What's your opinion on Celtic/Barbarian elves?

What's your opinion on Celtic/Barbarian elves?

>x-real life culture elf
You can start from here, but you should take your world-building more serious.

>What's your opinion on Celtic/Barbarian elves?

Good for capturing and impregnating, so your heir lives much longer than yourself, thus increasing the chances that your legacy will live on as long as possible.


Sounds neat.

Why are they elves? What about celtic orcs? What abou celtic dwarves? What about celtic humans

You just wanted to post that pic, right?


My guess is because elves are fey, or fairy-like, so they're associated with the folklore/mythology that English takes those words from.
That and Warhammer's Wood Elves are "Celtic elves".

Thematically it makes sense, they are a ancient druidic people who were the first inheiriters of the world before the other cultures (probably men) out bred them and crush them into irrelevance.

Why not just have Celtic humans?

I'm in, but you gotta expand on it.

Cuz they sucked

They annoy me. Elves are Norse.

I do like my fae traditionally Celtic though.

>inb4 elves are fae

Isn't that literally the Fey?

What's up?

sign me up m8.
There are other influcenes in them, but iirc Celtic is one of them.


It's like you don't know how to have fun.

Fun is highly subjective. Slapping some pointy ears on a real life culture is objectively lazy.

It's more of a creative risk than just running with the same old elves, so while your point is appreciated, it's not quite "objective".

True but using them,as the basis and modifying from there can be fun.

That's true, but since OP just wanted to post that picture he has not given uns anything to work with or to talk about. His "elves" might just be celts with pointy ears for all we know.

There is nothing creative of clashing some real world culture with undefined elves, something Veeky Forums is doing so often that playing elves straight would be quite original at this point.

Strictly inferior to Nordic or Lapland elves, and likely born of mistaken assumptions coming down from incestuous ripoffs of Tolkien.

>There is nothing creative of clashing some real world culture with undefined elves,

That's actually "objectively" incorrect. While I agree with your sentiment to a certain degree, there's still room for creativity within subverting or altering tropes. There's no need to try and put down a blanket of cynicism.

>there's still room for creativity within subverting or altering tropes
We are probably arguing some kind of semantics then, since this is going beyond "lazily slapping pointy ears on a culture", but actually starting to world-build, which is something I don't have a problem with. As I said in the first post, you can start with it and then should do your own thing. Well, I guess I worded it a bit baity, so have only myself to blame