The evil king has some super-fucked up execution method

>the evil king has some super-fucked up execution method

What is it?

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The king personally chokes the prisioner and kills him with his barehands.

Most of the times it is a quick and clean death, he is evil but not a cowars monster, he craves the feeling of taking a live but he's still an honorable man.

drowns them in vat of stale piss

The prisoner is bound in a kneeling position and heavier and heavier stones are strapped to their back until they're crushed to death

Here you go.

That will get a motherfuckering wizard's tongue cut off.

They shove a living snake up your ass!

vertical bissection with a massive guillotine

They throw you naked into a pile of gympie gympie.

Even if you survive, and that's a big if., you will bite your own tongue off all throw yourself off something to escape the pain.

The prisoner is bound and tied while a very big rock is hauled into place ten feet above them using winches and pulleys. This can take up to an hour. The executioner then pulls a lever, releasing the counterweight and allowing the rock to fall and crush the condemned. Onlookers judge executions by how far the blood and gibs go flying.

>Druid King
>Wild Shape
>Bear hands

Put a ring of regeneration on them, lock their hand in a gauntlet, and throw them in a 10x10 covered pit filled with a gelatinous cube.

Hung, drawn and quartered, with the quartering being done very slowly. Clerics keep the executed alive until all four members are mutilated.


Participation in Condemned Iron Chef. The theme ingredient is always last round's losing contestants.

The worst thing I heard of is putting a rat in a bucket on top of the person stomach and heat the bucket up. The rat will not want to die and can't chew through the bucket so it does the next logical thing, chew through the person flesh and escape through the inside of their body. Because it is the stomach the person can last for a bit even if you don't treat the bleeding. Less of an execution and more of just a mafia torture thing though. Though if the king is insane enough and want the person to suffer then that would be a good way to do it.

The condemned is dumped into vat of salt and then spear-eagled shackled in a goat pen.


Good ol assyrian flaying, and if you're feeling adventurous add in a cruxcafition



Death... By snu snu!

Keep it simple.

>4 people are locked in a room with no way out, no food, and a cooking stove
>when only one person remains, that person is put into a next room with the same situation, but each 4 person room is made of survivors
>This continues in escalating cycles until you get a hardened group of cannibals that can murder without a weapon
>give them all sorts of nonlethal equipment to capture, maim, or otherwise disable an unarmed combatant so their prey could hunted, caught, then eaten alive for the amusement of spectators
>"By order of the king, for the crime of sexting without a permit, you are sentenced to run the Cannibal Labyrinth."

The king shows you his favorite youtube videos until you fucking kill yourself.

The problem with establishing something like a cannibal labyrinth is that you're basically begging for the inevitable hero to throw you into it.

That's why the king must be the canibal champion. I thought this was common knowledge

Holy shit dude

And how is that a problem?

in china, they chained people down to sharpened bamboo-trees, and waited until the bamboo have impaled them

Unless it is a massive city that have criminals non-stop to the point of being fucking Gotham during Batman's vacation then I don't see how that could possibly work out. More so if you want to keep the cannibal tiers even so a 50+ kills on his belt cannibal isn't pitted against a newbie. Like I guess it would be cheaper than a prison in the long run though but unless active then most of them will just starve themselves to death or will sooner or later require normal food and be basically just a normal prison with a weird gimmick.

this sounds also interesting

forcing them to drink liquid lead (or any other kind of metal), may also work

You break a man's will and force them to eat another man. Then you give the man a choice of doing it again, or death at the hands of someone in the same situation. Eventually, when the winners develop a taste for manflesh and a love of the hunt, you set them free.

It doesn't matter what else they do, the goal is to make someone who loves doing it more than anything else, and to cultivate a group of like minded people. Then you equip them in a way that puts on a good show, train them to use advanced tactics and let them live the life they want to live, which for them is catching and eating people alive. You don't send in one criminal, you let in 20 at a take and take bets on who is going to live the longest.

Worst case scenario? You now have the best shock troops money can buy. Best case scenario? The house always wins and you collect favours from powerful people in exchange for murdering your enemies.

The prisoner is forced to switch bodies with one of the king's vile experiments, all of which are unshakably loyal to the king but have a very short lifespan.

The prisoner's head is shaven. Then the skin is flensed clear, leaving exposed skull. Multiple holes are drilled just through the bone to the brain area. The prisoner is then strapped to a chair and their head locked into a glass globe that contains a nest of ants, which are free toexplore the globe, but can only reach the victim's skull... And no other food.

Usually lounging chairs are set up beside the apparatus and refreshments served to take in the scene.

Would the ants get mad human disease?

Also there are no nerve endings in the brain

Do we still do utterly inhumane and impractical punishments and executions, or was there a point in history where we realized that we were going too far?

or just shooting him with an autocannon

The king pile suplexs political dissenters into the cobblestones in front of the palace.

