/ssss/ Stand still stay silent general - Best girl (male) edition

Last thread died hours ago so im taking it upon myself to start a new one.

General dedicated to the Stand Still, Stay Silent universe and various fan projects.

What is SSSS?

It's a webcomic that takes place 90 years after the end of the old world. Most of the surviving population of the Known world live in Iceland, the largest safe area in existence, while the settlements in the other Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland) are small and scarce.

Outside the safe areas, in the Silent World, countless mysterious and unspoken dangers lurk. Hunters, mages and cleansers will spend their lives defending the settlements against the terrifying beings. Because of a great fear towards everything in the Silent World no official attempts to explore the ruins of the old have been made, and most of the information about it has turned into ancient lore, known by few.

Finally, a research crew has been sent into the great unknown! A poorly funded and terribly unqualified crew, but a crew nonetheless.

Comic Homepage: sssscomic.com/?id=home
Begin the Story: sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=1

>pastebin: pastebin.com/gdzsyzC8

Fan Projects In Progress:

Far East Setting Expansion
Poland Setting Expansion
Vikingr: A SSSS RPG

Other urls found in this thread:


Still looking for drawfags to polish up my maps.

Will be posting maps and lore soon

State of Alaska
Goverment type: Constitutional republic
Population: 33.500
Immunity: 22%
Economic base: Ore, oil and technology
Languages: English, Native tounges. Russian is taught as second language.
Religion: Orthodox 60% other christian 10% Native spiritualism/paganism 30%

Alaska is all that remains of the great superpower that was the united states. Its population crippeled, and scattered around several islands.
Still, the American spirit remains unbroken.

Alaska is rich in two things, ore and pre-plague technology.

During the days of the infection, the american goverment relocated large amounts of weapons, electronic, knowhow data and other valuables to the state. As well as moving the president and other high ranking peronel there aswell.

To this day, the presidency still rules from Alaska, with the old constitution and rights of the union still apllying. Albeit, with only one (crippeled) state remaining.

While vastly undermanned, the Alaskan army is the most technologically advanced in the Bering strait, respected even by the highly militarized kamchatkans.
The Alaskan fleet, while only containing a handful of the old pacific fleet, is still powerful enough to patrol the waters, and fight of infected sea-beasts.

Alaskan culture highly idealises americana of old (think fallout style, kinda), and Alaskans dream of one day restoring their great nation. Although more and more Russian influence has been creeping in due to trade and diplomacy. To the displeasure of many Alaskans.

Another uniting force is the Orthodox religion, which is the most widely practised religion in Alaska, while alreade consisting og 1/7 of the population in pre-sickness era, the religion skyrocketed after the orthodox faithful started displaying magical abilities. Primeraly warding off the trolls.

So, it was an STD that wiped out the rest of the world, but because Nordic countries are 90% gay they survived?

That doesn't make sense, because gays have the highest percentage of STD transmissions.

Vladivostok Krai
Goverment type: Hereditary precidency
Population 91.000
Immunity: 57%
Languages: Russian
Religion: Russian Orthodoxy 84%. Slavic paganism 16%
Largest settlements: Vladivostok City, Kamen-Rybolov

Because of its more southern position, Vladivostok Krai has taken the role of breadbasket on the community of Bering strait. Compared to the other states, Vladivostok can produce wheat and other crops in its reclaimed farmland. Fishing is still an invaluable food source though, with around 30% of the states food being covered by fish.

While lying about as south as Croatia, Vladivostok has a climate equivilent to that of scandinavia. This means that while not as cold as Kamchatka or other northern states, Vladivostok still enjoys some enviormental protection from the infected.

When combined with the presence of Vladivostoks national animal, and beloved cultural icon, the Siberian tiger. The unclaimed area is much safer compared to other parts of the silent world.

The tiger, like normal cats, has an uncanny ability to detect the infection and full immunity. The tigers regularily hunt infected animals and trolls, and because of its immunity, has no problem digesting and living off them.

This has made Siberian Tiger a cultural icon, beloved by children and the population as a whole. Especially amongst the pagan minority, who view it as an agent of the gods.

Vladivostok Krai is predominantly Orthodox Christian, there is a widespread belief that it is a holy duty to cleanse away the corrupted wilderness with fire and prayer.
As such, Vladivostok is very agressive in it cleansing expansion, and has made it a ambitious goal to retake their old coastline in its entirety within the next 50 years.

