For those who have them, what would happen if your characters sibling was pitted against them in combat?

For those who have them, what would happen if your characters sibling was pitted against them in combat?

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Lay down my weapons. Kinslaying is one of worst sins man can commit.

Depends on the combat

When the snow fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

Drop your weapon, little boy, or I will slap our mom for having you.

>For those who have them

You mean everybody? If you don't have multiple siblings, including dead ones, in any pre-modern setting, you are doing it wrong.

Fantasy doesn't need to follow real world tropes.

That being said, I'd beat them into unconsciousness because I make a concerted effort to not be a simple murder hobo

Probably wouldn't realize they're related until after the combat, then would worry his family decided to kill him.

It was not right, but our differences should force a feud, but my wife stopped me from going after him. She warned me that one day my blood brother would ride against me. I knew what a war between brothers would lead. Even when we were starving, my brother betrayed us. He refuses to share the spoils of a hunt...he died of his wounds.

There's nothing I dislike more than theme-park fantasy.

And there's nothing I dislike more than the inclusion of fantastical elements with zero societal impact.

Oh how pretty all the scenery, this is nature's sacrifice

If you want to play a modern setting, play a modern setting. I'm not one for half-measures.

If you want to play a historical setting, play a historical setting.


She loves and adores her younger sister and when she accidentially broke her spine it psycologically fucked with her for years.
If her sister came rolling on up to her in her wheelchair seeking some kind of personal vengance, then she is going kneel before her and let her take her vengance.
Mind you, this is unlikely as they just had a big, tearful reunion which involved her sister telling her she doesn't hold her responsible.

If they had to fight, say due to psychic villain or something?
One is a hero that can level buildings in a matter of seconds as well as being rather phyisically fit.
The other is a paraplegic internet junkie close to half her age.

Why aren't you playing Final Fantasy?

Because the plot is shit and the characters are shit. You can have a setting that focuses on character development and story at the price of "realism" without the autism of FF and similar settings.

We'd probably fight until it was clear which of us was going to win then go get drinks and catch up.

Why aren't you playing Crusader Kings?

My character is a master of the 7 words that make up reality. He also has a vampire cohort(think bodyguard from Hotline Miami, but black hair)

His brother Tim, is a lawyer.

Gee, I dunno

He no longer lives, merely exists. If anyone were to make an attempt on his life he'd only have enough will to open his arms to welcome the blade into his heart.

>Whose stupid now Robbert?
>Whose stupid now?

>this is nature's sacrifice

When the air blows through
With a brisk attack
The reptile tail ripped from its back

When the sun sets
We will not forget the
Red sun over paradise

Been there, done that, kicked their ass, drove them into making a pact with a demon out of spite.

Every session since then has been me half-expecting to bring back the guy as a BBEG.

I play an awakened animal so I assume I've got siblings out there, but I'm so much stronger than them that I would turn them into a thin paste in half a round because they're just cannon fodder animals

Well then your brother should have stabbed you more thoroughly; pleb-tier siblings, user, I'm ashamed of you.

I've actually had this happen in a campaign. DM brought back my PC's twin (the first PC i started out with and switched due to reasons). Ended up killing her because the villian had dominate person on her (dm never did saves each time we attacked). It pushed my LG character to practically CN trying to find the villain

Let's go, ya punkass!

They have a friendly rivalry with a tendency towards escalation

I remain stranger to whatever you might mean by this.

My character doesn't have siblings (that she knows of - she was orphaned). But she does have kids. Too many of them, and not all of them love her.
Though if one of them turned against her she'd just be sad, neutralize them harmlessly with magic and chew them out on it. We're not fighters in the family, sweetie, and it's really bad manners attacking your mom. You could at least have made a plan, I did not raise you as a sorcerer, did I?

He'd kick all their asses and send them home to the tribe. If they tried to kill him, he'd have them all restrained.

It would be the world's worst catfight. Even the gods themselves would take a break from doing divine shit and grab some popcorn to watch and place bets.

First, be surprised she survived the Soviets, Nazis, the Shoggoth-summoning and The Apocalypse.
Second, realize she's probably not his sister.
Third, probably die horribly.

If she, by some miracle, isn't a Lovecraftian horror, he'd try to talk her down, put her down non-lethally with alchemy or just wrestle her. I mean, she was a violinist.

