90% of the society are slaves

>90% of the society are slaves.

How could this work?

I don't know, we humans seem to get along fine.

There was a society in the Wind Singer series where most people were slaves. Aristocrats dictated what they did, and everyone served The Master. The Aristocrats were slaves too. "He bears the burden of freedom for all of us."

Have multiple levels of slavery, so that maybe 60% of the population are pleb-tier labor slaves, 25% of the population are middle class slaves working as overseers or white-collar workers, and 5% of the population are Janissary type slaves who are actually better off than the poorer free men.

Probably the best way to do it is to make it so they aren't literally slaves. Wage-slavery from things like Shadowrun are the best way to go about it. Hyper-capitalism that results in people having no way to get out of what's effectively a slave situation.


you are like a little baby

Literally just described Sparta.

The remaining 10% are the most hard ass warriors in existence and you set up your entire population in such a way that you have two armies, and both are home during the harvest season when the most backbreaking work is done.

Doesn't sound all that different from the particularly harsh sort of serfdom that prevailed in feudal Russia.

I dunno modern society seems to be continuing along just fine.

A very religious society could work. For example people are taught to work to prove themselves for a better afterlife?

Slavery is a point of view.

Look at India and you've got the answer.

Russian serfdom and eastern european serfdom in general did not appear ubril later in the scene in the middle of the renaissance.

No it isn't.

Easy. Convince them they aren’t slaves. Give them a form of currency. Let them work and earn money. But make every necessity of life available only at the cost of currency. If they need to eat, make them pay for food. Need shelter? Make them pay for a home or to rent a room. Cold? Pay for a blanket. All the things that are required to survive cost money. Money is earned through work. All land and resources belong to the government, or to those people who have paid money to buy them. Upon death, any resources not given to an heir are taken back by the government. In this way, it seems as if they aren’t slaves... but they must work, or they will die. Those who don’t work will die on the streets or else they will be cared for by other slaves who are willing to share the fruits of their labor. In fact, encourage this charity, reinforce the idea that working for the system is virtuous and good, and that giving away your goods and currency is honorable, thus encouraging people to work harder, earn more currency. In this way, everyone is trapped in this system of subtle slavery, and the 10% who run the system and provide the jobs and make the rules can enjoy life, profiting from the hard work of the 90% while they relax. Heck, you can even instill a sense of patriotism, pay people to work as fighters and soldiers to defend this system from external foes and also to keep the slaves in line.

Yeah Russia was late to the party and serfdom continued there until basically the Bolshevik Revolution.

IIRC from my East Asian history courses, Korea at one point had a supermajority of the population in slavery.


>How could this work?

Like this , this or especially this . Pic related, OTOH, is just silly.


edgy boi alert.

Full house of truth.

side note
Ayn, is that you?

Neogi. Slaves owning slaves owning slaves owning slaves.

Better for 9% of society than most modern countries.

But it is, brainlet.

If the 10% has the means to control the 90% how could this not work? Simply give the 10% (or 5% or 1%, the ratio literally does not matter. You could theoretically enslave 100% of the population to a computer or something). As long as the slaves are repressed to where, by and large, resistance is difficult/impossible then slavery you shall have.

The problem with "slavery" is the American Antebellum South ruined the term. No one in modern times is capable of imagining slaves as anything but cotton pickers being whipped 24/7. They can't visualize slaves possibly in better, even somewhat agreeable situations, or slaves in far more inhuman arrangements, but really any person who does the bidding of another entity not of his own free will is a slave.

Underrated post.

>They can't visualize slaves possibly in better, even somewhat agreeable situations
I guess you could use the term indentured servants, it doesn't have the same negative connotation, but in practice the results are the same.


Simple. Put limitations on their power and abilities.

>Someday you will die.
>You must eat to live.
>For you to eat, something else must die.
>You must breathe to live.
>If you jump up, you must fall back to the ground.
>Fire kills you.
>Losing too much blood kills you.
>Water kills you if you drink too much.
>Radiation kills you.

