Does your party have a name Veeky Forums?

does your party have a name Veeky Forums?

"Now announcing uh...Me and Them!"

Griffon's Wake.

The Travelers.
Except technically only two of the three are Travelers.

The Aristocrats.

Our DM has taken to calling us "The Lost"

The Black Hand.

Heroes of the Storm

no one remembers that at first it was a joke, now they just use it straight

Mocking Wind.

The Jagged Crowns.

Devil's Tongue.

The Scourge of God.

"The Bluebrands"

Shortstack Space EMT and her Miscellaneous Merry Morons, we're very Alliterative for Dark Heresy players.

If you asked the rogue it'd be "Why do we keep letting them live"

If you asked the cleric he'd say "Divine Punishment"

If you asked my mage she'd tell you "The Petite and Dangerous, Mysterious Crimson Beauty and oh yeah those other schmucks"

The bard would say we're "Getting in the way of everything goddamn"

The Kingslayers.

Currently we're just "Clan Nike", since we're doing a Danmachi-styled game where we get sponsored by one of the old-world gods to delve into a self-randomizing labyrinth. Nike, goddess of Victory, has been seeing an uncommon amount of defeat lately, and has lost her entire clan and most of her fortune.
And so we merry adventurers stepped in.

That's like calling yourselves, Childmurderer Terrorists.

Depends on the setting, what if the King is unpopular?

Nah what if it was an aggressive opposing nation's king during a brutal war? They'd be heroes, yeah?

Lords of Glitterdark

Anyone who murders his own king commits a violation of the laws both mortal and divine. There's no higher crime, and the cruelest of punishments should be applied to him, and possibly his family as well fir spawning such fiend, for such an act of High Treason. This applies even if the king was a tyrant.

Killing kings in combat is fine.


NWoD Hunters 'The Neighborhood Watch'

nWoD Mages: The five point sorcerers

The Dawnguard

Except if you are a sniper. Then, they will flay you alive for your problems.

The cucks