Have you ever made an uchronian / alternate history setting?

Have you ever made an uchronian / alternate history setting?

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>That Italia
>That france
>That Byzantine empire
What the fuck. Context?

>France's border on the Rhine
>Italy does not exist
>but Germany exists
>Iceland is brittish
>Byzantine empire
>is this Germany's colonial empire in Egypt?

It feels a lot like a scrub gaming the system in EU4. Shit like Germany conquering a single province in the southern tip of Italy for no fucking reason just so he can start colonizing. Or like what a lot of scrubs do when playing an Italian minor: conquer Gibraltar before the Spanish take it from the M**rs, then get a headstart on colonization. Because why roleplay something organic when you can disgustingly blob?

Also, there's literally nothing wrong with France's border being on the Rhine.

>Byintines crushing Islam
I am a happy boy

Why the fuck did you censor Moors?
Why did I laugh?

It's an /int/ meme that originated in Turkish nationalist forums, where the word Kurd is treated as swear word and censored with asterisks.

>splitting Italy lengthwise
Isn't that really stupid, geographically speaking?

Fairly sure that it's meant to get people upset.

It looks to be some kind of division around the Apennines. It makes sense in theory, but as far as I can recall it hasn't been a major barrier in practice.


What the fuck is this shit

part 1
I made one based off of a crusader kings game I played, things went historical up until the 11th century when a pomeranian warlord called Krutoj unites his country and leads an invasion Denmark, he manages to beat them trough an alliance with Sweden, they divide the danish domains between themselves, after a number of smart marriages, the Pomeranian king's heir manages to get the throne of Sweden, later, he rises to the thrones of Denmark and Pomerania as Krutoj II, he then conquers Norway, names himself Emperor of the Northlands, declares absolute cognatic inheritance of the throne. His decendants annex Lithuania, Russia and Finland, by the year 1500 the Northlands are a superpower and very stable due to the tight control over inheritance and free from religious turmoil due to its zealously guarded religious tolerance.

Elsewhere in the world, the byzantines still reign and decided that the balkans looked tasty so they nabbed all of it, the Holy Roman Empire became a confusing mess with people having holdings all over the damn place, its also ruled by a christian arab.

The Mongols briefly conquered Russia from the Northlands but then got pushed back hard, they soon realized it was easier to talk it out with their neighbours, so they solidify an alliance with them trough marriage, this leads to the birth of one of the greatest queens the Northlands ever saw.

France has fragmented into three warring kingdoms with Aquitaine south of the Dordogne, France to the north and Burgundy holding out east of the Rhone.

Italy is a right mess with city states vying for control of each other and trade, Venice got nommed by the Byzantines, while The papacy is trying their hardest to beat the rest of Italy into submission

Spain was unified and was a powerhouse, influencing most of souther europe.

England was being stomped by scotland who aligned itself with the Northlands.

Ireland was a thing

North africa was war torn between the southern european countries

Coastal area is popular for real estate, trade, and fishing
It wouldn't be entirley impssible for them to have settled on sharing it to end a war, or it was a purchase.

Any Paradox game leads to some of the funkiest shit. Right now I'm following along with an LP of a dude playing a modded in Papacy. It's the most insane thing.

>Yazidi takeover of Denmark, Italy, and the Middle East
>THREE Black Deaths
>Gunslinger Popes
>Mongol Templars

Part 2

The Holy Land was conquered and the caliphates pushed out of Syria and Jerusalem is headed by a spanish dynasty, Syria is in the hands of a Northlander queen of the Krutojid dynasty.

I first set the whole thing in one of the Northlander Vassal republics, it was mostly a political intrigue game, but we used the setting for a bunch of other campaigns gradually progressing the timeline, our last one was basically a Western-ish (more apropriately eastern but you get the idea) campaign that took place in arabia mid 19th century featuring early steampunk tech, airships and repeating crossbows

Link to the LP? That sounds tight as fuck.

You know, that would be an interesting method for making alternate history campaign settings: just let the AI run and stop the clock on whatever year you feel is best.


Link that shit now.

Just gives you cancer. I've got a Vicky 2 game as japan sitting around that was started in EU4 then converted. Europe and America are a fucking nightmare.

For The Love Of God - Papal Paradox Megacampaign

Post screenshots. Please.


That bit of blue in Brittany is what remains of the French state.

Spitroast. This was pretty much going non-stop throughout EU4 as near as I could tell

Here's the rest of Ethiopia, and other African meme nations. Thanks Paradox.