She got separated from her sister during the zombie apcolypse.
Until the DM decides it's dramatically approprite, she is Schrodinger's Zombie. She both survived or was turned.
If she survived, then the only battle taking place is a teary eyed hug battle followed probably by a drink off.
If she's a zombie, then it's likely to end in a murder-suicide as she pulls all the grenade pins and hugs her sister one last time.

>not-warforged with amnesia, built by an alien race an entire age ago
Try to talk with his fellow machine, which is likely to fail since he was the only one to develop true sapience and now some emotions, eventually bludgeon his sibling to death with a door and feel regretful about the whole business.

My character is the 12th son of a minor noble (17th child). He has since long surpassed all his siblings, being a level 17th paladin, but in a free-for-all things wouldn't go well for him. His adventuring has earned his family a lot of prestige and wealth, he has a large reputation throughout the kingdom. Everyone would immediately gang up on him. Three siblings would be an immediate problem, his second oldest brother is a 14th level paladin and himself a retired hero, one of his elder sisters is a 12th level sorceress, and another brother is a fighter6/warlord3, a colonel in the King's armies. Add just about every other sibling being at least level 3-5, every single one of them ganging up on him at once could overcome him. It probably wont, my paladin has a lot of magic utility items to keep up with the spell-caster heavy party, but it would be a good fight.

>Savage Worlds Rifts
>Older brother is a full conversion Borg fighting for the Coalition.
>Younger brother (my character) is a power armor commando.

>Older brother blames younger brother for his near death and consignment to a metal shell.
>Younger brother blames older brother for picking the wrong side.

Cleganebowl 2.0 happens. There's enough bad blood between the two of them now that only one of them is walking away from this.

There was that one story about a PC versus her psychotically evil brother. He cut off her hand, threatened to rape her, then killed her.

She'll never use her magic on her own family, so she's getting pinned in no time time as half her brothers became farmers or working on heavy machinery, the others moved up in the world and learnt the standard dueling styles as expected of all the upperclasses.
Her sister isn't even a contest, house mothers are suprisingly strong, strong enough that one sisterly bearhug and she's defeated her famous Sorceress sister.

Well, they're all mages, and I'm a rogue, so I find a way to catch them unawares and then knock them unconcious/kill them, depending.

My big sister (the diviner) is going to be the tricky one. Don't even get my started on what I'd have to do to take out my mom.

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

The covenant should keep its diabetes in check


But fr srs, it's positively unnerving to know that almost everyone who has ever used the phrase "blood is thicker than water" around you has meant the exact opposite of it's intended meaning.

Be upset that someone has raised them from the dead


Whoop his silly ass, I'm a wizard and he isn't.

-I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother!
-No, you're not.

That phrase has no historical precedent tho

Season 4 of Vikings is what would happen

Rifts between family members, especially siblings, make my narrative dick hard.
>thor 2
>thor and loki hanging out on the way to battlefield
>"hey remember that time with mom"
>"yeah that was great"
>"i wish I could trust you"

>revenge of the sith
>you were my brother, anakin

Depends on which sibling.
>kid sister going to magic school so she can get her first Wizard in 2 or so decades
Less a fight and more me thumping her with my pommel to make her snap out of whatever made her think fighting me was a good idea. And then ice cream because I love the little scamp.
>Dhampir half-brother I didn't know I had until 2 sessions ago
I'm lunch because he's got a good 80 years of swordsmanship experience on me and a blood-drinking rapier.

-I'm her sister.
-Her sister? She's a blonde, good-looking kid, ain't she?
-Yes, she's a blonde, good-looking kid...

>He Pierre, remember when the French king wanted to conquer all of Italy and so he hired a bunch of swiss mercenaries
>and then the italiens heard of that and hired some swiss mercenaries of their own
>so when the two sides came face to face on the battlefield the swiss men from both sides simply resorted to hurling insults and taunts at one another while the french and italians fought each other

I've finally found what I was looking for
A place where I can be without remorse
Because I am a stranger who has found
An even stranger war

What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

Lawyer wins due to the power of jury logic. He will have your character completely drained of everything.

My Mutants and Masterminds character is the youngest of four brothers, all of whom have superpowers.

> Eldest
Strongman, incredibly strong and quite tough. He's the biggest threat, and would wipe the floor with my character.

> Second
He's a mechanical genius capable of creating all manner of wonders. In a straight fight would get knocked the fuck out, but if he had time to prepare he could be dangerous.

