GeeDubs in mainstream media

So I was watching The Good Doctor and spotted this. The logo is filed away from copyright but it's no mistake. Any other instances of GW in mainstream media besides the nod in Archer and furthermore, could GW win a lawsuit against a mainstream studio that owns shows such as this or Archer?

Other urls found in this thread:

>could GW win a lawsuit
>Will GW try a lawsuit
Hell yes.

What the fuck am I looking at?

Its not copyright infringement to use a product as a prop.

Also pretty sure neighbours once had an empire army among a nerd kids nerd paraphernalia

Looks like a GW tape measure.

Who the fuck buys a GW branded tape measure?

A while back some hack of a Marvel comic artist used a tau skyray model in the background of a few pages. Probably ripped it from Dawn of War (or got it from someone who did) then took the 3d mesh and made it bigger. They didn't even bother to resize the launcher, drones or hatch cover so they are comically undersized and there's a big goofy hole in the side of it.

When was gw in archer?

>assume you meant they used the model as reference and traced over it
>it's literally an image of a 3d model

When Cyril takes over a South American country. When Lana remarks about his tactics, he gives a shout out to his local Warhammer club.


Marvel is really good at ripping off GW stuff.

Another page. Pretty sure they stole that big mecha in the back too.

This right here

Amazing production value. Literally a glorified Garry's Mod comic. Imagine paying money for this.

Is this from an actual real printed comic book?


>Any other instances of GW in mainstream media besides the nod in Archer

Somebody paid actual money for this ?

is that an original ?

>is that an original ?

I remember Cavin Spacey painting some historical with Citadel paints in "The House of Cards".


It's actually pretty nice, has a rubber housing, smooth action on the plastic release, silent and solid feeling retraction, but I agree with your general premise.

Funnily enough GW tape measures are of better quality than the ones my local hardware store sells. For a half the price. Tape measures are the one thing I haven't regret buying from GW.

This guy says he's in a Warhammer club after people found out he was good at strategy.

What army does he play, Veeky Forums?

You know the fucker's an Eldar player.

Taudar in 7th, Imperial Guard now.

All unpainted.

I think GW can legit sue them for that fucking tau symbol

>Somebody paid actual money for this ?

Nope, that's Marvel's pollen right now.

They wouldn't have a leg to stand on really.

There was an episode of Lewis I think, an English detective show, where one of the guys had a shed full of warhammer stuff.

A kid in Enemy of the State can be seen reading a White Dwarf.

Yeah it was season 2 episode 5 of inspector Lewis if anyone wants to watch.

No way, that can't be real

Have you considered that it may have been made by a company that produces branded merchandise for more than one company?

It's cheap and good quality
So of course they replaced it with overpriced shit.

It has a faded GW logo on it though.

Something GW appeared in Archer?
How did I not notice? Help me catch up with the rest of the class.

Nah man, Sisters of Battle. And he has an email alert anytime a new posting of the words "Sisters" "Plastic" or "Battle" get posted within a word of each other.

I recognize those pieces on the me check as Spore parts. I guess that those guys grumbling about how comics have gone to shit were right.

You don't know the half of it senpai.
Total SJW shitfest.

What better show for GW than one with a high-functioning autistic protagonist. That's some solid prop work.

i laughed when i saw this a few months ago