We still do solitary confinement, hotboxing, and other tortures. We tend to be a lot lazier about our inhumane tortures these days, ancient people put EFFORT into it, not
>"Let's lock this guy into a 5x5x5 metal box and leave him there for five hours as the box cooks in the Arizona sun and turns into an oven."

Yes, but that's part of the horror. The ants are eating slowly into the brain and the victem can't even feel it. He is fully awake, fully cognizant, and Only the slow realization that he is losing memories, having hallucinations, or losing his senses begins to tell him just what is happening to him. The victem raves andscreams, desperate to be released, thrashing, wailing, crying for hours on end all the while the ants carry out a slow, methodical excavation of his very mind until he's nothing but a drooling vegetable, twitching in the chair only when an ant seizes a particular nerve ending to rip away.

I don't like torture because 1) I don't want it to be used against me or anybody innocent or undeserving and 2) I believe anger is more often a liability than not these days, especially in the justice department and in lawmaking. It could also be the fact that I have a disdain and fear for vindictive-types.
You can never trust power that is not in your hands unless you also have power over those hands.

All of the above. He hoards magic as to ressurect a criminal several times, rekilling him in a different way.

>Starts out as the usual beheading the criminal
>King grows increasingly paranoid/ruthless, starts beheading the criminals' immediate families
>Keeps going further and further removed from the criminal, beheading successive generations
>Finally starts destroying entire towns for individual crimes
Collective punishment is a wonderful concept, and I wonder why it isn't used more often. It was in the Bible after all, it can't be that bad.

The victim is shrunk and placed in a jar that is then filled with jizz painstakingly collected from each of the king's fapping sessions.
I had this part, it's a pretty badass line.
Fun fact, bamboo is ackchyually a type of grass.
>"Let's lock this guy into a 5x5x5 metal box and leave him there for five hours as the box cooks in the Arizona sun and turns into an oven."
At least back in the day they made the box look like a bull and actually lit a fire under the asshole.

Impalement is always a staple.

He just kills you. No monologue, no last words, no opportunity to stall him, no moment to fight back as you're dragged into position. One moment you are alive, and then he just kills you.

Reverse Hanging. With a few skilfully placed weights to help you are suspended upside down, then your ankles are literally ripped off by a sudden drop. This process repeats at each joint until the prisoner dies of shock or runs out of limbs.

Eventually you are going to run out of people to kill, or you'll have to kill yourself for being the king of a lawbreaker.

he slowly pours molten metals onto the victims neck burning and severing their head cell by cell in torturous agony

Sure, but we're asking what he kills you with and how.

This thread is really creeping me out. Can you guys help me think of someone utterly contemptible and deserving of pain? I need to get riled up with self-righteous indignation.

>utterly contemptible and deserving of pain
he kills cute anime girls

Crucifixion, but nothing beats a good ol' fashioned breaking on the wheel.

I'm barely peeved. Tell me more about him, and maybe the girls themselves as well.
Oh and I should also mention I have a fear of others being abducted or held against their will, especially with awful things being done to them in the process. I also hate bad things that are done wantonly or without any particular gain.
I'm starting to get smokey now. Give me some more hate to build up and pour into this guy.

Its a game really, anyone can sign up to be the executioner, you get 1 copper per needle (the thick leather stitching types) you stick into them before they die. Buy in is 1-2 gold, you can bet against the buy in, but failing to break even leaves you in debt, in which a professional will needle you at the same price point to cover.

Now do you pay up the money and use as few needles as possible to kill the condemned, or do you exchange their suffering for coin.

>hang the victim by the hands with a steel chain
>lower the naked victim in a small vertical hole on the ground
>hole is full of big hungry rats


>remove a piece of the cranium, to expose the topside of the victim's brain
>let botflies infest the victim's brain


>break every bone on the victim's arms and legs
>put an iron cage around victim's head
>let the victim be devoured alive by pigs

Both very good. Don't forget

>That fucking movie
RIP Ricky

A kidnapper and molester of children. Y'know, the kind with the unmarked white van and promises of candy.

He picks out the shy girls, whom he considers inferior mothers who are good for nothing but adding more weak men to his army. He holds them in prison and has them brought out and tortured publicly every day to make an example. This brutal display just makes already shy girls retreat even further to form a self-fulfilling prophecy that has no gain.

Superman punch into a spear

>Can you guys help me think of someone utterly contemptible and deserving of pain?


He hold a modest political opinion you disagree with.

Every 1st of the month is execution day in each village. Attendance is mandatory for all citizens. Everyone gets hung at once except for the worst offender, they are flogged to death by the ten youngest children. Any parent or child who refuses to participate is added to the flogging ritual.


