What are the best ways of combining Eastern and Western Fantasy?

What are the best ways of combining Eastern and Western Fantasy?

Most Eastern (read: Japanese from your image) traditional fantasy is just Western traditional fantasy but with anime storytelling methods. With Japanese folkloric materials that's more Japanese folklore then fantasy; they didn't do a not of fantasy novels based on their own folklore.
It you mean Chinese fantasy, then you'd be surprised how little you actually have to change.


what do you mean by "combine?"
Having them both exist in the same place? Kitchen sink or the forgotten realms w/ kara-tur kind?

European trappings, Japanese sensibilities, a la Berserk.



You ever played Final Fantasy before?

Putting them together in a way that improves both of them.


White men with hats and Katana.

Central Asia



you already know the answer

By subtly adding influences from one into the other. For example, a setting that at the surface appears to be straight up western fantasy but then you also have strange religious orders that wear identical masks and baskets over their heads to represent their lack of ego. Or you add ruins from a long lost empire that have a clear South-East Asian or Indian feel to them, which is effective to a western audience in particular, because those aesthetics feel strange and alien while also ringing true as something that exists.

Then go watch Kurosawa movies and start taking notes. The context is mostly lost those 50-something years later, but they are still the best blend of both ever made.

Read Warlock of the Magus world and awnser your own question.

>tfw the riding... I think that's supposed to be a kirin is the most realistic and plausible part of the picture

That's a Tao-tie.

A Chinese mythical beast that is known for its ravenous apetite.
It looks like a horse sized mix of a dog and a goat.

Do you live in the west? Do you sometimes imagine the life of a samurai?

You are in luck. Thanks to generations of reinforcement, the honor and duty and sword and sacrifice samurai romance you're imagining is as much influenced by the west as it was inspired by the east.

Oh, what happened to its horns and why does it have a snout then?

>It you mean Chinese fantasy, then you'd be surprised how little you actually have to change.
Are they really that similar?

India, South East Asia

The Chinese concept of "face"
>Tied directly to fame, and tangentially related to honour. However it has less in common with honor code concepts such as chivalry or bushido or noblise oblinge, and everything to do with social position and personal connection/sphere of influence. So if you are very very wealthy, or have power (martial or otherwise), sit on a high government position, have a drop dead gorgeous wife, know someone important in the government, doing a lot of good deeds etc, you will have a lot of good "face/fame".

>After you earned pass certain level of fame, you are expected to behave/treat others in certain way, and others not at the same level with you are also expected to treat you in certain way.

>The primary purpose of this face/fame is...well, demanding respect from others, as well as social bargaining chip that let you break the aforementioned Wuxia code or other code (within certain acceptable limit). For example, there's one guy that every one is trying to hunt down and you, for some reason, wanted to save him. If you have enough "faces", you can use it to basically demand everyone to step down. Everyone that heeds your demand is considered "selling you face" or doing you a favour, while those that ignore you are considered offending you. So now you have an excuse to kick their arse.

>However, doing this repeatedly cause you to use up your "face currency". Those people that "sold face" to you may return someday and demand some reparation or reward or favour as well.

>Also, while all "faces" have some base value, different people place different importance on different type of "face". Son of a wealthy merchant will get very little respect from a martial artist, because the martial artist places more value on "face" related to martial prowess, influence of someone's sect etc. OTOH, a wealthy merchant that donated most of his wealth to do good deeds will earn a lot of respect from a good/righteous martial artist, even if said merchant know zero kung fu.

>Despite the convenience of having many "face currency", it is still just a social bargaining chip and not some magical Geas spell. Using the currency usually means you are giving up some long term benefit for short term, immediate gain.

>Taking the previous example, when you step in to protect that guy, and put your bargaining chip on the table, you are essentially forcing every pursuer to reconsider whether the benefit of hunting down that guy outweigh the risk of getting into trouble with you. Plus if they stop now, they are "selling you face"/doing you a favour. These pursuers have everything to gain and nothing to lose, and they don't even have to do anything!

>However if the pursuer has some personal feud (let's say that guy killed the pursuer's entire family) that he want to settle, and will satisfy at nothing other than the death of that guy, then all the "face currency" in the world probably (but not always) won't help.

>As for you, by simply associating yourself with a guy that everyone is trying to hunt down, you are already "losing face". Asking everyone to step down is also a form of requesting for favours, so you use up your "face currency" even more. If someone refused to stop due to personal vengeance or something, and you forcibly beat him down, you are losing even more "face". So this bargaining chip is not something that can be used lightly. This is the reason why intentionally humiliating others (cause them to "lose face") is a big deal, and many Wuxia codes of conduct revolve around this.

