I have a theory. I think the reasons GURPS gets this much fanboyism is tied to D&D, 3.5 to be more precise

I have a theory. I think the reasons GURPS gets this much fanboyism is tied to D&D, 3.5 to be more precise.

Think about this, all these fanboys were brought up on 3.5. The sweet feeling of nostalgia about all the crunch and going through dozens of splatbooks. Sometimes later they realize that D&D is just a meme and then behold, they see GURPS, they get to relive their nostalgia fantasy with a billion of splatbooks and crunch.

Can any system which requires you to have a five to ten hours of pre-session preparation be considered a good system? Is this what attracts of the people who tried and failed to create theirs on systems? Is GURPS the biggest RPG meme after D&D?

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Some people just like the game OP, chill out.

My theory is that no one who plays 3.5 brings it up anymore unless someone else mentions it.

Nah, you're just salty because people like fun that you don't.

You are why Veeky Forums is shit.

>Can any system which requires you to have a five to ten hours of pre-session preparation be considered a good system? Is this what attracts of the people who tried and failed to create theirs on systems? Is GURPS the biggest RPG meme after D&D?


You’re pretty off-base I think.
Not even that many people play GURPS from what I’ve seen in real life despite it’s infamy on here, but it definitely works as a lazy meme answer to “what system can do [blank]” because GURPS actually CAN do pretty much anything if you work at it enough and use the right rulebooks since you construct everything near from scratch.
You notice you never find anyone defending it or extolling the glories of the system most days because most of the time on here people use it as a way to pretend like they’re participating in a conversation, or even just to post because they’re stuck on Veeky Forums and they don’t have anything better to do but post anymore.

No, I am genuinely curious as to why people always answer all Veeky Forums related questions with"GURPS" without adding relevant information.

>What is a good beginner system for my group?

For fuck sakes, I have seen this happen too many times. Have any of you faggots who actually recommend GURPS, even played it?

But I only ever tried 3.5 after GURPS and didn't like it.

>Have any of you faggots who actually recommend GURPS, even played it?
Of course not you fucking idiot. People just answer GURPS all the fucking time because telling OP to play GURPS is a meme.

You'll notice there's also a lot (comparatively few, though) of posts proposing GURPS, and saying why it'd fit or how they used it for exactly OP's idea in the past, or which of the thousands rulebooks would fit.


GURPS is Veeky Forums's version of Gentoo. It was originally a purposely obtuse answer just to fuck with normies and casuals who happened to stumble upon Veeky Forums but over time it got elevated to something Veeky Forums people sincerely play.

t. /g/entooman

>five to ten hours of pre-session
how the hell are you managing that?

That's called a joke. Like how you post "Is that a FAMAS?" everytime you see a bullpup that isn't a FAMAS on /k/. Or "THIN YOUR PAINTS" when someone asks for painting tips.
It could have been any of the main universal systems; Palladium, Savage Worlds, Open D6 or FATE, amongst others, but it's GURPS. That's all.

And besides, GURPS is a system with good gunplay, and is good for running modern and sci-fi games, with the modularily being a nice bonus if you want to do something like modern fantasy or wierd war two.

I started with GURPS when I was 15 in 2013, and it was 3rd Edition at that. Before that point, I only had a passing interest from when my dad gave me a copy of the Rules Cyclopedia a few years prior to that.

I read the GURPS rules like I read the Rules Cyclipedia, and concluded on my own that if I wanted to run or play a game that I would use GURPS because the rules were clearer.

Here in Brazil we got conditioned to hate girls in the late 90s and early 2ks, because our only source of information was a terrible magazine run by terrible people. One of the editors wrote a book about some magical realm aliens and asked Peter Jackson for a GURPS of it's material, which was denied for obvious reasons. The guy then made a monthly effort to insult the system and it's players by refusing to create articles with GURPS in it and the multi-system ones would have a note telling why no GURPS (a Matrix adaptation for instance, said that the system was too realistic for such surreal scenario). This made most readers fall for it and despise the system, while those that were aware did nothing until dnd 3.0 came and the magazine became almost dnd only, until everyone got bored and stopped buying it. GURPS became a symbol of resistance against "the one system", a joke commonly spread in that time.

>Hate gurps
Damn autocorrect.

>we got conditioned to hate girls

this whole paragraph

my sides

>that typo
Thanks for fighting the stereotypes, brazilbro.

>Here in Brazil we got conditioned to hate girls in the late 90s and early 2ks, because our only source of information was a terrible magazine run by terrible people. One of the editors wrote a book about some magical realm aliens and asked Peter Jackson for a girl, which was denied for obvious reasons. The guy then made a monthly effort to insult them by refusing to create articles with girls in it and the multi-system ones would have a note telling why no girls (a Matrix adaptation for instance, said that women was too realistic for such surreal scenario). This made most readers fall for it and despise the system, while those that were aware did nothing until dnd 3.0 came and the magazine became almost dnd only, until everyone got bored and stopped buying it. Girls became a symbol of resistance against "the one system", a joke commonly spread in that time.

All jokes aside, this is actually fascinating and thanks for taking the time to type it up.

obligatory >hate girls

Simulationism was a big thing until around 2000, and it's not a surprise that games up to that time have a certain intersecting audience. The push for different game philosophies is more recent, which explains the later reactions.
(No, oWoD was not a narrative game despite the public perception, see the Forge).

>five to ten hours of pre-session preparation
this is what non-gurpsers actually believe

I have a similar story. GURPS was my first RPG ~15 years ago. I've played a ton of different games since then of course, but it's still my go-to to system. I get why many don't enjoy it though.

