Green Orc or Pig Orc?

Green Orc or Pig Orc?
Dragon Kobold or Dog Kobold?
Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?

How do you take your fantasy?

Green orc
Dog kobolds
Floppy elf

This would be an objectively correct fantasy setting


Dogbolds a cute but gotta stick to the classics here

Grey-skinned primordial hominid orc.
Rat-lizard kobold.
Nobody has survived to tell the tale.

>Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?

How is this even a debate?
Expressive ears are the best part of an elf.

P'orcs are better in everyway.

>sweaty, unwashed cestrees
nice, nice.

I've been running with a little bit of A,B and somethimes C.
Depends on how I feel, they're all good aesthetically and there's really no REAL big change.

Green orc and pig orc on a sliding scale based on region
Reptilian kobold, not dragon. Dog kobolds are irrelevant thanks to gnolls.
Both kinds of ears.

>Black, Brown, & Red Pig Orc.

>Dragon+Dog, Kobolds.

>Floppy Eared Elf.

And gnolls are irrelevant thanks to werewolves.
Don't follow the slippery slope user.

What the fuck is a floppy eared elf?

cute. Cute!

the fuck is a dog kobold

If I had my way, orcs would be irrelevant because of gnolls. They fill the same roll, gnolls are just scarier.

Corruption orc, it explains why they are always a bunch of cunty barbarian tribes while being perfectly sentient, they're changed into it.
Ratbolds to the north, lizardbolds in the west, dogbolds in the east. They fuck, a lot, with a lot of things. Its the dragon blood.
And who cares about elf ears. They're pointy.

Yeah, I would have it in reverse. Don't like gnolls and hyenas, stupid fucking catdogs.
But you can have your way user, in fact you can have your absolute indisputable claim to a castle of dirt. Simply make your own setting.

Gray orc
Goblin kobold
Rigid eared elf so goblins can have floppy ones

A cute misunderstanding.

Green pig orc.
I detest kobolds, I don't think they add anything that isn't already covered by goblins better.
Floppy in that case.

There's also the 'Rat' Kobold done by Warcraft which I find a little underappreciated.

And GW. Skaven are an obvious take on bolds.
Diablo also had them.


Kobolds are ineffective and endearing because of it.

Goblins are inefficient, but ultimately effective, hence a threat

This thing


Green/Gray Orcs
Dragon Kobolds
Floppy Elf!

Like them both, but lean towards dragon.

Still piglike and definitely warrior looking but also kinda cute, that's how I my orcs

Halflings or Gnomes?

Mutant humanoid, grey-skinned orcs
Skinny, scaled kobolds, less dragony and more skaven with scales
Elf ears depends on which elven background they're from, as elves have as many ethnic varieties as real-world humans, and often hate each other like the kurds and the turks, and the kurds and the persians, or the kurds and just about anyone, really.

neither are functionally different enough from dwarves to be relevant desu

Green Orc, with Pig Orcs being related but uncommon.
Dragon Kobold, or at least reptilian
Floppy ears best ears.

>Green Orc or Pig Orc?
>Dragon Kobold or Dog Kobold?
yes (luck dragon)
>Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?
Rigid ear but they can move, like Marcielle


Not a furry so neither




If the ears don't flop, it's time to stop

The first two are best when combined. Elf ears should always be floppy though. Much more expressive, even around the traditional resting-Elf-bitch-face.

orcs are green, kobolds are draconic and elfs have standing ears

could someone post a floppy ear elf picture? just so I'm sure of what I'm thinking about them

Pig orc.
Dragon kobold.
Deedlit-ear elves.

mage orc

Fat eared elf

Pig orc
Dragon kobold
Lemme get the floppy ears

>Halflings or Gnomes?

Just merge them in as different cultures of Dwarves: Halflings are meadow Dwarves, Gnomes are Forest Dwarves, it makes Dwarves way more interesting and diverse.
Bonus points if the Halflings, Gnomes, and Dwarves can easily tell one another apart by -in their opinion- blatant cultural differences, but outsiders are constantly confused and ignorant, "You all look like Dwarves to me!"

Floppy and rigid, genetically determined like if a humans ear lobes are attached or not.

Grey orcs
Floppy-eared elves whose ears reflect their emotional state

Pig orcs of course.
Green buff humans are lame to me. Make them hairy barbarians that resemble human vices and bear appearance of an animal that is associated with unclean.


You're lame to me

Just have the Rigid and Floppy eared elves be different ethnic groups of elves.

Spotted the greenskin lads!

I once toyed around with a homebrew setting and decided dog kobolds and dragon kobolds coexisted. They both considered themselves "the true kobolds", but generally didn't fight over it outside the occassional barroom brawl because of their mutual desire to protect themselves from the bigger and stronger races.
Not picky about elves, but always green orcs.