Vladivostok boasts the largest army in the Bering strait community, comprising over 30.000 troops. Primary armament is AK pattern of rifle, the largest stock of functioning AK's in the world. A well loved weapon shrouded in great tales and mysticism.

Great Kamchatka
Goverment type: Pseudo democracy
Population: 85.530
Immunity: 19%
Languages: Russian. Native kamchatkan languages
Religion: Slavic paganism. With a minority of orthodox and native tengrist faiths

Due to its isolation, and the natural defence if the permafrost, kamchatka was spared the blunt of the pandemic.

The area where the penisula conects to the mainland is covered in snow and frost year round, making it difficult or nearly imposible for trolls and infected beasts to cross

The kamtchatkans capitulize on this with the construction of the triple bastions. A series of fortresses, walls, fences and cleared minefields. These baricades, combined woth the harsh conditions, protect the population from the dangers of the mainland.

Kamchatkan russians mostly follow the old gods, of which Perun, Svarog and all the other major gods are populer.
Worship is fairly standardised, with a couple of standerized holy teksts, and a grand temple in the capital Petropavlovsk

One peculier Kamchatkan custom is the veneration of the minor deity Ded Moroz, the bringer of frost and winter. While assosiated with childrens stories and western notions of "santa claus" in the pre-plauge era, Ded Moroz has regained the respect a winter god of death deserves.
He is viewed as the savior and eternal guardian of the peninsuala, due to the harsh cold keeping trolls and grosslings away

9% of the poulation is still eastern orthodox, and in open communion with the patriarch in Vladivostok, and the autocephalous patriarchy of Alaska

Religious tensions are high, but mitigated by the fact that most orthodox live in their own oblasts.

Kamchatka is as heavily militarised as expected of a nation in a post rash world. Fights with invading trolls do take place at the northern forts. Due to their low immunity rate, Kamchatkan soldier wear gas masks at all times while old and archaic the image of the fearless masked kamchatkan soldier is iconic through the entire strait.

Sakhalin-Kuril oblast
Goverment type: Military council
Population: 28.460
Immunity: 36%
Languages: Russian. Ainu Japanese on southern islands.
Religion: Almost exclusivly Slavic paganism. >98%
Largest settlements: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Poronaysk, Severo-Kurilsk

Sakhalin-Kuril oblast might not seem like much, but due to its location and archipelogo nature, it has become a vital tradehub and seafaring nation.

Sakhalin is a seafaring nation first and foremost, and their culture is heavily tied to their boats, fishing and sea. The folk hero Vitus Berings is particularily populor in the island nation, and many Sakhalinians dream of a day where they can follow in his footsteps.

Sakhalin-Kuril fuels its economy through trade, fishing and tarrifs. They exclusivly control the trade routes from Vladivostok and other western nations to Kamchatka and Alaska in the east. This has made the Islands rich beyond proportion, but has also garnerned them jealousy and enemies.

In recent years, Sakhalin-Kuril has started cleansing and constructing colonies in the great southern island. Founding the settlement of Novo-Kiev. Their adventurous spirit driving them.

Sakhalin posseses the biggest fleet in the known world, perhaps only rivaled by the rumored empires in the west. It consists of a flotila of primitive wooden or metal boats, constructed after the great sickness, and the majority of the old Russian pacific fleet, which was captured from Vladivostok in a daring raid in the year 57.

The smaller newer vessels are ussually only armed with high caliber machine guns or small caliber auto-cannons. Usually purchased from neighboring nations.
Still, the might of the fleet is not to be underestimated. Sakhalin truly rules the waves

Religion in Sakhalinsk is almost exclusivly Slavic pagan, even amongst the Ainu people in the southern Islands and colony of Novo-Kiev. The Sakhalinians particularily revere sea spirits for obvious reasons.

Againt, if anyone with even basic artistic skills would take time to plish these up and make them look a e s t e t i c c
It would be greatly appreciated.

I like the idea of China somehow being surrounded by barely-surviving colonies, ever fearful of the Chinese giants

A few scattered Tibetan towns up in the highlands, simultaneously relishing freedom and fearing destruction. Some sherpa villages in the Himalayas, squashed between two of the most dangerous places on earth. Surviving Mongolians on the northern steppes, saved by the gobi, and, of course Vladivostok


This is awesome, user!

