ITT: times players totally surprised you

ITT: times players totally surprised you.

extra credit for times it fucked over the party
>party spends forever getting the macguffin
>the sneak of the group goes to brag/inform local boss of his faction, alone
>it's a vampire lord
>hands it right the fuck over to him
>mfw the rest of the players are a special, exhausted sort of mad and it's all directed at him

What's surprising, that the sneak did something independent or that the party was mad that the sneak did something independent?

>Player A gets into a stupid chase with the law
>Gets caught
>Public execution, give chance for player B to enter a lottery to pull the level and hang him, thinking they'll propose some sorta life dept thing to get him off the noose
>Despite some steep odds, he actually wins the lottery, avoiding having to violently rescue Player A

>Player A decides to sass Player B while he has his hand on the lever
>Player A rolls up a new fucking character

the faction was an optional thing and it's the one token evil faction (zhentarim), it's a pretty good morally/lawfully party despite no LG types, and he went alone to a known vampire lord (at least he knew, from a previous job) with the big bad thing. and expected to walk away with it somehow AND have something to show for it?

internally i was like dude why are you going to

People are really confident in their "PC" capacity.

>Players get framed for shit they didn't do by a bunch of corrupt nobles who basically thought they were getting too popular with the commoners
>Nobles send the guards to arrest them on said trumped up charges
>Whole party fights the guards when they show up, while making a break for it and fleeing the city, this was expected of course.
>Except one player playing a wizard.
>Wizard player is naive and lets her character get arrested, thinking this can all be talked out or resolved in a fair trial
>Ends up in secret blacksite dungeon and gets beaten and tortured half to death for 3 days in an attempt to lure the rest of the party out of hiding. They literally stab out one of her eyes in this time.
>Actually manages to escape through some killer dice rolls and stealth.
>My god the Metal Gear vibes.
>After escaping, she magic and stealths her way back into the palace, finds one of the generals of the kingdom's armies, drops her invisibility spell, and then, covered in blood (most of it her own), beaten half to death, and missing an eye, she falls to her knees and begs for help.
>By sheer luck she happened to do this in front of the ONE person of authority who wasn't a member of the royal family and thus not in on the kind of fucked things they were doing, and by sheer faith in humanity her not attacking him was enough to make him hear her out.

I didn't have the nerve to make bad things happen at this point. Poor character had been through enough already. I was alright with having faith in humanity pay off for once.

Something to be said for players who play their character consistently no matter the consequences.

He thinks he has plot armor.

The stupid fool.

op here
>same guy who fucked the party tells the party about the vamp lord
>in the middle of a fucking bar
>in a normal voice
>the one guy who overhears it runs out
>going to snitch for money cause poor working stiff
>they chase and charm him into going home
>rogue and lizardman pc's follow him to a bunkhouse for workers
>7 sleeping men
>rogue kills them all
>lizardman roughs up the bodies to make it look like some monster attack
>lizardmen are fucking rare and there were witnesses who saw him leave the bar that night
>arrested and tried for 7 murders
>wizard disguises into BETTER CALL SAUL
>makes a pretty good case
>lizardman confesses in the end despite innocense
>paladin prosecutor won't magic the truth out of him on his moral code
>the rogue who fucked over the party let the lizardbro throw himself under the bus

Why was that a reply to MY post? Did you mean to continue your own story from

your 'players get fucked by the law but this one in particular especially' tale made me want to share.

Party had found a wagon, on fire and looted. They search around and deduct that a child is missing ( all others are dead). Party goes chasing after bandits responsible.
Attack the bandits like the hand of an angry god. Save child. Gather up all the bandits stolen stuff. Return child and stolen shit to nearest town. Refuse a reward. Refuse a couple healing potions. Give their last 100 gold to the family that agreed to take the child in. Go back to the wagon, bury the bodies. Say a few prayers. All around good guy stuff.
Next city, get into an argument with a merchant. Swords are drawn, and guards are called. Arrested.
No money to pay their fine.
I ask OOC, " should have kept the gold and taken a reward, huh?"
"Nope. This is fine, we did the right thing."

They usually murderhobo everything. Total shock on this one.

proud of them.

Did he expect to be able to negotiate with him?
Did he say what he wanted in exchange for the macgiffin?

Sci-fi game, characters sneak into villain's underground lair, start looking for clues.

"You found a map of the facility!" Hand it over to them.

Team studies it. "Look at this room labeled 'kill room', let's go there!"

Me: "really?"

So two of them go into this tiny featureless room with a window and a guard behind it. One of them knocks on the window to get the guards attention (not kidding).

It to some fancy footwork to get them out of the in a believable way.

I have no idea WHAT the hell he wanted out of it, maybe brownie points/a promotion.

He never offered the macguffin, his superior (in so many ways) asked for it
>this macguffin we heard of could solve the crisis the whole known world is going through and we got it
>where is it?
>in a bag of holding
>where is this bag of holding?
>right here
>well take it out and give it to me
>he does
>you know the way out. thanks.

>I have no idea WHAT the hell he wanted out of it,
He wanted to be 'that guy'.

He succeeded.

I agree with
Most players I've played with would abandon the idea of finding someone who can be reasoned with real fast after going through something like that, no matter what kind of character they are playing.
Your wizard player is a cool dude

I read this imagining it in 8-bit theater style.

>First session with new party
>They arrive at a flying town that is about to move away from its temporary station
>Turns out Navigator (the only person who can control flight) disappeared two days ago
>There are several people with different agendas who proposed a deal for players
>Navigator's rival, who asks players to convince townsfolk to promote him as new Navigator
>Navigator's wife, who asks to find and retrieve her husband
>And an outsider, who wants to get a town-controlling McGuffin, use it to fly away to town's destination and later take McGuffin for scientific research
>Party makes deal with every one of them
>They investigated, then delved into town's underground, found wounded Navigator, healed him, solved problem related to "main plot" and retrieved unconscious Navigator
>They gave him back to his wife
>Then they convinced Navigator to resign from his position and give it to his rival, because Navigator's actions were irresponsible
>And then they took town-controlling McGuffin and gave it to Outsider for his research, because each new Navigator needs new personal McGuffin and old one becomes useless
>And thus they pleased everyone and bargained a lot of money and artifacts for their service

>pleasing all of the people all of the time

>pleasing all of the people all of the time
I don't get the message behind your post. Can you elaborate?

I think, absent further stories of total success, this only qualifies as pleasing all of the people some of the time, which is probably allowed.

>I don't get the message behind your post. Can you elaborate?
Not that user, but it references an Abraham Lincoln quote:
>"You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time."

That user was implying those PCs did just that.

But really >I think, absent further stories of total success, this only qualifies as pleasing all of the people some of the time, which is probably allowed.