Other than Big Dick Bismarck, on what historical figures do you like basing NPCs on?

Other than Big Dick Bismarck, on what historical figures do you like basing NPCs on?

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>Big Dick Bismarck
>excluding Austria

This is why Germany is shit. You're only good when ruled by an Austrian.

>only good when ruled by an Austrian
Hahaha, fuck you.

Not including Austria in 1871 is still a tragedy, and not allowing Austria to inot germany in 1919 pretty much helped the course for the nazis in the same way that Versailles as a whole did, but the Hungarian and Balkan parts of Austria Hungary were no big loss.

>on what [...] on?
Jesus, really? This is the sort of bullshit up with which I will not put. Look, people who tell you not to end a sentence with a preposition are stupid. That's a rule from Latin that was carried over to English by Latin fetishists a few centuries ago. These are the same people who say you can't split an infinitive.

Napoleon, Caesar, Clovis, Charlemagne or some combination of the aforementioned. I like my settings to have this one really fucking awesome ruler, especially if he ends up dying and leaving behind a giant mess.

>Not including Austria in 1871 is still a tragedy
How would that even have gone? The Austrian Emperor already rejected the throne of a united Germany in 1848 because he feared upsetting the Austrians, so an Austrian led Germany was impossible. Austria would also never formally subjugate to a Prussian led Germany. It was a poltical impossibility that could only have viable been conceived after a German victory in WW1, as Austria's army got BTFO by Russia so hard it became entirely dependent on Germany anyway.

>Not allowing Austria into Germany helped the Nazis
Fucking Naziboos, you don't gain territory when you lose a war unless you're France in the War of the Polish Succession

Non-Euro here. Can you give me a brief summary on who Bismarck was, what became of Austro-Hungary, etc? Basically a rundown of what happened when Bismarck stepped on the scene to WWI

Of course we wouldn't submit, not when that Anti-Catholic asshole was in charge. We could handle it, but Hungary needs someone looking out for it.

We would have accepted dropping the Balkans, but Hungary had to come too.

>hungary, the country that carried the whole festering monarchy was not a big loss

Have the entire german history instead

>Can you give me a brief summary on who Bismarck was
Extra Credit is starting a series on him. Long story short: unifier of Germany, the chancellor who diplomatically isolated France and LITERALLY the only guy in the ENTIRE FUCKING GERMAN EMPIRE who had any idea what he was doing. This is why everything went to shit after Wilhelm II dismissed him (among others he drove Russia into France's welcoming arms, guaranteeing a two front war) and guaranteeing WW1 on unfavorable terms for Germany.

>What became of Austro-Hungary
As you probably realized, it consisted of various ethnic groups among which Austrians and Hungarians were only the majorities. Ever since the French Revolution and the rise of nationalism, but especially since 1848 (independence oriented uprising in Hungary), the Austro-Hungarian empire has struggled with how to keep such a diverse empire together. Ironically enough the assasinated Franz Ferdinand (assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, oh painful irony) actually had plans for a Federal empire. Anyway, after WW1 the French introduced a French style model of the nation-state, and gave every ethnic minority their own nation. This caused a lot of salt among the Hungarians, because they still had large minorities in many of the new countries that were created (and there's to this day a significant minority of Hungarians in the middle of Romania for some fucking reason).

tl;dr: multicultural empires don't really work. Enforce one identity or get BTFO.

What is Prussia? Is it a province of Germany or German region across Poland and Germany?

What role did it play in all this?

Look this shit up on Wikipedia instead of embarrassing yourself on an uzbekistani horse-archery bulletin

>What is Prussia? Is it a province of Germany or German region across Poland and Germany?
Well, I'm not going to blame you for not knowing this. Public school historical education is fucking atrocious.

Long story short, Prussia was a historical kingdom that contained much of present day North East Germany and parts of modern day Poland. It was one of the most powerful German kingdoms (prior to Germany's unification it consisted of literally dozens of kingdoms, duchies, bishoprics et cetera). They also had a centuries long rivalry going on with Austria for supremacy over all the Germans.