Siema pl/10

>Polish-Lithuanian Asia

On to the Americas. That organge bit is the Huron, the dark red is the Susquechannock Lousianna is more than 50% totemist. The Kingdom of America is almost 70% totemist, and most of the Christians are Catholic, and the Europeans there are Dutch.

first, asia
then, space
polan WILL into space

A decent chuck of Argentina is Japanese, because I was colonizing it, then lost the land due to some bullshit event. Dominant Euro culture in SA is Portuguese, with some french and English in Columbia, and apparently there are some Norwegians. Also, probably decent time to state that depsite getting their assholes blown out by Aragon, Castille and Portugal still exist on some islands they colonized. Castille starts as an uncivilized nation though, not sure what's up with that.

Behold the meme

Hussars OP please nerf
They start as the most powerful nation in the game, and the colonization of Siberia got a bit heated. Also that Korea.

Two words for you:
MEIOU & Taxes. Solves entirely the blobbing issue and retarded actions like that, while also making the game enjoyable as a strategy and not a map painting excercise. Not perfect, has its own issues, but it's an improvement over vanilla in every possible regard.
Even with the way how wars are (often mis)handled, it still nicely prevents sensless blobbing, while making it worthwhile to not expand territorially at all.

>no Franco-Iberia
>orthodox heretics own the holy land
>Rome isn't controlled by the Helvetic Republic

Hold my beer

These wars were waged in pretty much the worst way they possibly could have. Also Aragon became Spain, and controls Greenland.

>Brandenburg blobbing out
>Commonwealth blobbing out
Pretty standard, I guess

Excuse me!?! How the fuck did that happen?

>Bahamanis won in India
Good for them!

>Ethiopea blob
Don't see that every day.

>totemist majorities
don't even want to think about how that happened

>Korea blob doesn't own korea

Yeah, this is a pretty weird map, user. I'd rate it a solid Anhalt/10.

Sacrebleu! Delete this image immediately you swine.

>>Korea blob doesn't own korea
Because I spent the last century or so of the EU4 game removing Kimchi. I'd have probably taken all of Korea by the point I'm at in the game now if their land was more valuable and taking land from the Chinese wasn't more strategically advantageous.

It's okay, they actually also have a single province in Africa.

>intermarium from arctic to med

>>totemist majorities
>don't even want to think about how that happened
There's a shitload of unconverted natives still around, but even then, the numbers in some of those countries indicate that a significant chunk of the Europeans converted to totemism.

Hah, I knew my SA account was still good for something.


It doesn't make sense even in theory, since the ranges aren't even properly aligned.

>Playing CK
That game, both original and "2", are the main reason why Paradox is in such deep shit as a studio, their releases are shit, the DLCs were added and general fall out of grace.
Because rather than making a fucking strategy game, they've released shitty pseudo-RPG and then overinvested in it with time, manpower and money solely because handful of fuckheads and one code monkey enjoyed the concept on paper.

One staff realignement later, half of the studio was suddenly managed by those cunts and it spiralled out of any fucking control.

It's been a very long time since I've been so upset over a drawing.

I've given some thought to an Alt History setting based around buddhism becoming the main religion of the Roman Empire and taking the role christianity had in our world


>all of scandinavia and finland is now sweden

Worst timeline.

I mean it's not as if there exists a real world example of an elongated peninsula being split lengthwise in the same continent

>Somehow Island is British instead of Nordic
>Not naming a Norway-Sweden-Danmark coalition The Kalmar Union

Game is good, stop crying

That may be where it went bad, but it didn't really go to shit until HoI 4. Seriously, I don't even know where to begin with how bad that is. And don't accuse me of being blinded by nostalgia, because I played DH and HoI 3 AFTER playing HoI 4 pirated of course, I'm not giving ParaJews a single shekel. Especially HoI 3 made me bad, because I saw a very decent but flawed game and I saw so many ways to improve it. Instead they flushed the baby out with the bathwater and made a fucking blobbing simulator where you just draw lines and drive a truck into Moscow.

Don't be coy. Scandinavian geographical boundaries are significantly different to Italian ones.

Is that a EU4 map?

Not enough bordergore to be EU4 based.

I frequent alternatehistory forum so I've done it numerous times.

I'm working on two setting right now. A world where Cardinal Richelieu is dismissed on the Day of the Dupes leading to France staying out of the 30 Years War and the HRE defeating Sweden and "winning" the war. It hasn't been properly developed yet.

The other is a Muslim West and Christian East story.

