Guys, just Lambo'ed. AMA

Guys, just Lambo'ed. AMA.

What color lambo will you get?

Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.

shit now im fomo-ing

What was your portfolio at before XRB?

What are your balls made of that you transfered that amount of money to buying XRB on shitty bitgrail that no one's ever heard of?

Also will I make it?

Dawg you haven’t even lambo’d yet. You’re gonna get above a million. Enjoy it.

Congrats OP. How much did you start with?

what app is this?

Too many memes 4/10


It's just called 'Coin Ticker' in the ios app store, icon has a white background with a purple bitcoin logo

Me and my friend found it super early on. Bought in at 60 cents. At the time it was only about 1/4 of my portfolio I think I originally bought in like 5k worth? We knew it was going to be a monster. We bought when IOTA had the spotlight but fundamentally this coin seemed better based on our research. As soon as IOTA's legs ran out this popped like we predicted. Also we realized with people storing it in raiwallet it would have more inertia and less likely that people would want to transfer it back to shitgrail to sell. It was a well executed DYOR.

Go grab some PRO (Propy) and you'll make it. Literally jsut picked some up. On Next 10x. Also I love ICX, SUB, and DRGN. Anyone that bought DRGN under a dollar will look like a genius. SUB has an awesome concept and will pump for that reason but executing will bring about a lot of road blocks

coin ticker, but jsut found an even better one called coin stats - the one with orange logo. Currently switching to it. Prices are drawn from coin market cap
Thanks homie

How is it better than IOTA?

They actually have a working product. It processing more transactions per second than Ripple. Transactions are free. A bunch of new exchanges coming to the market with fist to XRB gateways. It's a possible bitcoin killer.

Advice for this month?

It's not better than iota, they just did some aspect of what IOTA can be but they do it faster.

congrats mate, i have no questions. enjoy a good life bruh. or a good two years.

thanks bruh

Is it too late to invest in Railblocks?

No. If it is the BTC killer it could become it will be in the hundreds

Technically no.

At this momentum it's hitting the upper tiers. Look at market caps, it's at 2 billion. XLM Is 4 billion.

That said I'm still antsy about it. The speed of this pump unnerves me. Paper and everything is great, but a coin on what's basically one exchange rising this fast out of the overall market?

Somethings fucky

I'll take my relatively slower SALT and ENG. Gonna