>Oh, in some cases, another person with the same level of face/fame step in, and put HIS bargaining chips on the table, demanding others to ignore your demand. In that case you and him.....well, duke it out to decide.

>I always think of Chinese "face" as something like a political/diplomatic facade that no one really believe in or even care about, but decided to play along anyway. To this end it is the complete opposite of chivalric ideals and bushido. While chivalric code is the code of conduct that every knight should strive for but only really exists in an idealised/romantised "bygone age", Chinese code is very much real and already there for ages, and the society at large is ready to force its totalitarian, twisted, ugly and uncaring rules down your throat, by peer pressure or even force if needed be. There's a Chinese idiom "As long as you are in Jianghu, your body does not belong to you".

>In other word, a Chinese fantasy/Wuxia world is a world where everyone tries to force everyone else to act in a Lawful Stupid way (the "law" being Wuxia code/"face"), but thinks the law does not apply to himself. Thus powerful people or people with the right connection can get away breaking a lot of the laws.

>(In high fantasy setting/layer, at times the players will have to face the f**king buddha/god/immortal/whatever standing between them and the chaotic evil dark lord, and the gods will throw their bargaining chip, asking the player to stop/look the other way.)

>So even "law-abiding" players are expected/encouraged to break the code, or at least exploit some loophole once in a while.

>(In a sense you can remove everything I said before, every martial arts, Wuxia guys, Chinese gods and immortals and dragons, and replace them with beholders, aliens and kobolds, but keep the "code" in place and the setting can still be recognizably Chinese.)

>All those people mentioning SE Asia as if it was something uniform
I remember how one of my Geo professors once explained to us why the fuck terms like "Indochina" are so fucking offensive and simply stupid and yet nobody even bothers to ponder about it. He said "Imagine you've called anything between Spain and Russia 'Spassia' and start to pretend it holds any value or makes sense"
Same shit applies to India, but they at least have some common roots all over the subcontinent, unlike anything between Burma and northern outskirts of Vietnam


That's not really that offensive. Consider that "Europe" is named after some obscure Phoenician princess.

> blowing an entire day of work on a single panel

Hot kami on elf porn. Combine in all viable orifices.

You mean like how we say Europe and European and Western? Yeah, no. Not really offensive.


>SE Asia as if it was something uniform
Nope I'm not, and that's the whole point

Superior dwarves.

The Crusades

Sounds like standard college professor being offended on behalf of someone else. It's not particularly any more offensive than someone not knowing the difference between Idaho and Iowa.

>hot kami

Kamigawa was wasted.

>afterwards spend next 12 years on boat.

>Twelve kingdoms

Except that the entirety of Indochina was either invaded or initially peopled by Han Chinese. Every thing that has happened since in the Chinese sphere of Influence, without fail, has been an explicit effort to refute or sever the undeniable connection to China.

Id like to try a game of this but god damn is it ever hard to grasp. Im still stumped on the magic generation and how you generate points for those special martial moves.

Each special move derives off a ability score. When you got a ability. lets says 3 str and 10 dex for example it requires ki from the KI Accumulation of the said stat. The base for such is stated within the Ki section of the base book. Along with the number of your stat. Next as you gain levels or dp rather you can invest more points into how much your character can accumulate. Now Here comes the part of your stats that matter. If you invest no points and lets say for simplicity sake you have 8 in both stats. Your accum is 1 point pure round of combat or its halved if you choose to take other actions then power up. Most ki moves take more then one turn to charge unless you invest a large deal of points into accumulation or buy the character point that allows you to charge at full ability even when taking other actions. The ability can be used at your whim once it reaches said point. As for abilities that are not techniques. It just auto drains from the ki pool instantly. It usually stated how much it will drain in the abilities description.

As for magic is much more simple. Your character has a base amount of accumulation based upon their power stat. This is how much magic points a turn your character can generate until they meet the requirement for the spell. Once you reach said point you cast the spell as your digression. Buying magic accumulation allows you to multiple your accumulation points. In short you can cast the spells quicker.

Magic points recover based upon rest equal to your magic accum total.

Ki points I think recover by 1 point each half hour or so.

Both of these can be made to recover faster with character points.

As a spassian, I am utterly dumbfounded by the things your progressive manchild professors manage to find offensive.
Do you get offended by being called westerners, because you are not to the west, you are right here?

