How do you handle living and/or sentient weapons, Veeky Forums?

How do you handle living and/or sentient weapons, Veeky Forums?

By the hilt, grip, handle, etc. as appropriate.

I wrote a campaign in which the main villain/party ally was an intelligent dagger. The setting was a desert/Arabic realm. The soul within the dagger was that of a prince of a fractured dynasty, imprisoned for murdering his older brother.

As his older brother would have inherited the throne, the younger brother slew him in secret (so he thought), but was cursed and trapped within the blade he used to murder his sibling, for a thousand years.

The PCs, a group of thieves and bandits, acquired the dagger after raiding a royal cache, and the dagger convinced them that untold richer could be theirs, if they helped free the soul trapped within. They agreed, after the first of his "missions" led them to a princely sum of riches stashed away in his own (empty) tomb.

The PCs were led on a series of quests, taking vengeance on the dagger's behalf against those who had betrayed the Prince; a sort of headless coup that the PCs were initially oblivious to...until they started to suspect its true intentions.

(Unfortunately, the player wielding the dagger could no longer play with us, due to his work schedule, so...), the dagger (secretly) assumed control over its wielder. Its plan was to force the vizier who cursed him to release him, on pain of death...As well as the murder of his father, the Sultan, and assume the throne that he so rightly deserved.

I personally like the idea of sentient weapons that are kind of rebellious and the user has to fight them a bit just to use them, but in return, the weapon is a fucking killing machine

I'm more than a little disappointed that OPs pick does not have the subject holding a person in one hand.

Usually with hands

with great care and affection



>but was cursed and trapped within the blade he used to murder his sibling, for a thousand years.

Alright, a tried and true trope let's see where it goe-

>The PCs were led on a series of quests, taking vengeance on the dagger's behalf against those who had betrayed the Prince

>Its plan was to force the vizier who cursed him to release him, on pain of death...As well as the murder of his father, the Sultan, and assume the throne that he so rightly deserved.

-s...Did everyone else ALSO live for thousands of years or are you just shit at plot?

He wasn't gone for a thousand years, moron.

So he slew his brother for thousands of years? How the hell does it take so long for someone to drag a blade across a throat?

fucking stupid dick sucking moron fuck you you retarded fuck

The curse comes with a thousand year egg timer.


A highly intelligent sentient warhammer is wielded by a big doofus orc.

The warhammer always calls the orc a big lummox and is infuriated by the orc's severe lacking of intelligence and wit.

Poorly and more often than I should

Very, VERY carefully. Don't wanna get possessed, after all!

The curse lasts for a thousand years, but only a few years have elapsed since it was set.

Does that clear it up.

But enough about my sex life

I try not to. I mean, think of all the hookers and blow that'll never get hooked-and-blown if I have to actually interact with the setting?

I use them to masturbate with if they don't behave themselves.


It's only horribly wrong if it's not my fetish to begin with.

Well, we'd be playing Wield, so the same as any other PC & some of the NPCs.

With regular maintenance and deep, thorough cleaning

the dark heresy campaign I'm running has a living weapon. Specifically, a player character is a servo skull used to run the calculations for a zweihander chain sword that is connected to a power armor arm piece.

In essence, this guy can Metal Gear Rising the shit out of things with this chainsword (which, with levelling, can advance to turn into a power sword) as well as use mini jets connected to the power armor piece to move the user closer in melee. The problem is, he's fully sentient, loves the emperor and violence, and if the person he's attached to isn't able to tell the DM (me) the exact sequence of actions he wants to do with his swing, they do a strength contest and whoever loses takes damage. not to mention, auto damage for the user if they don't match the swords weapon skill, and they can be knocked on their ass or have their arm broken if they aren't able to keep up when the jets are activated.

retard alert

You should check out Wield, OP. It's a system where the PCs are sentient magic items. The NPC that is wielding them (who can die at any time) is played by the person to their left.

With friendship.