What kind of names do you give businesses in your setting?

What kind of names do you give businesses in your setting?

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Usually some kind of obscure pun relating to the current situation.

I like this

Is "in your setting" just the Veeky Forums equivalent of "what are some games" to post an off-topic image and farm (you)s?

Would be a lotta Headless Chicken inn's in my campaign, then.

I can't count the number of times I've named a location, "The Inn Between."

dumb sneedposter

OPs can't get (you) because they only get (OP)


The Aloha Snackbar

Sneedposters need to return to their containment board

I always try to go for dumb rhyming names because thinking of original names for every business in year long campaigns is fucking impossible after a point.

For instance, I used to have some witty name with a backstory that the PC's could ask about like The Wayward Stalker Bowyer. Now I just call it simple shit since the players never really bother to ask, like a magic trinket shop will be called Rauble's Baubles or the brothel will be called Chuck's Fuck and Suck

It's a popular name.

A chain store? Hrmmmm

I always have a tavern/mercantile store named Crazy Smitchy's. It was off the top of my head in a campaign I did years ago and now it has kind of stuck through multiple campaigns and genres

Crazy Hassan's used camel emporium.

That guy sold me a camel that he said was slightly retarded.

Thing was entirely retarded.

I think its a genuine question, though. Its not uncommon for GMs to fall into I think this can be a good thread. I'm hoping for some creative names for me to steal.

I like to have names like pic related.
It has made for some good times.

I always include Honest, Fair or Humble in the name

tiny little individually owned shops where the sign is just this unreadable barcode and the owner doesn't speak any english

>The Dolph Inn
Goddammit that joke wouldn't die.

I'm stealing this.

Is there a joke here I'm missing? Usually this kind of detail in Simpsons means there's a joke?


It's an expansion upon the lore that Sneed and Chuck have been warring over real estate across Springfield and there's subtle hints in the background letting keen viewers know who is getting the upper hand in this duel of the giants.

>Chuck's Fuck & Suck

I just got fucking back from /tv/

Cache Converters

Yes, but it also allows for people on Veeky Forums to jerk off to their own ideas so it's sort of a mutual benefit

Chuck's Fuck & Suck

How do you handle dragonlolis in your setting?
I wrote the words "in your setting" so it's a genuine question!


ravioli ravioli please let me fuck the dragon loli

Running a vampire campaign there's a large estate owned by a primogen with the last name white, so we call it the white house. Other than that groaner I have Wildthorn dance hall, Wavey's pool, The Lockkey pub(a gambling den), Eastmill construction. Most of the time the names are very generic unless I'm hinting at something. The generic names kind of work better for me. You can build a story around how it got that name after, which I find helps me in world building.

Dewey Cheatum & Howe is a classic. Eventually the puns get old though.

Sneed's Feed and Seed rhymes while Chuck's Feed and Seed doesn't.

The "You All Start in a" Tavern

Every decent sized city in my setting has a "Bloodbath and beyond" for all of your basicmetal crafting needs.

The mall commonly used in our shadowrun game.There's some gems in here.

Well that's got some whacky juxtaposition

>amy's baking company

Did name a pub in one of my games "the battered ass".
It took a while to regain control of the table.


>in your setting
It's a low-effort way to defend the OP from "depends on the setting" replies.



Goddammit, /tv/