Ok this makes more sense. Trying to figure it all out was very frustrating as I kept rereading to understand it.

How does Anima play in game? Overly lethal? how long do turns take to resolve? Anything to watch out for?

please to be taking and enyoy

But Indochina was called that because it was seen as a chinese protectorate.

The Eldar, but more waifu-y

>His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the "maha" and the "atman" and simply called himself Sam. He never said he was a god, but then, he never said he was not a god either. Circumstances being what they were, neither admission could be of any use. Silence, however, could.

There is some seriously good taste here.

Combat is either quick or a slug fest. Atmosphere wise it can get creative. It has some vauge guidelines for destruction of the environment ect. And rules about knocking back targets and armor/weapon ware.

Combat is usually very quick and streamlined once you know how to use the table. much quicker then most. you roll and compare the difference

If you use critical rules to the fullest. It can be fairly lethal but I would not say its brutal. will for sure start more tanky then dnd at low levels. but, higher level characters can quite easily die if you are not careful. The danger level is varied between how you set up enemies. but if you use hit location rules. And surprise rules combat can be quite quick and nasty. Or slow and painful. Either way it will be varied and fun most of the time.

>Being this fucking dense
Jesus Christ, kys

>Another idiot not knowing the difference between what's norther Vietnam and Indochina
You are at least aware there are countries like Laos or Cambodia? Or how historical south part of Vietnam wasn't even Vietnamese, instead being Champa? A HINDU country, inhabited by completely different ethnicity.
So nice way of informing us you have no fucking clue what Indochina even is/was, compared with what's 1/3 of modern Vietnam.

Take European fantasy

Take the ideas of Wuxia, inner strength, and magic being an extension of a person's soul or will or fighting spirit

Boom. You just fixed everything wrong with European fantasy.

The problem with SE Asia is that there are so many different groups that you have to abstract out, but then you're left with argumentation over the proper level of abstraction and inevitably people just choose "all the way."

Play Exalted.

A kitsune drops by every 40 years to curse the next generation of your family because back in the middle ages an ancestor of yours called him 'a paint-faced elfin creed-reader'.

Ask average French, German or Pole what they think about being Spassians. And don't forget about Benelux, which by itself is bunch of nations and not even all of them with their countries.

Considering he's Laotan, it's hard to consider it "on behalf of someone else". And if you seriously think there is no difference between people who speak not just different languages, but from completely different families, to compare it with two states of the same country, you reached the new level of being retarded.
Nothing new for an American, but still.

>entirety of Indochina was either invaded or initially peopled by Han Chinese
Since another user already pointed this out, I don't feel the reason to go further than reinforcing you are clueless

Let's put a spin on it. Let's assume you are German (which is unlikely, as a German would grasp the concept in play here). And someone starts to talk French to you, while asking you for Italian politics and Polish cousine to be "in touch" with you, fellow Spassian.
It's like you never heard about the concept of national identity.

It was called Indochina, because it's right between India and China.
The only parts being related in any way with Chinese were short periods of what is now northmost (not even northern) Vietnam, which always quickly went back into independence and under Qing conquest, northmost parts of Laos decided to pay tribute rather than go on war. Qing then sold it to French for 5 modern ships in 1880s. The ships never were build.

So let me get this straight - because there are so many groups and bunch of countries there, the best solution is to... pretend it's an uniform region?

>be Polish
>"You should be offended by this!"

I'm really trying, but... nothing. I guess your professor's iron reasoning is just too smart for me.

I guess I'll just have to study some more so I can get offended more often.

>someone starts to talk French to you, while asking you for Italian politics and Polish cousine to be "in touch" with you, fellow Spassian
That's just called speaking to a foreigner.

Add 'Monk' to the character classes, do absolutely nothing more.

>call himself Polish
>doesn't get pissed for being confused with any other nationality
Different user, but are you by chance a quasi-Pole, with ancestors carried to Poland in freight wagon from Ukrainian steppe? You sure sound like one.

If I'm not carrying a flag, it's not exactly hard to mistake me for just about any nationality. When I was abroad, I was mistaken for everything from Russian to British to German to French, and while I have no love for any of those countries, I'm not going to get upset about people making harmless assumptions.

And if I am carrying a flag, the only time I'd get pissed is if someone somehow mistakes me for being Indonesian.

Just don't wear a songkok and everything will be fine

Also, did I miss something and Poles stopped being the first to proclaim they are not Russians and making a big fuss about Western Slavs? Uncle Puten really has your government on his paycheck if that changed

Aren't the proper way to start converse with a foreigner is to...uhm, know where he came from?