After an Umayyad victory at the Battle of Toulouse, Aquitaine is left solidly in Islamic hands. Even with southern France in the hands of the Caliphate it its unable to conquer the rest of France and is turned back after a defeat by Charles Martel at Tours. With South Western Europe secured Sicily falls not long afterwards and the Caliphate begins to try and conquer the rest of the Italian peninsula in earnest. For decades, Italy is a battlefield as Lombards, Franks, Rhomanians, and Arabs/Berbers battle over the peninsula. The Caliphate captures the city of Rome in 749, which sees the Pope flee to Ravenna and then to Venice. In 750, riding the wave of support after conquering much of Italy the Caliph is able to suppress an insurrection by the Kaysanite Shia and postpone the Abbasid Revolution. Unfortunately the Caliphate is on shaky legs and massively extended when a revolt is launched in 755 by the Khurramites thus beginning the Persian reconquista, and the throwing out of the Islamic Arabs rulers from most of Iran. The Pāpakid Dynasty is founded by Pāpak Khorramdin, who would come to rule over Persia and officially promoted the Khurramites form of neo-Mazdakian Zoroastrianism. Papakid Persia waged war against the crumbling Caliphate along with its allies Rhomania and the Khazar Khanate. Popular rebellion in Egypt would throw the Caliphate out of the region and was followed by a brief period of Egyptian independence before it was reconquered by Rhomania. The Pāpakid Empire reconquered most of Persia proper but did not conquer heavily Islamized and Arabized Mesopotamia.

The Umayyad Caliphate had since splintered with a second rebellion by the Kaysanites, led Abbasids, capturing Baghdad and proclaiming a new Caliphate. The Umayyad Caliphate survived in Southern Europe and North Africa. The isolated Caliphates develop a very unique attributes over the next quarter millennia. In Mesopotamia and Arabia Islam developed a siege mentality and became ever more radical in the pursuit of Jihad. Minor Arab states in Mesopotamia and Arabia pledge their loyalty to the Caliph in Baghdad, but the power of the Abbasid Caliph doesn't extend far beyond the Tigris and Euphrates. In the West the Umayyad Caliphate has adopted many European customs; there is no taboo on drinking, religious tolerance has become a necessity, art work depicting images of the prophet has lost its taboo, and the Umayyad Caliphs have come to see themselves not as conquers of southern Europe but as a new Islamic dynasty come to rule over a reconstituted Roman Empire. The Caliphs have even come to adopt the title Imperator. Just as in the Middle East, the direct rule of the Caliph has begun to wane. Much of Northern Italy and Southern France is practically independent either as Christian tributaries of the Caliphate or Islamic Emirates that have pledged fealty to the Caliph but rarely even send him tribute. Islam outside of Arabia and South Western Europe and Northern Africa has become kind of a curiosity and has largely disappeared from Central Asia and India. Even in Arabia Islam has begun to slowly dissipate, with Oman officially adopting the same form of neo-Mazdakian Zoroastrianism practiced in Persia and the Axumite Empire having invaded the western coast of Arabia and threatening the Hedjaz.

Having retaken the Levant and Egypt, Rhomania has reclaimed much of the glory and power they lost in the aftermath of the Arab conquest. Constantinople is the largest and most magnificent city in all of Europe, but the Emperor looks upon Italy with hungry eyes.



>Byzantium still existing
All Romes must burn.

What about Chile?

>byzantine empire conquering one caliphate entirely and another along some arbitrary border
>dividing italy in such a way that tuscany belongs to two different civilizations and actual geography has no influence on the borders
>germany incorporates thrace and the bulgarian empire for some reason
>finland is a part of sweden
>britain is not divided at all
>spain owns north africa and not the other way around
>iceland belongs to great britain

>mfw the worst thing about all of this is the ugly ass and arbitrary border between the Byzantines and Germany that follows no topographical, political, or even reasonable precedent

Probably one of the worst maps I've ever seen. Did a British child in grammar school color this map from his memory of a couple countries' names?

All of this and that Italian peninsula.

I think the best alternate history map Veeky Forums ever did was a few months ago with the Roman Resurgence of ~800AD and the change on the mindset of Europe, Arabia, Persia and North Africa.

Finland was part of Sweden until 1809, when it was conquered by Russia.


I like this. I would love to play in this world.


In my Medieval II Total War campaign game rn I've been playing as Holy Roman Empire. It's way past 1500 and I've conquered basically all of the west, with a couple pockets of resistance in the Middle East, and there's still pockets of resistance in France, Spain and Portugal. Oh, also England and Scotland. I guess I haven't conquered everyone yet but I'm getting there.