Chinese beasts threatening the surviving Tibetan and mountain settlements would be horrifying. I'm imagining giant masses of amalgamated human corpses bursting out of mass graves or infection choked hospital wards...

cool art

wheres it from?


From real world news Icelanders manged to qualify to World Cup, as smallest nation that ever managed to do it.
Based Vikings managed to reach 1/4 of Euro Cup.
There must be something abouth this fuckers, so thier survival in event of Rash gets more likely.

Also I see that OP is also a man of culture, and knows who is best girl(male). Sigurn is best boy(female) tho

The more I read the more I realise this is literally just a more European version of Spread.

So is this comic just masturbating to scandinavian supremacy?


Haven't read the comic. Is it just zombies or what? There's some magic, apparently.

In a way, though it's not particularly compelling masturbation material. It's like trying to jerk off while staring at sheep. Possible, but shameful and disappointing.

They're more misshapen and random. It's implied that they are fully aware of their existence, but unable to control themselves. It also affects all mammals except cats.

So if everything was turned into a zombiething, and it's been 50+ years, how are there still zombiethings? They would starve, and can't reproduce.

Is Metro about russian supremacy?

They dont age, implied to be because the plague is magical in nature

So basically our pussy-ass scandinavians have to go out there and kill about 60 billions monsters. Awesome.

Shit, I forgot this thing existed. Welp, now I gotta archive-binge for like six-seven months' worth.

Give it time.

Latest page, boys! Get it whilst it's hot!

>They dont age, implied to be because the plague is magical in nature
It does not need to be magic (but it is magic), cancer does not die on it's own.

From /co/

Enjoy you faggots.

No, please. Not again.

Already posted this on their forums. But 1d4chan already has a page on 4s in case if you guys are not aware


It's more just a Scandinavian writer and artist basing a setting in their own region of the world I think.

It's a nice change of pace from the post-apocalypse settings in the United States and Russia

Also if the rules of having a stable place to live are cold mountains. how would for say, a dessert do?

>Already posted this on their forums

System-user here, with the latest edition of Vikingr.

Anyone have requests on what to see next?

>Anyone have requests on what to see next?
Needs rules for Sanity, and how it can be destroyed by hearing or seeing crazy shit. Other than that, great job so far.

>rules for Sanity
No. Stop that.

B-But, Madness! Crushing despair! SORROW!


My current plan is to make a 'Stress' mechanic instead of an 'Insanity' meter. It fits the setting better, and it's less frustrating for the players to be told 'well, you're insane now, make a new character'.

Think about it - Sigrun's been hunting trolls for roughly 18 years. If SSSS monsters worked the same way Lovecraft monsters did, she'd have been rendered into a gibbering mess years ago.

>Sigrun's been hunting trolls for roughly 18 years
>tfw you will never have a 10/10 Sigrun gf who has hunted trolls since she was 14

I think a previous thread had the idea of desert nomads worshiping Bast due to the special role of cats in the world. I like the idea of roaming desert tribes like the Bedouin surviving and the renewal of Mesopotamian and pre-Islamic/Judaic religion in the Middle East and North Africa.

That would be cool. There might also be some permanent farming settlements on the Nile away from the old cities.

Also Rash-mutated Hippos sound terrifying as fuck.

The statistical benefits that each profession hold would be neat. A solid cost analysis for favors from contacts, maybe.?

Holy shit, they do. Their jaws would be massive.

I have a theory that Rash Beasts take on their forms and abilities in a way that has parallels to nearby peoples' respective mythology - or it could be that they're just named after legendary folk monsters like their Scandinavian cousins. Sphinxes along the Nile River would have canine-like bodies and mostly intact human faces, Serpopards would be mutated mammals with elongated necks for attacking with surprise around corners...

I wish we knew what trolls subsisted on. Mammels are seeminly rare, and so the trolls hibernate. Walking dead zombies can apparently starve, but it takes years. I wonder if trolls are something similar, and how long they can go without food or water. It might be interesting to have areas that are clensed just from a lack of viable resources.