It is one thing if someone mistaken your nationality or making harmless assumption, it is an entirely different thing if people lump the entire region into one group and insist on treat them as such.

It's somewhat like treating all Latino as Mexican, or Hispanic, or both, or confuse all three.

>Aren't the proper way to start converse with a foreigner is to...uhm, know where he came from?
It's like you've never met or been a tourist in your entire life.

>Expecting subtelity from burgers
>Expecting from them not confusing nationalities
>Expecting from them to give a fuck

It's like you never stopped being ignorant fucker.
Oh, wait, I too get my expectations too high right now

I don't like your post and I'm going to club that smug little fucker.

>It's like you never stopped being ignorant fucker.
It's like you're intentionally misunderstanding what I'm saying, or is otherwise incapable of following a simple conversation. I'm not talking about what myself. I'm talking about what foreigners I meet do, and let me tell you, it doesn't matter whether they "know" I'm from from Sweden or not. They still think that's the same thing as Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, France, or Poland to name a few. But it would take a real kind of asshole to get offended over something like that.

You must have gotten Poland confused with some stereotype of Poland. I have a cousin married to a German, a half dozen very close Russian friends, and a brother living in Spain and dating a Spaniard.

Hating other countries doesn't mean we have to hate the people in them, and there's very little room in your heart for hating people when you first have to hate something as big as a country. And, with such a pure hate, it really leaves no room for getting offended about various mistaken labels.

>Hey mate, you shouldn't be offended by someone confusing your very identity
I guess then I'm free to call you a fag. In the literal meaning of the term. After all, who cares and why are you offended by that?

Marco Polo. History, geography.

The Silk Road.

Chinese, Indian, Persian, Russian, Turkic, Arabic, European stories.

>why are you offended by that?
I'm not.

Fine, faggot. How was last night with your boyfriend. Does your ass still hurt?

Do you see where this is going or you are still too fucking dense to understand why people might get a bit "iffy" if you confuse their nationality and then start to act as if it didn't matter?

>Do you see where this is going
Not really. Why do you think this would be offensive to me?

>I guess then I'm free to call you a fag. In the literal meaning of the term. After all, who cares and why are you offended by that?
Can't speak for the other guy, but I doubt many people would be offended by calling them a literal bundle of sticks. Confused, maybe.

I give up. It's like talking to a brick.

>being offended by being called a faggot
>anno domini 2006+11

Your entire argument seams to be, "mistake my nationality, I'm offended"

In which case, why the fuck should anyone care if someone else is offended, that's their problem.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>Not grasping parallels
>Any given year

I mean, if you wanted to actually offend you could at least use something with a little more weight to it. Like, buttmunching niggerdick or something.

tfw I read on here that real ninja are just samurai going assuming an fake identity so they can do dishonorable stuff without tarnishing their public face.

You being a dick-sucking, shit-eating queer who takes it up the ass is part and parcel of being called a faggot. The only question is whether you were molested by your father or your uncle.

Nope. I still don't get it. Please explain why I should be offended by this?


Jesus Christ... are you going to stop shitting up this thread if I explain this?

Here is the deal - SOMEONE ELSE might get offended by that. The same way how they might get offended for confusing their nationality.
If you are doing to say you don't get it, then it just means you are a dense motherfucker with zero empathy.

>not being molested by your uncle AND your father

>SOMEONE ELSE might get offended by that
who gives a fuck

Your argument is fucking terrible, like i get it, but your fag-talk is a terrible comparison, mistaking someone nationality =/= outright insulting them.

>SOMEONE ELSE might get offended by that

>It's like you've never met or been a tourist in your entire life.
No, it is because I met them often and getting fed up with their shit that I started to take offense.

Good for you, you and the foreigners you met must have habor no specific ill-feeling on those countries?

Confuse a Bangladeshi for Indian, and then refuse to accept the difference after being pointed out? That's an entirely different story.

>are you going to stop shitting up this thread if I explain this?

You two are ruining the thread. It's normally like that. Just stop.

So, what are some uncommon West/East combinations you'd like to see more of?

I could really go for more Earthsea style polynesian trappings combined with european-esque wizardry.

Nice reddit spacing.

>Oh, look a weeaboo vs westaboo thread, this is going to be so coo...
>Bunch of morons throwing shit in every direction

A Persian setting with flying carpets and Roc birds would be smack in the middle.

Maybe magic books to teleport into subsettings.

>Bunch of morons throwing shit in every direction

Abandon thread