And so many more!

Super strict top down hierarchy built on notions of 100% responsibility and rights only when needed for your position.

At the very bottom you have the Scum. Those who done fucked up. They have no rights. Criminals, POWs and the like. Depending on why they fucked up they may earn their way back up to Plebiest of Pleb status.

Plebiest of Pleb. Everyone starts out here. All children start here before they are old enough to assume their duties and have their talents and quality proven.

High Pleb. In charge of a Plebiest group. Sort of a cross between a foreman and a village elder. Responsible for ordering his plebs in their duties recommending the brighter children for real education, determining rewards and punishments for diligence and fuck ups among his plebs and all the other down to earth organizing in their area that keeps society running on the small scale. Also responsible for communicating officially with equals among other small groups in regards to matters between the two groups. Marriages, travel and larger projects too small to bother the next layer up. Are permitted to delegate responsibilities as they see fit but remain accountable if those they delegate to fuck up.

Petty Noble. Responsible for a decent sized area of the nation. They have a small staff of administrators, clerks and scribes. Mostly they deal with the High Plebs in the manner of getting them to cooperate on larger projects when needed, passing orders from further up down to the ones responsible for carrying them out and passing reports and concerns up to those that actually make decisions filtering out the stupid shit by either dealing with it when possible or ignoring it if it's inconsequential.

A different definition of slaves?
Different cultural attitudes?
Better than the alternative?

I agree with him. Making over 100k lbs per year and still feel like a slave... to my gay boyfriends anal fantasies

This is also representative of many modern military centric nations. I'm so glad to live in a cuntry with no military, and our biggest tough hombres are farmers and the occasional construction worker.

I think the only way OP proposal works is in a militarized society.

>Protestant work ethic
Built the modern world and continues to. Read Max Weber again, but harder this time.

Who would buy the products? Capitalism depends on a middle class.

>The problem with "slavery" is the American Antebellum South ruined the term. No one in modern times is capable of imagining slaves as anything but cotton pickers being whipped 24/7. They can't visualize slaves possibly in better, even somewhat agreeable situations, or slaves in far more inhuman arrangements, but really any person who does the bidding of another entity not of his own free will is a slave.
Which is why modern America works so well.

>India is slavery at best
Wow no

You are such a commy bastard who doesn't realize he's a still a slave just like the capitalist pigs.

That was from last night or two nights ago when some great friend said ancient Roman slaves had slaves. Maximus cried in his fictional wheat field grave

wageslaves are the middle class.

It's for the same reason that slavery was more common in overseas colonies than mainland:

Slavery becomes more desirable for landowners where land is abundant but labour is scarce, such that rent is depressed and paid workers can demand high wages. If the opposite holds true, then it becomes more costly for landowners to have guards for the slaves than to employ paid workers who can only demand low wages due to the amount of competition. Thus, first slavery and then serfdom gradually decreased in Europe as the population grew, but were reintroduced in the Americas and in Russia as large areas of new land with few people became available.

True Noble. Responsible for collecting the surplus of the pleb communities and distributing it to those above them, the petty nobles and the segment of the armed forces they control for the maintaining of order. Soldiery has a similar structure to the pleb/noble that merges at True Noble. They typically get slightly better housing than the petty noble and plebs but not by much because nobody likes a show off and they are still close enough to the low levels to earn resentment. Also if you fuck up at this level you fuck up big and the punishments are more severe.

Above the True Noble is the High Noble of which there is only a few in the nation whose job is to organize the True Nobles. They do not concern themselves with the nitty gritty of the work beneath them unless it fucks up somehow. Then they send in their Inquisitors who bring back extensive details about what went wrong, who is responsible and possible solutions. Then comes the dishing out of punishments. Should there be resistance and a TN rebeling with their soldiers then the TNs and the HNs slap their shit down and terminate them with their armies. HNs are also responsible for a body of soldiery usually smaller than the TNs but of better training and better equiped.