Generally speaking, the Prussians were more in favor of a tighter unification (in the form of more or less a modern nation state, which they eventually achieved) while the Austrians favored a more loose confederation (the reason being that they didn't want to give up on their Hungarian and other Slavic territories just to unify with the rest of Germany). To simplify it, Prussia pursued the model of a modern Nation-State while Austria pursued the model of an ancient kingdom with its vassals.

That guy is full of shit. Germans always gobble that old fool's cock and ignore his many failings. Because he is the only person their government will let them look up to without a raping from the thought police.

>That guy is full of shit.
How am I full of shit? Didn't his diplomatic web collapse after he was dismissed? Didn't he have to create that diplomatic web in the first place because everyone except him in the German high command wanted to annex Alsace-Lorraine and piss in France's face, while Bismarck saw France as a potential future ally?

>everyone but him was the problem.

I'm sure that's the case.

Name one figure who had both a positive overall impact on Germany, and is also kraut taboo to talk about

>public school historical education is fucking atrocious

Hes in 10th grade; cut him some slack


Here, take your pick. They speak ill of these great men and spread lies about them.

Yes or no, did Von Moltke and the military high command as well as the Bavarians demand the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine?

Yes or no, did Bismarck initially oppose German colonies to avoid upsetting France and Britain?

Yes or no, did Bismarcks web of alliances start unraveling itself because Wilhelm II dismissed him?
"In foreign policy Bismarck had achieved a fragile balance of interests between Germany, France and Russiapeace was at hand and Bismarck tried to keep it that way despite growing popular sentiment against Britain (regarding colonies) and especially against Russia. With Bismarck's dismissal the Russians now expected a reversal of policy in Berlin, so they quickly came to terms with France, beginning the process that by 1914 largely isolated Germany.[14]"

Yes or no, did Wilhelm II actively provoke his enemies?
Once again: "In foreign policy Bismarck had achieved a fragile balance of interests between Germany, France and Russiapeace was at hand and Bismarck tried to keep it that way despite growing popular sentiment against Britain (regarding colonies) and especially against Russia. With Bismarck's dismissal the Russians now expected a reversal of policy in Berlin, so they quickly came to terms with France, beginning the process that by 1914 largely isolated Germany.[14]"

Here's a tip: don't say someone is "talking shit" just because you can't personally believe what they're saying. You may be unable to believe them out of ignorance.

>here, some Wikipedia wordblocs prove my point

Nah, fuck off kid. Maybe try harder next time.

not an argument

>Public school historical education
I was reading on Cao Cao, Ahmad Shah Durrani, Nader Shah and Timurlane, and the Opium Wars and Meiji Reforms after that. Not everyone finds European that significant.

Appreciate the information though

>Extra Credit is starting a series on him. Long story short: unifier of Germany, the chancellor who diplomatically isolated France and LITERALLY the only guy in the ENTIRE FUCKING GERMAN EMPIRE who had any idea what he was doing. This is why everything went to shit after Wilhelm II dismissed him (among others he drove Russia into France's welcoming arms, guaranteeing a two front war) and guaranteeing WW1 on unfavorable terms for Germany.
Bismark was IRL Tywin Lannister. It's easy to make him sound like a genius, but only if you ignore all his fuckups and blind spots. On top of being abysmal when it came to domestic policy, the diplomatic system he created in Europe only worked when he was around to micromanage it. He was great for Germany when he was in power, but his legacy wasn't a particularly great one.

>On top of being abysmal when it came to domestic policy
Please elaborate? All I know about his domestic policy is the kulturkampf and spearheading the welfare state.

>the diplomatic system he created in Europe only worked when he was around to micromanage it.
True, though that was mostly a system birthed by necessity. Against Bismarcks wishes the Germans had pissed off France so much, they had to keep it isolated. This would've been an incredibly daunting task one way or another that would constantly require tweaking, as French diplomats weren't exactly incompetent weasels. If I'm not mistaken, he even had to make mutually contradictory promises to Austria and Russia just to make sure neither would budge to France's side, and even that didn't prevent Anglo-French ties from warming.

Cesare, Genghis Khan, any of the Caesars (especially Commodious when I'm feeling particularly that guyish) Layola

This guy has the right of it, I usually have some not mongol horde ran by not Chingus.