Is the decline in high fantasy linked with the decline of metal?

Is the decline in high fantasy linked with the decline of metal?

In the 70s and 80s there is a direct link between tabletop games and metal. Now that metal is completely outside of the mainstream music taste are we seeing it's influence on fantasy decline?

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I blame LoTR, Harry potter and game of thrones. non of them are very over the top spiky bits and murder, but are basically the biggest influences in fantasy in the last decade. before that you had stuff like doom and quake that were taking bits from fantasy ad dding it to shooters. then shooters moved away to realistic modern stuff, and the cross pollination of stuff like 40k ripping of doom slowed down.

add in colobine and the west memphise three getting heavy metal and peganisum a real bad rap, things kinda split hard. that one lady that replaced gygax really hated all of the pagan stuff. no way she was into heavy metal.

besides, when metal bands stopped putting dragons on the album cover, you knew that they were stopped getting influenced themselves by fantasy imagery.

99% of teens have moved to Crap, put this in ur sig if u remember METAL \m/

>decline of metal
I don't think you know anything. Metal is bigger and more successful than ever, and it's not polluted with normie scum, either,


>normies reeeeeeeeeeee
You need to be over 18 to post on Veeky Forums user

You're in a thread discussing how normies fucked up the hobby by being soulless pop music consumers retard.

>Blame LOTR
>Published before even Rock and Roll was a thing

>besides, when metal bands stopped putting dragons on the album cover, you knew that they were stopped getting influenced themselves by fantasy imagery.
Nigger, Power Metal never stopped putting dragons on their covers. In fact, this has only ever been a thing with Power Metal in the first place, outside of some mixed breed bands like a powertrash band using some kind of giant trash dragonmachine or something.

Anyway, Metal comes and goes. The dominance of Nu wasn't that long ago and Djent came pretty damn close to kicking off another wave. Thank god it didn't, though. Concerts filled with mainstream fucks are pure cancer

well hello there russian

Normally I don't nitpick over spelling but this is really impressive.

I don't know. I like high fantasy and utterly despise metal, I barely consider it music at all.

perhaps it's declined because it is losing lot of pleb fans like this guy If so all the better, for maybe there wil be less high fantasy but of better quality

>not polluted with normie scum
Metal may be big, but it's a corporate industry built on "I want to be different" normies

The proliferation of it in popular mainstream media then. Say what you want but LotR /did/ get a lot more mainstream attention in movie form than it did in book form, for better and worse.

What the hell is djent anyways? Also what have the trends in metal for the 2010s?


Jesus the fanbase is a BIG turn off.

Which makes the fanbase even more cancerous. Just because you have long hairs and a black shirt with a corpse printed on you aren't special. Especially when you act like a normie by thinking your subculture is THE ONLY TRUE ONE while Holding establishment views for every other non-music Topic.

Game of Thrones is high fantasy and it's the most popular show on television right now.

Hey you guys might appreciate this band.

GoT is also subversive, turning people's expectations for the genre upside down. It's what follows the early 2000s wave of high fantasy. Once the current wave of "deconstructings' fades away, the genre will fade back into obscurity and be considered passe by all but the most die-hard adherents

While I agree harry potter and game of thrones helped it change into something far from what it was originally, LOTR has done nothing but help. Hell didnt blind guardian make some songs based off it?

I think one thing that might not be helping all that much is all the splits in fantasy not so much genre way but I've read a good bit of modern fantasy that does
1.Magic user>everyone else (possibly influenced from things like harry potter where all the important characters had magic?)
2.Shitty and or wimpy main characters (again harry potter possibly?)
3.weird magic not necessarily bad but I remember one where it all had to do with the color spectrum and red was normal destruction, green was things like protective stuff, etc.

then again I may just be spilling my +3 spaghetti everywhere

I really want sword n' sorcery to come back.

we all do. I'm trying to find the perfect mix of sword and sorcery and high fantasy personally.

>Music in general has become sterile mass produced shit that normies gobble up
>High Fantasy in general has become sterile mass produced shit that normies gobble up

The theory checks out

Metalcore with extreme bass and alien/sumerian themes thrown in. Goes hard on the groove. Also, forgot how big Metalcore was for a while.

>Metal is bigger and more successful than ever
Are you in denial?

Really fires those neurons.

>add in colobine and the west memphise three getting heavy metal and peganisum a real bad rap, things kinda split hard. that one lady that replaced gygax really hated all of the pagan stuff. no way she was into heavy metal.

What did he mean by this?

>metal fans think they influenced anything to do with a genre that existed before it.
Literally the worst music fans on the planet. So pompous and deluded.

Not to mention all metal fans think that metal is the only -real- music and other horseshit.

Bunch of retards and asylum escapees. Honestly embarrassing. Almost as bad as Punk fans. Thank god that whole nonsense is dead as doornails.

Metal melted his brain.

>Not to mention all metal fans think that metal is the only -real- music and other horseshit.

I used to think that way until I got older, now I listen to all kinds of stuff good stuff in every genre. It's just kids being kids I guess, I dunno.

ASoIAF is not high fantasy. It's a fan man telling you what tunics he likes and what he wants to eat. The first 6 books feature nothing but the dragons and and a few zombies for high fantasy. And zombies are now so generic it's hard to call them high fantasy.

When Columbine happened any one who was remotely geeky was forced into state therapy and watched like a hawk incase another one went postal. All it did was isolate them further and make it more likely but normies had no idea how to response to columbine.

You should look up "Tales from the hellmouth" on Slashdot. It's geeks telling their stories of the era. Any one wearing a trench coat or being a bit autistic was forced to justify their existence.

You must be a kid with no knowledge of Veeky Forums shit before the mid 90s. id software were huge metal fans and defined PC gaming as we know it now. Games Workshop was launched by metal fans and it's the influence for most the early fluff.

>Is the decline in high fantasy linked with the decline of metal?

Seeing as how neither have declined, sure why not.

>PC gaming and games workshop is the be all end of of fantasy
It's cute that you try to accuse others of being kids when you're a retarded child.

D&D was exactly the same deal retard. The UK wouldn't have had D&D in the 70s and 80s if not for GW.

You don't know shit

>ASoIAF is not high fantasy
It takes place in a fictional world. It's high fantasy by the very definition of the term.

Also the very first thing that happens in the series is a bunch of rangers leaving their two hundred foot tall ice wall to get murdered by mystical elf necromancers with icicle swords so you're wrong even if you want to use the term incorrectly.

>any one who was remotely geeky was forced into state therapy and watched like a hawk incase another one went postal

Literally never happened. Are you retarded or trolling?

>High fantasy is big dogs and zombies

Sure thing scrub.

Maybe you should go read the massive thread on Slashdot I described.


Everything up to and including Triumph or Agony is my bread and butter.

Metal is big underground, user. Up in normieville shit's all...what, EDM? Rap? Haven't paid much attention in years, but I know it's not metal.

Metal is more about social commentary nowadays (and has been for some time).

Still, there are a lot of bands that keep singing about warriors, dragons and glory.

>Magic user>everyone else
that's just basic logic.
me with magic would be always better than me without magic.
So to make magic users worse than non-magic users you need to have them be pretty useless and generally terrible without magic. Which brings us to the problem of why magic is only used by the shitiest people in the setting?