Above the TNs is the King and the royal court. Their job is to set policy, deal with foreign powers, decide what the law should be and make sure the HNs aren't fucking up. King has a fair sized army larger than any one HN but not as much as two of them but are the cream of the crop with the best toys. Also the assassins are on his payroll.

In theory the only one who is free to do as they wish is the King. Everyone else has their orders from the rank above them. King swears an oath to serve the nation. The HNs have the authority to remove him from power by 3/4 majority. Should vote fail those that called for it are at the Kings mercy to be pardoned should he deem it prudent or punished as the law permits.

Underrated un- underrating post

Fetishize it, maybe give them an implant that pleases them if they are obedient. Or make them want emotional rewards (ex. head pats, compliments) rather than material.

Is this not the same slave thread from before? OP your game will go well either way, just DM like a champ. Your players can't be that smart

Simple. All of the non-slaves are psions.

I mean ancient Romans had no problem having slaves as teachers and doctors. Its not that novel an idea and should work fine.

Create a small ruling class who either possess the military, economic or religious dominance over the society
Enforce a way to prevent anyone not in the ruling class from ever leaving the societies bounds, and if they do leave, they are either under surveillance to ensure they return, or have broken out and are on the run
Present the majority of the society being pretty much a constant workplace, the only reason a majority of the society would be slaves is to ensure the ruling class have a constant work force.
Have things like leisure and relaxation be earned, rewards for working hard. The ruling class would of course have full access to it.
Possibly include the ability to buy your way out of the society, or into some, sub-ruling class you could include, free people who still live in the society.

It's really simple, just take the actual aspects of slavery and expand them a hundred fold.

Honestly the silliest part of the Draka at least pre under the yoke was the way they got away from the birtish interfering with their slave system by calling them "Serfs" pretty much everything else was possible if a bit unlikely.
After Marching through Georgia though it just becomes off the wall sci fi, it was still a fun read though.

Read about the antebellum American South. Slaves weren't 90%, but they were the majority in most areas. More specifically, you want to read about the racial patriarchy and how social norms reinforced it.

Nah, the whole thing was silly, especially the part where they just blew through the malaria-prone areas which stopped Europeans for a long time in real life. Also: when you've got a society which is 90% slave and 10% free - which the Draka had even when they were down there on the Cape - why would you want to conquer more territory and get more slaves you then have to worry about, since in the story revolts were a common thing during that period? Just move out to some defensible borders, set up an export economy and the ruling elite can live it up in the kind of decadent luxury that would make Nero look like a smelly street hobo. But of course then the author wouldn't have his BS will-to-power jackoff narrative, so, yeah.

> The other 10% are wizards

Only way it could actually work if by "slave" you mean the Plantation variety. Roman slaves with greater degrees of freedom *might* be possible, and if you have a god king as head of state, technically everyone could be his "slave" just like all land in the Incan Empire was the God-Emperor's

ask Imperial russia and its serfs

And here I thought I knew what retardation was.
I was wrong. So wrong. I'm sorry.

>side note.
As if - she'd be the first to call bullshit on this steaming pile of crap.

>90% of the society are slaves.
>How could this work?

Aliens who live off-world and are so far beyond us that retribution is impossible are the real masters and the 10% "Free" people are the liaisons between them and us

But Roman's had slavery as a means to advancement. Selling yourself into slavery guaranteed that your offspring would become citizens and as per tradition that family that you sold yourself to would be obligated to make sure your child got the best schooling possible.

make it a feudal society of sorts ?

faith and tradition states that only the royal elite are to be treated as gods while the serving class work and serve them as slaves.

just as it works today

What is capitalism

So, what, you think if we were "free" you'd be praised for not working?

All hail the NEET, isn't he so clever and wise in being a lazier asshole than the rest of us.

>How could this work?

The spartans offered the strongest and most charismatic of their helots places in their society so they wouldn't be around to lead the rest of the helots into revolt.

(And then killed those helots instead of offering them ACTUAL places in society because if there's one thing the spartans knew, it was needless dishonor for cruelty's sake. They were a people entirely without honor. I have zero idea why they're so idealized.)

