What's the quickest and easiest way a skeleton could commit suicide...

What's the quickest and easiest way a skeleton could commit suicide? Assume a generic medieval fantasy setting but no access to magic.
I don't think jumping off a cliff would be sure to kill, since the skeleton doesn't weigh much and can survive being disassembled.

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Find a sausage grinder.

Well, the only effective way to hurt a skeleton is with crushing damage. As such, the most obvious method would be to just bludgeon itself repeatedly with a blunt instrument. Skeletons can't lose consciousness and lack nerve endings, so if it kept at it long enough, it should work.


The line between an injured skeleton and a dead skeleton are kind of blurred in fiction, but I would say the fastest way would be something involving clerics or holy water


>quickest and easiest way a skeleton could commit suicide
Ambush low-level adventurers, especially paladins. Run into a town of humans. Basically the fantasy equivalent of suicide-by-cop.

>I don't think jumping off a cliff would be sure to kill
Put a big rock on his head, so the rock is on one side and the ground on the other

this. growl, cackle or make otherwise spooky noises while you walk slowly towards them with a raised sword arm.

C4 inside the head. Or black powder.

Or wander into the PEP

>and can survive being disassembled.
depends on the setting

what if... all the uncommunicative undead like zombies and skeletons are trying to commit suicide-by-paladin to escape the horrors of being an undead abomination?

That's a depressing thought. Maybe Cleric-Therapists are needed to help them deal with the tough transition to being undead. Losing most of your senses, being without flesh, no sense of routine in the tombs, being unable to eat or drink, these are all things that would inflict severe psychological stress.

Steam hammer

Hyena attack.

Ease of that depends on the setting though.

I really want the context to this scenario, user

Why would weight make any difference

This makes me wonder if my skeleton player's guy has depression. It always tries to draw aggro. I'll ask him next week.

Also it'd prolly be as easy as breaking bones. Does reassembly only apply to whole bones?

Well you gotta figure out what contains the animating force of the skeleton. If you just break the bones without dispersing the energy keeping it going, you'll just get an animated pile of bone dust and fragments slowly slumping around.

Try not to breathe it in.

Jump into a volcano.

Gather up a big pyre, curl up in the middle of it, and light it up

Banzi charge into a dog pound

chomp CHOMP chomp


>no access to magic


Suicide by cop, just harass people in populated areas until law enforcement or murderhobo solves the issue.

Stop to think about the inherent contradictions of its existence.

How does it walk without muscles? How does it speak without vocal chords or lungs? The resulting existential crisis should do the job.


Lay down in road, wait for oxen drawn carriages

F=MA dingus.