How much armor would one be allowed to wear within a city...

How much armor would one be allowed to wear within a city, assuming that you replicate historical laws or laws that would likely be similar in a fantasy setting, and how big can your weapons be before you get arrested?

Good question op it probably depends on status as in alot of areas who was allowed to carry what and where mattered.
A man in full plate would be about as conspicuous as a man open carrying a machinegun even if it was legal.

depends on the time period, the country, the specific city and your social status, and if it's needed to your current work or not.

There were cities where wearing armour at all was prohibited. People went around that in a way that they sew chainmail into gowns. Obviously hidden armour was way more banned, but you could get around that too.

If you are in the city milita (most full citizens of a free city) and were doing milita work you were required to show up in armor and you were fined for money if you didn't.

Basically you can have anything inbetween, but generally speaking nobody wants people to walk around in armour if it's peace time, because that means they will cause trouble, or at least more likely to cause trouble.
Then again the standard civilian clothing at the time could stop smaller indirect cuts and such so there is that

Would guards confiscate spellbooks too?

Don't see why not.

>and how big can your weapons be before you get arrested?
that too entirely depends on everything. Every city had a different approach to weapon laws.

Usually there were something at the city gate that you can meassure your weapon to. If your weapon were longer than that you weren't allowed to carry it inside the city walls.
Also it's carry, you can still transport if you aren't carrying on yourself and then some cities actually required from you by law that you carry a permitted weapon all the time, so you could be fined if you didn't had a proper weapon with you.
But you can see total weapon bans under a certain social status too.
So again, you can have everything in-between.

Guards confiscate whatever they feel like and think they can get away with.

Laws tend to aggregates as reactions and general fears work themselves in the society in question.

Because armor tended to be expensive things , you'd sometimes end up with laws that actually targeted the upper crust, not concerning the general populus. Like the law about plate mail not allowed within certain distance of the Parliament building.

>And no horse riding within the Parliament building either.

by the way you sound I'd think they would confiscate your tight ass too and you would gladly give it to them, fruit.

Oh daddy

Not if they want any wizards, those people who can do all sorts of incredibly useful shit, to come to their town.

Maybe if you're in a setting where an understanding of magic is about as common as knowledge of cows.

So 90% of established DnD settings?

Does it matter when there a dude that can dodge most if not all attack without them than with them on? Everyone should be wearing heavy armor for safety.


>How much armor would one be allowed to wear within a city?

As much as you clank.

In most cities it was also allowed to carry your weapon to the place you were staying from the city gate, but only in a straight line so. This way people could store their weapons privately

You have to consider too that rpg world's tend to have different social pressures that might affect the law. In Warhammer, Kislev requires by law that able bodied adults always be armee, owing to the threat of Chaos, and fines those who aren't. Mind you, this law is sporadically enforced. You might consider fines and fees in general - eg, a shilling fee for being armed and armored, or a shilling-per-weapon, or something. Lets you add some verisimilitude without interfering with the game too much.

Depends, are we here to visit, or to occupy?

Not heavy armor! Heavy blankets!

While we are at it the streets and all floors should be covered with thick carpet. And the door knobs should have safety foam on then to prevent me from gaming my fucking head into them.

I guess with that perspective the law depends on who your banner falls under.

What if I'm sacking a city under a Lorde who has it illigal to enter any city under his rein with arms? But he claims Sid city we is sacking is under his rein?

t. No laws existed in the past.

Wearing armor probably was like if nowadays you dress up in operator clothes.

First people see you with suspicion and think you're a fag, next authorities start to question you.

If you're not a noble on parade day you'd have trouble

>You've breached the gate and is now storming it.
>Excuse me sirs, you'll have to leave all your arms and armour with mr Tiddly over there before going further.

Okay, fess up lads, who decided we should invade Ankh Morpork? Because whoever did I'm making pay for new boots, because someone nicked mine.


yes, citizen?

That game where you need a knowledge check to know bears live in the woods, and a higher knowledge check to guess that they shit there too?

Couldn't be that one


How would they tell what it is? For all they know it's a book of foreign poetry. Or poetry in their own language. Historically, most people in human history were completely illiterate.