But there is literally nothing wrong with this and you're describing the most perfect form of meritocratic capitalism.

100% inheritance tax and seizure of assets that is then either put towards public projects or state projects and agencies, or otherwise put back into basic welfare or education and so forth.

Actually, that makes me wonder; could a government function purely on 100% inheritance tax, with 0% of any other kinds of taxes?
Obviously there'd need to be some way to prevent people from just shifting all their wealth to an heir some time before their death, but it's an interesting thought.
"You get to keep fruits of your labor while you live. Upon death, what is left belongs to all"
That said, this would probably incentivize crazy huge splurges of indulgence in a person's final years of life (even if they couldn't transfer everything to their kids), but hey, it'd still keep money moving in the economy.

10% demigods.
10% magic users.
10% aliens.

>they must work, or they will die

You would still have this problem if the government disappeared brosef. Food doesn't grow itself, not in amounts large enough to feed us all.

^^This is a really good filter for political ideas - if everybody you're complaining about just fucked off to a distant island and left you alone, would your issues solve themself? If not, you're complaining about the wrong problem.

It would have issues with Corporations. They don't tend to die. So they have serious advantages over other businesses that need to start from nothing.

>"You get to keep fruits of your labor while you live. Upon death, what is left belongs to all"

See this is the problem - what is left *doesn't* belong to all. It belongs to the people who can most successfully convince the government that they should have a slice of it.

>It would have issues with Corporations. They don't tend to die. So they have serious advantages over other businesses that need to start from nothing.

Yeah but every time a shareholder dies, the shares revert to the government. Every company would be wholly owned by the government after 100 years of existence, unless the shares are sold before death in which case the government inherits enough money to buy the company.

Fair point; in any properly functioning capitalist system, I suppose there'd always be a way to keep your money moving around to something else so it does get snatched up by taxes.

Of course, this ignores the possibility of a culture that glorifies hoarding wealth in older age as a form of charity. "The more you're worth at death, the more you help the next generation" kind of deal.

Surely there'd still be some form of more conventional taxes, but with the right policies, a 100% inheritance tax would be pretty appealing to most people to take the sting off other taxes, assuming that children, on the average, could make their way in the world well enough under such a system.

To be fair, fundamentally, the state does represent "all", regardless if it's democratic and empowered by the people, or ruled by an absolute sovereign.

There's also something to say that, in a society as meritocratic as one that would even implement a total inheritance tax in the first place, traditional welfare would all but be abolished. You'd literally only have state money going to infrastructure, or the military, or towards formative welfare for the upcoming generation, etc.

>a 100% inheritance tax would be pretty appealing to most people to take the sting off other taxes, assuming that children, on the average, could make their way in the world well enough under such a system.

Not sure about that. Inheritance taxes tend to be pretty unpopular under the basis of 'I want to provide for my children'

>To be fair, fundamentally, the state does represent "all", regardless if it's democratic and empowered by the people, or ruled by an absolute sovereign.

If that's all you're paying for, why do you need a 100% tax on inheritance?

>Not sure about that. Inheritance taxes tend to be pretty unpopular under the basis of 'I want to provide for my children'
Right, which is why I'm posing this as a hypothetical scenario in a hyper-meritocratic and egalitarian society.

Like I said, to get rid of all or most other taxes.
If I had to choose between giving up 25% of everything I make throughout my life, or giving up everything that I own upon death, given the condition that any children I have were given an extremely high quality education and are almost assured to make it in the world, I'd absolutely choose the latter.

>*enslaves you*

This is essentially how the mistborn universe works.

90+% of the populace were slaves with zero rights governed by a small elite of people that happened to be descendant from the friends of the god emperror of the world.

lmao grow the other half of your pea brain if you're going to throw around retarded statements like that

either the 10% is a very powerful warrior class (like Medieval Knights or Japanese Samurai)
shit like this slaves are separated in groups that hate each other
or you get a revolution