how tf come XRB was not mentioned by anybody for about 6 months? then all of sudden it fucking does a 100x

Other urls found in this thread:


because its a shilled coin. once it reaches 20$ this shit will be dumped to fucking heavily that the suicide rate will go up 300%

it was mention but no one care until it reach $5.
It was shill here 15cent. 30 cent 1 dollar

Because it is basically 1 month old (since end of faucet)

iota was on full marketing steam
now that it's lost it's momentum and pump is over - actually working coins will shine

Same bro, I'm wondering why I even bother to browse this board when gems like this go under the radar.
If Veeky Forums is shilling it, it's too late. Makes me wonder where I can actually get good early information

It was talked about, but I generally don't trust any coin that reddit posts about 10 times a day

yep, i feel like i'm wasting my time here, could be doing some nice intraday trades instead watching coins being shilled that already mooned hard
yesterday i bought some gbyte, it is a DAG coin like XRB and IOTA, it wasn't really shilled on Veeky Forums before and i hope it will get some traction

>yesterday i bought some gbyte
At least have the balls to call it by its actual retarded name ByteBalls.

Because anyone with a good tip doesn't want competition. They don't want you to succeed, they want you to drive up their profits. This is especially true in crypto, where it is a zero-sum game. These aren't like stocks where the value of a company is behind your buys and sells; to win at crypto, someone ALWAYS has to lose. Unless someone buys your coin, you can't sell it. Some poor bastard has to eat a loss when they buy your coin at ATH. Veeky Forums were bred to be those bastards.

Nobody shares a "hot tip" on this shit until they've already deeply secured themselves at the very absolute bottom. You'll notice even Gordon, as much as his advice is completely on-point, and as helpful as he has been at making NEET faggots money (and warning them constantly to TAKE YOUR EASY PROFITS when you can at GTFO) didn't mention QLINK on his twitter until after it was launched. And after he got his own buys in. That couple of minutes delay means less competition for getting those first coins for pennies before the initial hype-rocket. And then he's going to sell them to people on Veeky Forums and his twitter followers, for massive massive profits.

That doesn't mean the later buyers can't still make impressive gains- they absolutely can, but they're always late to the game and buying in after the initial 10-100x. It usually still goes straight up for a while, and there are going to be some winners... but usually Veeky Forums, being highly inexperienced traders, are going to panic when the price crashes, sell at a loss (back to investors like Gordon) and life goes on.

In nature, as in crypto, there are predators and prey. Most people here exist as nothing but an easy source of food.

>Nobody shares a "hot tip" on this shit until they've already deeply secured themselves at the very absolute bottom.
Read that whole post 5 times.

Shilled this plenty of times @$0.20, the threads just slide though. Sold at $2 :(

I noticed
I bought at $2

Whos Gordon?

hello sir, you speak with john smith from USA

this post is not fully truthful, some will give great tips for great benefit to all. example Dogecoin awesome buy for long term

greetings, john smith (from USA)

Yep. That's why I browse reddit.com/r/cryptocurrency

Even if a coin doesn't moon it always does at least 150% after it gets shilled there.

This place is just full of smelly pajeets who did no research and are trying to either scam you or unload their bags.

Those threads definitely got slid fast, never even saw one

bitcoin pump and dump group
you've probably seen this already but let this be the push over the edge that makes you join. You will be regretting not taking this opportunity.

Yup. Same with CND. We give them warnings and they never listen.

link for web bec no installs?

Biz was shilling this coin at 20cents. I listened and bought at 60cents while biztards were busy buying shitcoins

No one ever cares until it's already mooned. I made two topics a month ago shilling VeChain when it was 25 cents, maybe got 2 or 3 replies to each of them, no one gave a fuck. Weren't short posts either, I gave details on why I thought it'd go up. Now it's at $2.37.