What are some reasons a culture would marry off teenage boys to women in their 20's?

What are some reasons a culture would marry off teenage boys to women in their 20's?

They know how to manage a household by then?

Also pic. Details are important, man.


The ruling family has an excess of daughters, and there was just a war.

The historical one?
Marriages are alliances between families and the opinions of the two involved don't matter jack shit.
If she can pop out kids, and the boy's family isn't too prestigious & wealthy so it isn't a loss of face to marry a woman past her prime (like those unmarried spinsters in their 20s have long been considered in all but modern culture), then a marriage can be arranged. As long as a kid is achieved and the bloodline is furthered an alliance will hold.

Is that a /ss/ magical realm?

There's one african culture that encouraged marriage between young men and older women, because the old rich men would marry the young ones. i'm pretty sure I read it in one of my books, but I can't find a source for it right now.

Because it's a fictional setting contrived by some loser so he can imagine himself as a child banging his own mom.

Because the culture considers men to become 'mature' and suitable for marriage much younger than women.

Because it’s the GM’s magical realm

Your magical realm

Author's fetish.

What a Reddit way to say that it's OP magical realm.

A form of population control. By encouraging women to marry later you reduce the number of years they have to make babies in the confince of marriage (in a society where childbirth outside of marriage is frowned upon). Their teenage husbands also get an outlet for their hormone-fulled sex drive, hopefully preventing them from planting babies on every random girl in the village who takes their fancy.

For political favors, and dowries. Alternatively because it's tradition there, it doesn't matter when the tradition started, or even the oroginal intent of it. People will do anything as long as it's traditional.

They believe that that age gap results in the healthiest and strongest babies, and conversely they have a taboo against older men marrying younger women. No one's really done any studies on the subject, so the tradition lives on.

I think I've heard that romans for example would prefer marrying widowers or just women with previous children in general because they could be assured she's fertile and likely to provide more kids by you

Spartan Heiresses

Most teenagers don't have 20 something moms

>Yeah we should ally.
>Damn our only unmarried male is still a minor.
>We only have a 20 something unmarried woman around.
>Aw fuck it. Let's do this anyway.

>tfw no Amir gf to shota me