>How does this plot work?
>Literally a wizard did it.
>Well....why did the wizard do it?
>Literally money.
>Okay, so why doesn't anybody think it's a wizard?
>Because NOBODY has that much money.
>Sooooo....why does this guy have that much money?
>He. Just. Does. (Or 'pirate le jonny depp el oh el', I suppose)
Don't care if he's a good writer; worldbuilding and plotting a shit.

>evil king gives the victim to a sadistic rapist giant as a sex toy
>giant rapes you to death
>continues to use your dead body as cock sleeve/fleshligh for a few weeks until a fresh victim is given to him

Or better yet: he does that to your entire family one by one, forcing you to watch it and then does it to you just so you know how it felt like.

>You now have the best shock troops money can buy. Best case scenario?
Tactics and discipline are going to beat out a band of starving hooligans on any classical or medieval battlefield.

The Spicy Spitroast

Taking a page from Vlad the Impaler, victims of the Spicy Spitroast execution are bound suspended over hot coals. Two iron rods, each a length between 4-5 feet are heated until red. Each rod is then simultaneously inserted into the victim mouth and rectum with the end goal of welding the ends of each rod to each other from within so that the victim appears as a spitroast above the hot coals. Death due to shock may occur instantaneously, but in some cases, the victim may be unfortunate enough to survive for an extended period of time as the heated rods cauterize internal injuries to prevent a quicker death by exsanguination

knife through the heart, bullet through the brain, doesn't matter.

What matters is that you're dead, before you have a chance to save yourself.

I'm more scared of being dead painlessly, than I am of being tortured and surviving.

He casts a spell of compelled laughter on you, then has really shitty stand-up comedy performed in front of you.

You will die laughing to poor comedy, going down in the records as having shit taste.

The king throws the prisoners into pits of various exotic animals to get torn apart and healed to full so it can happen again and again

Does he have connections? Does he have ways of intimidating or using blackmail? Can he buy his way out of trouble? Does he have his own posse of thugs to do his bidding?
C'mon! Boil my blood!

Better delete that image.

Lock them in a windowless room with only a knife and a slot for food and water. The room prevents aging, so they just wait for the prisoner to off themselves.

Flips did it better. They bury you until only the head is exposed near an ant mound then cram in sugar in your mouth.


God damn it, the inevitability of demise of Nehekhara almost made me cry when I was reading Mike Lee's books

He erases most of their memories, and forces them to be reborn in a world without magic, where their previous world is nothing but a book or game series. There, they live a life without love or companionship, and die of a broken heart.

This world is the real execution, right here.

My favourite form of torture. By which I mean my least favourite because I'm squeamish to pain and can't bear even experiencing torture second-hand through media.
Rat torture's a perfect example of the human ingenuity when it comes to inflicting pain on others.

>Worst case scenario
Worst case scenario is that you're wasting time and money on uncontrollable elements that were already dangerous before you pushed them beyond their humanity, and they'll turn on you and the citizens you tried to protect by imprisoning them in the first place.

I'm just going to say that it involves pineapple on pizza.

Calm down

Cast a spell to force the victim to eat themselves. Whatever is left after they die is put on display as an example, most bodies being limbless and skinless with distended stomachs.
Pretty much this, but the plant in question has poison about as painful as a Bullet Ant that's on it's outer shell.
They are slowly pushed up your body. From the limbs to your torso, whole time you cannot bite down (so as to prevent suicide by tongue removal), and food / water is provided in just survivable amounts.
Entire execution takes around two weeks.
For battlefield executions fully grown ones are used and they are just impaled on them, en masse, then lite on fire when their allies approach. Fresh ones are hucked on the burning stakes until it runs out.

>blood and gibs
youre my kind of phoneposter

A minor correction but vlad actually impaled his victims from the side of the torso.

Depriving the dead-to-be of divine dining, driving him to despair? Dat's devious.

He ties a long rope to a person's neck and then has them catapulte over a tall wall. The force either beheads the person, crushes their neck, or the rope snaps and they go flying to their doom. Executioners often bet one another on which is going to happen.

Nah, he never issues execution orders. He just kills you like a drunk. He wears a belt of strength and has a generally explosive temper. I imagine he doesn't carry weapons because he doesn't think of these things as happening very often, but he's renown for just killing people all the time out off nowhere. He just publicly WackYourBosses people all the time. Slamming chairs into the heads of criminals, sticking pencils into the heads of political figures that displease him, whatever.

No, just hang them gently, no drop. But tie their bodyweight to each of their hands. And wait.

He rapes helpless children and then kills then with torture. Why does he need... a team? And, like, good logistics? Wtf are you on about?

Something like that happened to a redeemed succubus in the official lore.


>Not having dozens of execution methods according to the crime and the region.

>Not displaying the rotting bodies of those executed.
>Not placing the criminal inside alive and letting him die of thirst.