> Third
A running back in the NFL for people with superpowers. He's fast, strong, and incredibly agile. It'd probably be a really tough fight.

> Character
He has a healing factor, that's pretty much it.

I wouldn't fight, and if it was to the death, with no survivors should we not fight, we would face the fire together and die with honor.

People burn the beanstalk to boil beans,

filtering them to extract juice.

The beanstalks were burnt under the cauldron,

and the beans in the cauldron wailed:

"We were originally grown from the same root;

Why should we hound each other to death with such impatience?"

You knew this was coming when you threw my lego castle onto the floor and laughed.

Truly the only thing that can justify fratricide.

He also said Newcrons are better than Oldcrons.

Well, the PC is the brawn, of their brains and brawn operation. It would be like mike tyson beating up a five year old

As long as he's playing Necrons in some capacity, I'd say that's only worth a stiff whipping. 'Crons need more players.

Yeah, it sounds like something sectarians would say to new converts to keep them away from their family

There are six, but assuming it's the one who has actually been fleshed out and isn't 'adventuring elsewhere'

It starts off as a retarded anime battle that tears up the landscape, and then she has a PTSD attack because even being in the presence of her brother is bad times for her, she disconnects the weighted prosthetic arm, and then all semblance of style, honour or swordsmanship is dropped in favour of relentless one-armed violence, and it becomes an even more retarded anime battle which she still inevitably loses because her big brother is just straight up better at swording than she is.

Then probably another shame spiral/depression episode when the dust settles and he awkwardly half-tries to apologise for cutting off her arm when they were kids before giving up on her as a lost cause and fucking off into the wind again.

Point is, things are gonna be cringey as fuck but also probably kinda fun in a melodramatic sort of way.

My character would get his ass kicked.

The meaning of the phrase is as such: The friends that you choose to surround yourself with (the blood of the covenant, blood brothers, etc.) should be more important to you than the ones whom you had no choice in being surrounded with (the water of the womb).

Family can be shit, sometimes, and I shouldn't value my piece-of-shit brother more than my best friend.

That doesn't sound like something that should be. It sounds more like a description of what truly is.

Ergo, why it irritates me that the commonly-accepted meaning of the phrase (always be there for family no matter what because you had the same parents) is the exact opposite of its original intent.

Been there. Done that. Bought the T-Shirt. Demonic Possession was involved, but it was mostly because the DM just had problems with roleplaying an idiot.

The character was a dumb ass Male Drow who was all Brawn, whereas mine was 90lbs weakling Rogue. Easy right? But he's been posessed, and even if he DID beat on me character when they were kids, nobody fucks with my brother soul and walks away from it clean. Fucked him up good, then watched somewhat confused as the party does their absolute damnedest to save my dumb ass brother from dying.

It's a weird feeling, volunteering to give blood to a guy who made your life a living hell, and saving him form actual hell.

Kill his dumb ass again. Him being a revenant though means this is becoming kind of routine.

When we get back, YOU'RE GONNA MASSAGE ME SO HARD. Or maybe I can teach you some new tricks.

>The meaning of the phrase is as such
I know what it means and I disagree with it. Most of us people don't have friends you'd call blood brothers, this goes beyond simple friendship and good relations. Such strong bond is rare and doesn't apply to most people therefore the phrase itself is unapplicable to reality and more popular version with the opposite meaning is true.

As another user said, though, there is no historical basis for that interpretation.

Actually Blood of the Covenant is your friends from church.

It's literally saying your church is more important then your family.

Not friends you choose. Your CHURCH.

Nothing good can come of two changelings from PF fighting. It only becomes worse if they're triplets.

On the other hand, they might find some common grounds....

I suppose it comes down to whether or not you grew up with a good family.

Perhaps I am misquoting. It's a possibility. However, all the evidence I could look up in the past twenty minutes points to it being a soldier's saying, speaking of how the bonds of those who shed blood together in battle is more imortant than the ties of family and, since I first came across the interpretation I favor during my time in, I'm inclined to believe so.

I know we don't get along but i'll try to talk it him down, it's what an honorable person would do, r-right? And I AM an honorable person. I I don't want to be in charge of the family business anytime soon.

How dare you go against me? I trusted yo shit. I thought you was my bro, and not some punk ass bitch. A double-crosser not a dragon, wipe that smile off ya face, or I'll smash back & crack yo fuckin jaw wit a mace.

>My neo-noir police dick
I think this would sum up the encounter and aftermath rather nicely