>establishes colonies in the New World
>general rebels
>takes native Americans with him
>huge rebel army marching on my newly-established American German city
>defend with equal parts native auxiliaries, knights and handgunners.

>play as ottomans
>conquer the whole of north africa
>conquer east africa till the horn of africa and making sure the other muslim african nations are my friends
conquer the whole middle east minus persia which I contained to persian lands
>my vassal crimea rules southern Ukraine and Russia for me
>fight several wars with the chinese and russians to keep central asia turkic and muslim
>conquer till Vienna in the european theater
>find out that britanny colonized large parts of the american east coast
>conquer and colonize till I get the current US borders by taking british and French colonies on the east coast after a few hard wars
>the west coast is filled with pagan indians but I leave them alone for now

How would this be for an alt history setting?
Think of a giant ottoman colony in americas which is populated by turks, greeks , slavs, brits , French, muslim natives and bretons.

Pick one. Just one.

>HoI 3 made me bad, because I saw a very decent but flawed game
Why people keep calling HoI3 flawed and autistic is beyond me. Or maybe I myself am actually autistic and just not checked for that.
I wish HoI3 had more of what people complain about. More micro, more logistics, more terrain, more unit cooperation.
And with that sweet, sweet CONCEPT of HoI4 production system (since the execution of said concept is subpar), where you are not building some abstract IC and using it then to make units, but actively producing all the hardware, piece by piece, in REALISTIC quantities.

>Why people keep calling HoI3 flawed and autistic is beyond me
Then allow me to explain.
The learning curve is INSANE, probably the most insane out of Dwarf Fortress. The game having literally the worst tutorial I've ever seen in my life doesn't help. It takes many, many hours of trial, error and watching youtube tutorials to get the game.

Other than the constantly reoccuring problem of Paradox AI not being too smart, the game has an atrocious diplomacy system. Prior to the beginning of the war it's excellent, with the three poles countries can drift towards representing the three major alliances. The problem is that there's no way of dividing territory after the war is over. Let's say for example that I'm playing as France and want to conquer the Rhineland and make the rest of Germany my puppet. This is literally impossible in HoI 3. By the time Germany capitulates, I have all the provinces in Germany that I occupied, no matter how nonsensical the borders end up. Then there's the fact that the "change government type" casus belli is pretty much useless. It doesn't bring a target country any closer to your alliance, and you can easily puppet a country with an opposing ideology (in a UK game I saw a democratic Japan with a fascist Manchuria and Mengokuo as puppets).

That's why I don't call it bad, I call it flawed. Rough around the edges. Like I said, HoI 4 makes me sad because when I play HoI 3, I see a solid game that could use improvement. Not a failed formula like in HoI 4 that all the DLC in the world cannot fix.

>And with that sweet, sweet CONCEPT of HoI4 production system (since the execution of said concept is subpar), where you are not building some abstract IC and using it then to make units, but actively producing all the hardware, piece by piece, in REALISTIC quantities.
I don't know, I like the whole IC deal.

>continuation of my previous post
When you're playing the führer of your country, it's not your job to worry about every last individual rifle your country produces. I think IC is a good abstraction for how strong your country's industry is. I also don't like how, while the production system is detailed down to the individual gun, the whole split between consumer and military factories abstracts money out of the game.

I do like how resources interact with trade though, and it's much easier to pick good trade routes in HoI 4. In HoI 3 the system is so convoluted I just let the AI do this, but that often results in shit like my German Reich trading oil with Chile even though the Brits are guaranteed to intercept my convoys rather than trading oil with Romania overland. However, how resources act in the game is stupid. In HoI 3, if you run out of fuel or oil to make fuel from, your tanks suffer all kinds of penalties and become next to useless. What happens in HoI 4 when you no longer have any oil? Nothing, your tanks in the field keep running at optimal capacity. In fact you can still build more tanks when you run out of oil, it's just slower. What the fuck? What's even the fucking point of oil as a resource then? Tanks without fuel should not operate optimally, they become glorified field artillery that at best needs to be towed or pushed.

To borrow an analogy from some video about R2:TW, HoI 3 is in my eyes an old stone bridge. It's ugly, filthy, it creaks and groans but you can safely drive a truck across it. HoI 4 is a shiny new log tossed into a river, and every new DLC a rope tied around the log to keep it in place. No matter how many ropes you use, a log is still a log and you'll still get wet socks if you try to cross it.

But Byzantines did crush islam during the ottoman dynasty.

