I don't understand the attitude that Pathfinder players have toward the game. Do they think it's a perfect...

I don't understand the attitude that Pathfinder players have toward the game. Do they think it's a perfect, unsullied gem? I would play the shit out of a revised, streamlined, slimmed-down Pathfinder 2.

Bear in mind that Pathfinder fans are, almost to the one, people who outright refused to move on from 3.5 to new games.
You expected a different reaction?

>I would play the shit out of a revised, streamlined, slimmed-down Pathfinder 2.

Boy do I have a treat for you.

You already posted this thread.

Pretty much, but this topic is prime bait so don't expect your correct answer to end the thread.

>advertizing garbage
But that must just be my irrational hatred, right faggot? KYS.

He asked for Pathfinder 2, what did you expect?

It's just not the same as Pathfinder. Plus, it's not exactly compatible with the wealth of material available in their adventure paths.

>Any other company announces a new edition of their game
>Playerbase is excited at best, cautiously optimistic at worst, barring a few outliers

>WotC or Paizo announce a new edition of their game
>Majority of audience throws a shitfit

Goddamn. Some days I wonder if the 3.PF causing brain damage meme is actually true.

Hey, everyone was hyped for 5e after the playtests and it totally lived up to it.

That's because in most game lines a new edition is highly compatible with the old stuff. You can use old army lists with the latest 40k rules. Editions of Vampire: the Masquerade weren't that far apart. Tunnels & Trolls remains the same game. Heck, even AD&D 1e and 2e are very similar. WotC doesn't work that way and so their fans have different reactions. (Including the part of their fanbase that migrated to Paizo.)

That's understandable, especially since the previous editions all run on different kinds of math, making converting monsters, classes, races, and the like a difficult process.

>it totally lived up to it.

Check list for pathfinder 2e
> reduced total number of skill similar to what was done in unchained
>However break up Perception into 2 skills at lest.
> rework the skill check DCs
>do SOMETHING with full attacks; my vote is to change them to being a just a -5 for all attacks after the first.
> rework the spell list, changing the spell levels or effects as needed.
> removing the following from the rules: When preparing spells for the day, a wizard can leave some of these spell slots open. Later during that day, he can repeat the preparation process as often as he likes, time and circumstances permitting. During these extra sessions of preparation, the wizard can fill these unused spell slots.
> the core class's would need small touch up's mostly but replace base Barbarian/monk/Rogue with unchained versions and do a total rework of druid.
>deflate the economy and rethink some of the pricing balances on magic items that they have as of right now.

Does that sound like a good start?

Eliminate multiple attacks in a round and we're talking. Or, I should say, eliminate rolling multiple attacks. You can make multiple attacks, but handle it with fewer dice rolls.

In addition, you need to cut all the bloat from classes. Nuke the little bitch bonuses. Nuke the rogue's eight billion talents. Nuke the 2 + Int skill points per level. Alter spells with durations of 1 round/level so they're not a PITA to track. Introduce something like the concentration mechanic in 5e where you get to have one spell up at a time and that's it.

>Pathfinder's problems are at the low level not the high level

Witness the most retarded, backwards statement ever made. There is a reason epic-6 exists and that's because literally everything past 6'th level breaks the pathfinder concept.

This bitch needs to take her fatass back to her trailerpark and keep that mouth occupied with her brother's dick. REEEEEEEEE

Or,or just maybe...

New editions from both of those companies have been let downs

>3.0 was shit and broke with old D&D
> 3.5 fixed a lot but still has a lot of issues
> the first pathfinder was 3rd party supplement not a new OGL system
> it was far better then most of those with only warlords of the accordlands and the WoW books being on the same level.
> Paizo comes out with a full system
> fixes some shit but it still rather bad
> 4e D&D is a good system but the type of play of it is just different then what most peopled used the older versions of D&D for.
> 5e is a good system but for the type of play it does there is better versions of D&D like fantasy craft or castles and crusaders based on what way you want to run your games.

It it odd that I like multiple attacks in a round in a round?

I just roll all dice together, d20 and damage, with them color coded for which damage dice go to which d20. Call out the end hit number with damage if it did hit, re-rolling the d20s if I threaten a crit. Rolling a extra set of damage dice based on crit multiplier may be RAW but i just multiply the first set of damage dice.

It cuts out more time doing it that way then you may think it does.

Show me one game over a year old where all the fans thinkg it is perfect and flawless. I haven't seen that fandom yet.

I play Pathfinder because it has enough options to satisfy my cravings for normal or obscure options, because I know the rules, and because it is essentially playable enough that I can have fun doing what I want. Yeah, a few grognards are invested enough in it to not want a change. Others can't stand it. Surprised?

B/X fulfills this in a non-hyperbole way. All the fans think it's still very good thirty-six years after it came out.

Wasn't there an unchained rule like that? Have you been in a game where it was used? It sounded interesting.

>look OP pic
>"invalidate my shelf"
>sunk cost as we all already knew
They only hate 4e and 5e because it makes them aware of how much they spent on a shitty system. But it is Stockholm Syndrome, and they keep spending on PF because they already spent a lot.

>a new edition means the previous editions are dead, and your books automatically self-destruct so you can't ever play it again
Pathfinder fans, ladies and gents.