewhat playable or if you have money, there's always Imperial Seal and Grim Tutor

So, im a newish player i dont really know what cards to cut in my arcane wizardry deck, i cut a few already that i thought didn't fit my theme that well and put in some things.
Any recommendations or should i put what i've got on tappedout and what i kind of want to put it so you could help me?

Just run expidition map. Easy enough to recurr

>Not Gahiji

Maybe in Tiny Wieners Marath is Best Beast, but not so much in big boy EDH.

Merfolk has been a competitive to semi-fringe Legacy deck for a long time so I don't predict a big difference. And I can't think of any significant reserved list merfolk. Empress Galina is a merfolk too so maybe she spikes again even harder.

I love Gahiji and him being an overrun for a general is pretty sick, but Marath can be cast and used up for multiple Aether Charge triggers in a turn.