So, Veeky Forums, you have a lot of experience with this bullshit

So, Veeky Forums, you have a lot of experience with this bullshit.
Assuming you have no magical ghost fighting powers, is it better to deal with ghosts directly or try to ignore them?
If a ghost shows up to eat at your restaurant, do you serve them? Do you accept any money they offer? Do you ignore them entirely? Put up a whole bunch of seals against evil?

Ghosts are so varied and the correct response to them changes so often, so I want to know what the cumulative average good guesses for dealing with this bullshit are.

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Only one correct response.

Ghosts are rad pals to have, hang out and get some cool stories about the afterlife.

It depends. If he's a legitimate customer and behaves himself then there is no trouble.
If a ghost is an issue, I'd just pursue justice through legal recourse. That's what the Norse did when undead troubled them, they would sue them.

I dunno, sometimes the ghost seems like a nice high roller but then REALLY isn't.
Things would be simpler if weregild was still a thing.

Salt is a good catch-all purifier across a lot of cultures which specifically repels the dead in many of them. If troubled by spectres, it's a good first bet.

How the hell is Caddyshack going to help with ghosts?

That's why it works to keep food fresh you know. Stops the bad spirits that would spoil it.

In most fiction, ghosts are kind and reasonable if you're kind and reasonable to them.
At this point, with Lord of the Rings, Casper, Harry Potter, Ghostbusters and even tongue-in-cheek stuff like ATHF and Mike Tyson Mysteries, it's a given that ghosts can be friendly or at least reasoned with.

>most fiction
I wouldn't say that. There is an absolute ARCHIVE of horrific ghosts alongside the good ones all throughout history.

Mythology-wise, the best thing to do if you lack more specific information about the spirit is to be respectful and polite; a dangerous wraith is one that has in some way been slighted or disturbed.

With the dead, my understanding is that someyhing about the taste of salt reminds the restless that they're no longer alive, which for spirits that did not actually realize can be enough to loosen their grip on the mortal world.

Then on top of that the anti decay properties make it a general purifier against evil.

What kind of swiper no swiping bullshit is this?

In my experience ghosts just stay out of your way. I don't think that can actually hurt you because humans are alive and we inherently have a bit more "umph" to us, spiritually speaking.

If the ghost doesn't seem hostile I see no reason to be a dick to them. How would you like it if you went into a restaurant and people just ignored you?

It's some Sweden or German government advert on how to deal with sexual assault since it's a growing issue.

If the ghost tries to interact with you without hostilities, I'd say you should interact with him respectably. Otherwise, run. However, there are so many malicious ghosts with whom you must interact by a certain protocol you probably don't know that nothing's a given.

>Hey, am I pretty
>no matter what you answer, you get killt
>you have to say nothing
Goddamnit, ghost.

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Rape Even Real Hahaha Woman Just Strech Your Arm Toward Him Like Woman Push Him Haha

>You're so-so.

Look user, we're going to be here all day if you insist on deconstructing every damn funny picture.

Yeah I'm with 76, most ghosts are absolutely bullshit horrifying taken as an aggregate of history, with ghosts that can even take a chill pill for like 5 seconds and talk to people occurring under only the most ridiculous and fringe circumstances.

Well, I'm not the previous user and I'm just joking, no need to get hostile.

oh no, there's a huge portions of ghosts that will chill out and talk to people.
It's just they're all bullshit puzzle conversations that you have to get perfect or you have some kind of curse.

You have to know that they need an offering of seal blubber and chicken blood or some shit, too, often times.

But I agree with the general point, ghosts that talk in horrible trap speech don't really count.

call the experts user

depends on the sett... mythos.

but when in doubt, act like you normally would with a regular person. Stay polite, serve them, take their money.
and call a priest/exorcist, it's their job to deal with that kind of BS.

>letting guys fire fusion beams in your house
Fuck no

That's a lot of depends on the setting in one post, holy fucking shit

Yes, he said ghosts are super fucking varied. Hence why you'd want an aggrigate pool of experience and discussion of ghosts from numerous settings.

My inner /x/ says that as long as a ghost is not bothering you to the point of hurting you, it's fine to ignore them. I'm convinced I lived in a haunted house during my childhood cause of a few hard to explain occurances and the general idea I lived by was that ''as long as he/she/it is just trying to spook me for fun, then so be it''

assuming they're not whispering to you secrets that will incubate into madness.

Thanks for sharing Mystery Skulls. This shit is fucking badass.

they're pretty neat. I need more of the ghost plot.

Yes, I need to know how it ends.

>Ghosts are so varied and the correct response to them changes so often, so I want to know what the cumulative average good guesses for dealing with this bullshit are.

I mean, ghosts are just dead people, so they're as varied and as inconsistent as ordinary people are, but more to the point: the only universals ghosts have is an aversion to cameras and salt.
You can line the bottom of a doorway with salt and a ghost won't be able to pass through it or move through the walls of that room anymore. You can draw a small circle of salt around yourself and a ghost won't be able to pass through it or enter it and if you just get fed up with the cunt you can throw salt at a ghost and it'll piss off.
Likewise, you can harm or temporarily banish a ghost by taking a picture of it- ghosts can't handle having their picture taken.