It's chess puzzle time!

It's chess puzzle time!

White to move.

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Rolled 14 (1d20)

I roll to seduce the African Queen.

I buy the Railroad


I hope she is to your liking.

I reach through my horse disguise and stab the king.

Board updated. End of turn one. Roll initiative for turn two.

Horsey to h6?

Why do you hate your rook so much?

Pawn to g6

Fine he takes my rook and I take queen

Then he gets another queen because of the pass pawn

Queen takes knight?

And then black keeps pushing that pawn and gets himself a new queen.

Because horse cocks can cum and stone dildos can't.

Pawn to f7

I've been looking at this for half an hour or so and still can't see a good move for white.

Am I being trolled?

Alright how about a small hint... it's not a knight move.

Rolled 1 (1d20)

I attempt to tie someone to the train tracks

In the attempt you trip over one of the rails and land with your head on the other, knocking you out.

Pawn g7

I have no idea how to chess, but the only sensible move I see is knight to h6 before it gets taken? There's no way to cover it or anything else to move in a way that would NOT result in the knight getting taken for no gain whatsoever, everything else is covered.

Then you lose your rook. Sure you can capture the pawn afterwards but you much rather save the rook and give up on the knight than save the knight.

No correct suggestions so far. (engines won't find the move either, at least when I checked)

Eeeeh so then what? Pawn to G6 so the queen has to move, then pawn to G7 so the King has to move? I really don't want to go through the trouble of installing the same chess software and click next on the steps myself.

After g6 the black queen moves to f6 and black wins in 13 or so moves.

Id say is the right call (should be G6 though). Its the best I can think of too.
>move pawn
>queen forced to move (takes knight)
>king moves
>save rook (with another check)
Although it isnt really a solution since black can just take the rook and sacrifice his queen.

Doesnt work. He can just take the rook anyway. If you take his queen be can get another one, if you push for the king he can take the knight with his king and at the same time block your pawn. At that point you have 3 pawns in a terrible position vs a queen+king

Sacrificing a rook for a knight is a 'rookie' misteak.

White is just boned tho. Black has superior coverage.

>making a puzzle out of a solved game

Rook to E3? Queen takes Knight, then move up the G5? I'm terrible at this.

After that pawn move black wouldn't move the queen but instead capture the rook. If white then captures the queen black will promote that pawn to a queen which white can't prevent.

White has exactly one move to turn things around. After that move black is done for.

Ok, this is dragging out way too long. Clearly we aren't going this guess this one because it's too high level a scenario for people who don't play this game. Solution and a slightly easier one?

White's winning move is Rxb3

Eh? How? The pawn can take it and then the queen can just go around and mop everything up?

The idea behind that move is to remove black's ability to promote that pawn. After that black's king and queen are under too much pressure. In the end it's king vs king and pawn and white just promotes that extra pawn.

Switch on the engine in the top right and try it out.

Also, you see the engine gives a value. A positive value means advantage for white, a negative value means advantage for black. For example -0.3 = small advantage for black. +25.4 = huge advantage for white. Notice the huge swing after Rxb3

Alright, new puzzle. White to move for decisive advantage.

This one is easier and any engine will find this move in like a second. So no cheating!

Rook from G4 to F4. Dunno what black does but then white can take the knight.

Bump because I don't want this thread falling off but I'm absolutely stupefied. I'm seeing three "forcing" moves for White - all of the ones that check the black king - but I can't turn them into a decisive advantage.

Correct answer

is almost right, Re4 wins the knight and black will have hard time stopping a mating attack without Rxe6 after the bishop takes the knight, leading to two rooks vs one.

Fuck I'm blind. Nice.

No that's incorrect. I already revealed the correct move.
