My friends want to play a tabletop rpg where they play themselves in a zombie apocalypse in our hometown...

My friends want to play a tabletop rpg where they play themselves in a zombie apocalypse in our hometown. Which is the best system to use?



D&D 5e

I second this. All those in favor, say "Braaiinnnzzz!"

ALL Flesh MUST Be Eaten

This is the exact premise of the End of the World game line.

If all else fails, GURPS is an option. GURPS is always an option.

GURPS is the vanilla ice cream of traditional games: it tastes ok but it never is the best flavor you can have. It's... just ok.


>End of the World
This does look like exactly what I'm looking for -- shall read -- hope it's fun. TYVM


It's a trap!
Try Savage Worlds, it even has a zombie campaign.



You've obviously never had good Vanilla, real vanilla is actually one of the richest and most complex flavors out there according to some.

How's your sister?

I don't have one

Stop eating vanillin ice cream and find proper vanilla ice cream.

>want to play a tabletop rpg where they play themselves in a zombie apocalypse in our hometown.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten
All Things Zombie
Outbreak Undead
Dead Reign
Shotgun Diaries
The Zombie Plan
End of the World series 'Zombies'



Basic stats are all directly convertible from IRL ability.


Okay, I'll bite. How do you quantify everyone's IQ for conversion?

All Flesh Must Be Eaten is a game based entirely around the zombie apocalypse. Might wanna give that a go.

Divide IQ by ten.

Sure, but how do you get everyone's IQ in the first place?

if they can't prove it isn't, its 100

That'll be a fun conversation. I'd bring popcorn!

> you're average unless proven otherwise

I don't see why most people would contest this unless they're full blown auti-

Yeah, you're right.

Sounds good.
Would make it possible to get an 11 if the group unanimously votes yes, though.

That too. Then there's the conversation tree.

"I see you put down IQ 12."
"Yeah, so?"
"Prove it."
"What, you don't think I'm that bright?"
"I'm just saying you haven't-"
"Hang on, if he's got a 12 then I'm going 12 too."
"-don't come across as brighter than most is all-"
"Fuck you both it's a dump stat, I took 7."
"-I've got the MENSA quiz ready-"
"That's not how this works!"
"I got better SATs than you did, dickweed-"
"You know how much I can get for 30 points?!"
"-for fuck's sakes"

Zombie apocalypse is very broad. What exactly do you want the players to do? What systems do you enjoy already? There's a big difference between "I want to mow down zombies left and right" vs" I want to mow down zombies left and right but also have a very real chance of dying" vs "I want to be holed up in the local mall, constructing complex traps that obey real-world physics to protect what little I have and making occasional, meticulously well planned trips to the outside to forage for supplies."

>dump stat
I believe this player to have 70 IQ IRL alright.

Playing 'yourselfs' never really works. I know fat super nerds who live of befits because they are cripples and think they will be top tire in ZA because they own swords and chainmail.

if you want to run it as a b-horror movie Horror Rules is a good system.