Not really? It just takes place in Scandinavia and some of the characters are moderately competent. Scandi's just happened to live in a climate that made isolating themselves from the disease possible.

Several Troll-types are massively lacking things that would normally allow life to properly function and *work* generally. Leaf Troll for instance seemed to lack a proper skull, heart, lungs and other necessary organs, and functioned just if e so long as it's brain was last I'll intact. And then there's shit like the Jelly-Legs...



Mikkel is not amused.




Sigrun os best girl

So I'm entertaining idea of working on north african-middle eastern part of the setting with nomadic tribes traveling around desert. Thing is back in the day nomads obviously relied on horses/camels for transport and were mostly animal herders. Thing is with plague hitting mammals this goes out the window.

Transportation I can imagine is easy enough with caravans of cars and assorted vehicles(I would imagine there is enough fuel in middle east to support population of 1/100 of what it is now). Problem is where would they get their food from

>Problem is where would they get their food from

Historically (post desertification), goats and camels. So unless they are immune or well protected, not much else to eat out there.


the process of making crude oil into fuel is too complicated to be viable in this setting.

Aside from Bast, Sobek and Seth are propably very well liked too. Sobeks beasts hunt the infected beasts in the waters while, Seth offers safeish lands.

Mikkel is best confirmed




I seriously confused the gender of more than half of the main characters in this comic, not in a way doubting way, in a way that I was reasonably certain until I found out the truth.
The swede seemed like a girl, but I found out it's just a twink early on.
I had the finnish cousins reversed, found out that the tall one was a boy, and found out way later the short one was a girl.
I went back and forth on the viking.
The danish guy is obvious, he has all the testosterone in the story.

nice quads

So everything south of Denmark is absolutely infected in this setting?


Everwhere except Iceland, actually. Other than that, there's no other confirmation of any other non-infected areas.

As far as they know. Interest in expeditions has considerably died down.

let me guess, this is your webcomic and you want free advertising

Genuine question: do you think Emil and Lalli are gonna fuck? I don't really care one way or another (their interactions have all been fun so far), but I genuinely can't tell if they want to bang, or are just really good friends.

They can't.
They are Finn and Swede, that would be haram for them.
Also there is much effort needed to repopulate world, heterosexual relationship for sake of reproduction is a duty.

Fair, but that doesn't stop either of them from being donors for the Dagrenning Program. They're both immune, so they could still do their duty that way.

imagining trying to explain to a Finn to jerk off into a cup and he just looks at it then scowls at you.

You don't know much about Finnish-Swedish history don't you?


rip in peace babby
t. toxoplasmosis

And Insects.

Toxoplasmosis? How does that have anything to do with being a sperm donor?

Sounds like a prelude to war.

The plastic cup war.

>good goy, sucking on things that have been next to a cat's butt is perfectly fine

Ah yes, the infamous zionist catbutt conspiracy.

Seriously though, toxoplasma has negligible effects on humans. At most it's been shown to slightly increase rates of reckless driving.

>Smash Hill
That's the spirit, Captcha.

Do you own a cat, by any chance?

No. But our rooster chased one out of the yard once, with some backup from our rabbit.


Spoken like true t. gondii victims

Guys, please stop arguing over Toxoplasmosis, and whether or not it truly constitutes a "threat". Especially in regards to the world of SSSS, where a super-disease of pure evil has already bent the world over the counter and has violated it to hell and back.

>Guys, please stop arguing over Toxoplasmosis, and whether or not it truly constitutes a "threat"
t. gondii

Well that's certainly one way to deal with a population crisis also I wanna knock up that 20 year old.

>I wanna knock up that 20 year old.
Which one? Cause Reynir's 20 (despite not looking the part), and he's easy enough to mistake for a girl.

Oh I forgot to link it with this

So where's all the bows/cross bows/Bowguns/Slingshots/Wristrockets/Slingrifles/spearguns/air rilfes at?

Used by civilians? We see plenty of guns because all the characters are military or have military related professions.

Except Reynir I guess, but he is a special case.


Latest version of Vikingr! Not as substantial as the last update, but I figured I'd need some more input before progressing.


Added ‘Stress’ mechanic under Helvegen Chapter
Added preliminary Weapons sub-chapter.

Let me know what you think.

holy shit man the first time I looked at this thing it was 4 pages now it's nearly ten times that number