Space whale enters our solar system

>Space whale enters our solar system

How would we react?

Other urls found in this thread:

Marine biologists die of dehydration, xenobiologists finally have a reason to live. Space-X gets funding from Norway and Japan.

Nuke Japan, just in case.

How does it survive in the vacuum of space?

Send Kirk et al. on a zany time traveling adventure to 1980's earth.

What the fuck is a space whale?

Bewary for the space orca hunts.

Sing to them using my Guitar Hero controlled space fighter.

Either 8 or 6 on the Rio Scale depending on whether or not they're able to see it perfectly with a telescope.

Arguably the ET introduction scenario least likely to result in mass panic, at least until we discover they're FTL space whales at which point EVERYONE panic


Basara (that guy with the John Lennon glasses in my last post) literally flies a transforming space jet using a guitar hero controller. Instead of missiles and shit he shoot speaker pods which latch onto what they hit and transmit his singing to the target. Later he reduces an army of giant warrior women to squealing fangirls, gives vampire space elves projectile orgasms, and learns to shoot song lasers out of his mouth.

why in the world would marine biologists die of dehydration?

Seconds later interstellar whalers from Norway and Japan will kill it.

Someone call Michael Bay and tell him this pitch

>all those scars covering the largest whale
Dump funds into the XCOM Initiative so Earth will be ready for the giant predatory space squids.

>How would we react?

Good question. Fund NASA so we can find out.


>Space-X gets funding from Norway and Japan

>expect awesome guitar riff and solo to impress the whales
>get some weaksauce acoustic hipsters-first-song

It could've been so good but it failed so completely.

Don't forget the guitar duel he has with the 60 foot space babe that splits the earth

Macross 7 was... wierd

>irritated, the space whale destroys the nearby planet

good work Basara


I feel that we'd mess up and end up unleashing Giant but not quite Giant Cetaceans on the rest of the galaxy

He saves those for fighting space vampire-demons.

Non-stop orgasms. Or work, if you want a SFW interpretation.

Why can't we just rape it and get over with this "isssue"?

People start getting superpowers and start bashing each others heads in for fun?

Yeah. It's kinda like that.

Hell yes it was


By Macross standards, that's not even a little weird.

Study the ever loving shit out of it. It would spark a stellar 'arms' race to get live samples of it before it leaves our system. SpaceX ROSOCOSMO, NASA, UKSA,Chinese National Space Agency, everyone would be competing to get samples and research to propel our understanding of its biology.


Salt abundance


I recently watched that documentary
that was a goldmine for ideas

>8 or 6
If anything qualifies a 10, it's space whales

Shoot a ballistic harpoon at them.

Since the whales aren't directly attempting to contact us on Earth it can't hit 10 on the Rio Scale.

As I plugged it in, it's a 6 if we just know there are these unidentifiable shapes in the solar system moving around, being observed, and emitting waves, and it's an 8 if we can look at them well enough for the Astronomers to say "Is that a Sperm Whale?"

They get wiped out from their own stupidity.

What's it about?

Also what if it comes to collect its space whale egg (moon)that is about to hatch?

Nice, very nice.
We would pretend we don't see them for at least a few years more because, honestly, fuck losing 6+ months of society research on something that pointless.

So what happens when the intelligent, space faring whales land right in our oceans?

Do you think we'll be able to communicate?

it's basically about, why some african-soldiers in the congo rape women
best part is, were they tell about a elixier, what only works when you rape someone (no kidding)


I came here for this

>Don't forget the guitar duel he has with the 60 foot space babe that splits the earth
Pretty sure she just fell into the ice due to her own weight

That song is the culmination of Basara as a character and why he sings. You get like 20 songs of what you want, and only one of this.

No Macross 7 is still wierder because it's the only show where music has an actual supernatural element to it.

Still, what would a ginormous Space Whale want with us? Are we supposed to be the galactic equivalent of cleaner shrimp or something?

It's covered in cats that repel the vacuum.

faggot detected

Riveting thread OP, great job.

My penis enters your mums vagina and she gives birth to pathetic excuse of a human being(you). How does she react?
The answer is:burning you with cigaretes and droping you straight on your retarded head constantly.

The sealant foam was a nice little touch. As fucking balls to the walls crazy as this shit is, that little extra touch, just a second or so of animation, makes me happy.

The way we reacted in Doctor Who. Build a city on its back, leave Earth and torture the whale to steer it.

Surf's up!

>How does it survive without air?
>How does it survive without food?
>How does it not freeze?
>How the hell is it moving?




A whale but in space, duh.