Can you have arabian nights in a mediterranean climate?

Can you have arabian nights in a mediterranean climate?

Sure, long as it's southern mediterranean.

Medi climate is viewed by Middle Easterners, both back then and today, as a sort of paradise where it's good to live and the people are soft and snooty.

That's why everyone is jealous of Lebanese, Greeks, and Cypriots.

Almost everything is a paradise if you live in a desert.

Almost everything is a paradise if you live in a muslim majority country

>the middle east was always muslim

But would it be Arabian Nights without kebab flavor with fragrant Indian spices and Chinese food?

Considering Arabian Nights consists in third from Persian fairy tales, fifth Syrian (pre-Arab) fables and tenth Egyptian (pre-Arab)... go fucking figure how easy it's to drop the kebab element alltogether and still have shitload of stories.

Even the arctic?


>third from Persian fairy tales, fifth Syrian (pre-Arab) fables and tenth Egyptian (pre-Arab)
Can you name which of them come from which culture? I know about Chinese and Indian influence but that's about it.

I think the Arctic IS a desert, technically speaking


Spain had a lot of culture introduced to them by the arabs during their conquests. Even the language changed. The now infamous corridas were also believed to be African in origin. I'd say it's very possible if you focus on horses and olives instead of cammels and salt.

no but you can have mediterranean nights

The Persian tales were also pre-Arab. Zarathustra was still top dog.

I remember that thread.

The ocean is a decent, technically speaking.

No. Just no.

Most of the ocean gets loads of rain.

Mostly just the equator and coastal areas. The majority of oceanic space qualifies for our rather unintuitive definition of "desert".

Why don't you read a history book sometime? Or geography for that matter?

Where is North Africa on a map?