Pig orcs, but musclegutty
Lizardbolds if chinese or russian-inspired, dog otherwise, teensy little raptors if aztec
Floppy for everyone but high elves. Having visible emotions is for fags to their thinking.


Non-GW Western Orcs
Short eared elves for traditional fantasy, long and expressive for anime

I agree, rat kobolds are completely underrated.

Melted elf face orc
Why not both?
Floppy, of course.

I wonder why dwarfs have so few deviations compared to other fantasy races.

Because dwarfs are dull.

Mongrel porcs
Expressive ears
Both Halflings and Gnomes. Gnomes comes from fey, Halflings from Men.

>his elfs still have ears

Pig orks as Hill and forest variant.
first basically live as not!-celtic bronze tribe and raid only when needed, later one are basically stuck in the stone age and sustain their small camps through raiding travellers and villages.

Rock fae kobold, sometimes benevolent, sometimes cunts and you never know what you are dealing with.

Floppy eared Elf

>Green Orcs that have to fight off Pig Orcs
>Dragon offshoot kobolds
>rigid ear elves

Okay those dog bolds might make also acceptable rock fae.

P'Orcs, red/black/brownskinned and lightly furred.
I use pic related for reference of kobolds and have since the mid 90s.
Depends on the age and manner of the elf, though my default setting is floppy.

I feel that these are also acceptable dogbolds.

Who's to say it has to be one or the other? What if !Pig! Orcs were a separate, if closely related race to the usual Orcs that were more at home in caves, or were more drawn to nocturnal activity where their snouts gave them a much keener sense of smell and allowed them to hunt in the darkness better?

But they are gremlins.

Bulldog orcs.

Potato, tomato.
"Gremlin" suggests a lot less industry and a lot more chaos to me.

That's not an orc, that's a Moblin

Skaven are pretty weak individually but overall they are meant to be a very serious worldwide threat in the WH universe. That's the major difference with kobolds I think.

But gremlins are literally fairies that fuck up machinery.

>"Gremlin" suggests a lot less industry and a lot more chaos to me.

Gremlins are literally spirits that infest and tamper with machinery, that's where the original spirit came from.

> Green Orc or Pig Orc?
Pig orc

> Dragon Kobold or Dog Kobold?

Dragon Kobold with dog head

> Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?

Neither. SS übermensch with slightly pointed short ears is superior to both.

Any Orc except Bodybuilder Symmetrical "Orcs"

>mfw the elves in my setting are unironically this
>the pointy eared things everyone calls elves are just the shed skins still walking around pretending to be alive

rat-like kobolds
depends on the genetics/age of elf

I like Kobolds, no matter dog, lizard, rat, dragon or goblinoid, as a bunch of useless twats joke race

dogbolds are the bestest

>Green Orc or Pig Orc?

Brown Orcs with pig-like noses.

>Dragon Kobold or Dog Kobold?

Neither. Kobolds are types of cave-Goblin.

>Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?

Neither. Alien-like, malicious Fae.

Sounds stupid

A shitpost like that, and you call mine stupid?

>and you call mine stupid?
Yeah. It sounds stupid.

Meh, doesn't matter what a pleb like you thinks, really.

Ironically, it doesn't matter what you think either.

Except it clearly does, when the question is asked about our own preferences and I clearly care what I prefer. Fucking dumbass.

>Green Orc or Pig Orc?
>Dragon Kobold or Dog Kobold?
>Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?
All of the above. Orcs and Porcs and Dragonbolds and adorable dogbolds and elves with foot-long ears and basically go full weab.

Not really. It doesn't matter what you think, this thread didn't need your comment. Additionally, the question was an "or" question, not whatever shitty idea you had in your head. You were given a series of three questions with two choices each and you failed to cohere to that, so your comment was actually a waste.

>"this thread didn't need your comment"
>in a thread asking for comments

>"the question was an "or" question"
>How do you take your fantasy?

You're a full on retard.

Read the OP (if you can)
>Green Orc or Pig Orc?
>Dragon Kobold or Dog Kobold?
>Rigid eared Elf or Floppy eared Elf?
Do you know what "or" means??

>"Read the OP (if you can)"
>How do you take your fantasy?

Fuck it, I'm jumping out here before you chew right through your own shoulder.

Why do you ignore the bulk of the post? Saying "how do you take your fantasy" does not somehow magically negate the fact that you were given binary choices to choose from. Wow, you're fucking stupid. Of course, you already know that you're objectively wrong and so you're bailing.

btw I'm the OP, dipshit

Best Orc coming through.


Green/grey/whatever brute humanoids with light pig features are the best.

Snorting unenchanted mundane, greedy, shameless pigfaced orcs. Part Foucault's Barbarian, part Orwell's Pigs. The do not build, they take from others, their power comes from taking from others. They exist in opposition of the civilization. They take food, land, and freedom from others.


What game is this from? GIS only brings up this thread.