It was gradually incorporated thanks to its similar language and religion, which is in no small part due to missionaries and crusades. If the Carolingian dynasty in France was not only unable to establish a presence in Germany, what makes you think they were able to spread their culture to Sweden AND Finland?

Unifying Scandinavia into Sweden makes little sense, especially in the context that their neighbors to either side share a similar genetic and cultural history. Can you name one state, empire, or union that was created by an encroaching empire, that was not merely a temporary resistance? Look at what occurred in Gaul in the late days of the Roman Republic, and Italy during the time of Machiavelli. Individuals are more likely to side with a powerful outsider than an old enemy.

So, the reason that it's bizarre is that Sweden has no incentive to go into Finland and share their religion, language, culture, and women. I can maybe see Denmark and Norway, maybe, as they were sharing these things since before the Carolingian expansion. However, Finland was not incorporated until the 13th century, long after they began to take on a less idiosyncratic identity.

>similar language

Small correction: swedish and finnish are not even in the same language group. Also, at the time of the swedish conquest, there probably was no single nation of Finland, it was more or less tribally divided still into at least three major groups.

Not to mention the Finno-Urgic peoples of what is now northern Russia that were all over the damn place.


Not to mention sparsely populated, Finland (or Österland as Swedes called it at the time) was this geographical wilderness border zone that the local powers of Sweden and Novgorod kept squabbling over.

Second Reich >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Third "Reich"


>It's an "empire" that doesn't even do the whole Roman style authoritarian republicanism thing
Why even bother if you're not going all the way?



The Nazis won the Second World War after Prime Minister Halifax peaced out after Dunkirk and the Nazis were able to focus entirely on Russia. But Defeating the USSR did not mean global domination, instead it spawned the Silent War, and for all the yelling of its leaders, the Fascist powers would falter.

When Hitler died, Goering sent Himmler off to Russia to rule the bulk of European Russia. This was a political move to keep Himmler from trying to take power in Berlin. Himmler was beast in Russia and so were his SS troops. The Russians eventually ambushed his convoy and managed to kill him which Goering was happy about, but had to respond with brutal reprisal. After Goering died, Speer became Chancellor and tried to liberalize the Reich and normalize relations with the West. He pulled out of Greece and forced the Italians to withdraw from Albania and Greece and he put an end to the genocidal rule of the SS in Russia in favor of an apartheid system and tried to garner support from the locals by granting them more local autonomy in the form of Russian homelands similar to Bantustans in OTL South Africa. Speer saw that the Russian occupation was bleeding Germany and hoped to eventually leave, but his economic and social reforms came to an abrupt halt when a hardliner coup saw him deposed. The hardliners didn't try and restore SS rule over Russia, but the continued path towards liberalization and withdrawal was halted until Chancellor Schmidt came to power as a result of the hardliner policies wreaking havoc on the recovering German economy. Schmidt's liberalizations ultimetly lead to his fall, when a hard liner coup attempted to overthrow him, but instead succeeded in bringing down the entire GGR.

>Post a greek

I thought Stone Wood was in the middle east.

>A world where Cardinal Richelieu is dismissed
I got triggered so hard I stopped reading. I can't alt-history no matter how hard I try.

>Not Greek

>r8 the world

Gee, I sure wonder whether the guy who made this was British.

Lemme type a bit
>the Great Heathen Army was much bigger this time. Without a much problem Ragnar defeated kings of England and through some marriages and administrative reforms managed to tighten a grip on both Sweden and England. After his conquests he got a nickname "son of Odin", which later turned into a hereditary title.
>Norse rulers in early XI century turned their eyes to the south. Using a time of political turmoil in Frankia, they've invaded Brittany and Normandy. This didn't go unnoticed by Andalusians who not only managed to conquer Iberian peninsula, but crossed Pyrenees. This time there was no Charles Martel
>meanwhile Henry II Holy had a son, a shrewd diplomat and administrator who used the Germanic and Islamic threats to consolidate the empire. Stopping the Al-Andalus at Worms costed him eastern marches, lost to Slavic heathens
>the battle of Worms, lost by a terrible incompetence of a new caliph, Muhammad III, caused a major dissatisfaction amongst the nobility of Al-Andalus. It set in motion events that lead to a rebellion in 1093, that caused the split of the caliphate.

Thats some pretty fucking Gross Germaniums there, bro. I just want you to understand that nearly every element of this map disgusts me. I feel genuine revulsion and disappointment that a fellow human could conjure this sort of chronic suffering from within themselves.