Personally I never suggest GURPS without including the sourcebooks, optional recommended rules or streamlining, etc. I also have no difficulty recommending other systems.

Anytime someone just answers flat-out "GURPS" in a system req. thread I tend to assume it's either someone meme'ing or baiting.


Did you just gender me?

Honestly, the appeal of GURPS is the "pointbuy" over character classes, customizable perks, and being heavily modifyable. Also, unlike 3.5 vs 4e, or oWoD vs nWoD, the GURPS 3rd to 4th was pretty skub-free, especially since it got rid of the 3rd ed Vehicle rules meme.

This, it's a good system for everthing but it's not the pinnacle of ttrpg.

No one really goes into it because there's so many books to use. Biotech, fantasy, robots, whatever. I just use them to modify my homebrew and get ideas.

I'm reading biotech right now and it even goes into microbes and using these genetically modified cells in commerce.


That only really applies to the fanboys on Veeky Forums, who don't play the system but endlessly promote it and plan for campaigns that will never actually happen. People who play GURPS can generally give good reasons to play it outside of not being 3.PF
>Lack of edition wars is a selling point for the system
See what I mean?

>Peter Jackson
No wonder he got a letter saying "no"

I like how you completely ignore the first half of

GURPS is hardly a one size fits all system but with enough rules modules you can make it do just about anything, though you'd have less headache with a specialized system.

Also, it works fine out of the box for modern or grittier futuristic and fantasy games

Having work for the gm to do doesn't make a system bad. If that where the case then everyone would be playing Risus.

I like gurps because of...
>3d6 is elegant and works great
>infinite ideas for characters
>comfortably knowing my characters strengths and weaknesses
>ability to homebrew and worldbuild until I die
>runs literally anything and doesn't require you to learn other systems
>each and every piece of the game is well designed to work amazingly alone and with other parts of the game.
>that combat
>that character creation

whats GURPS?

Yeah, GURPS is great OP. You're really missing out.

Oh please. I could kill that guy with 40 points.

Please go and stay go.

Any system is good as long as you people have fun with it.


even for people that don't play or have any plans on playing GURPs I'd still recommend them to people who do heavy home-brewing because the splatbooks are just that good


What might be fun for him might not be fun for you.

Doesn't matter in the slightest.


>Point buy generic system = broken system

This ain't your babby class game of choice user. You're required to work with your Gm when building a character, so if you are allowed on making 80gun man as a valid character (and, god, i would actually see that explanation) rest assured that such game would cover even more broken opponents and challenges

>throws glass of water onto ground
>it shatters, spilling water and glass shards all over
>lmao what a shitty glass, it can't even hold water

Imagine being so butthurt about an RPG necessitating GM oversight, that you take the time to cobble together an image of your pitiful argument and post it anytime you see someone post GURPS.

It's especially pitiful because there are actually many good reasons for disliking GURPS and there are ACTUAL flaws in the system itself which could be discussed instead.

i was wondering when you would show up riflenon

how has your day been so far?

>five to ten hours of pre-session preparation be considered a good system
D&D sucks, AND GURPS suck, AND this statement I disagree with, with every fiber of my being.

I love preparing lots of material for my games just because I find it fun.

I think what YOU need to understand is that there are just people with different opinions than you.

N-no really, what is a GURPS?

I don't know grups but isn't this example of retarded idiot gun savant that can shoot his rifle like one fo best snipers but needs party help to shit himself without drowning in his own shit?

Inside a GURPS book you find all manner of information that can help any GM, working with any system, and in any setting.

Not content with making the best manuals in RPG literature, their authors happen to have made a system.

GURPS is the latest iteration of the system made by the creators that write the best RPG books.

>ACTUAL flaws in the system itself which could be discussed instead.
Like what?

You're missing the point of the image.
The game designers encourage lateral character building.
Their skill costs encourage the opposite.
They are morons who don't know how to design toward a goal.
Instead of creating an elegant system that rewards the behavior they are trying to promote, they just put the same old "rule zero" shit in the book on one page and let it go.

Agreed! There's nice bits of thought, morality, philosophy tossed in there. The biotech one I'm reading talked about playing god and at what point do you stop being human.

I'm running a sci-fi rpg that starts in post nuclear fallout. Slowly introducing them to higher tech. I wanted to bring gene editing and synthetic parts and upgrades to it. It's loosely based on shadowrun, fallout, GURPS with a sprinkle of other systems.

My group loves it! They're invested in it pretty well. I brought in an engineering skill to have them build stuff from junk. Like a long pipe, gas tank, hose, binding, igniter and motorcycle handle to make a flamethrower.

I didn't know if they would travel or stay local. So I have a rough world map and the possibility to upgrade settlements. In the before-fore time the world was in three factions. One heavily using coal, gas, oil, steam; second is the renewable energy hippies; third is the nuclear group. So they can get solar panels or a nuclear core if they want to power the settlement.

You don't need skills to take a shit.
Stop acting like you need X points in Y to be able to do basic tasks like even cooking.
I can prepare basic meals for myself but I definitely do not have even a stat - 1 in cooking when it comes to GURPS.
This stupid "I can only do what's on my character sheet and my character is an incompetent shithead otherwise" is retarded crap that goes all the way back to when they introduced the rogue to Dungeons and Dragons.
Before skills were even a part of the game.
Skill checks are almost universally shit, anyway, but that's another matter.

your waifu is a shit

Hmm... One sentence lines. I'm keeping an eye on you.

>an elegant system that rewards the behavior they are trying to promote

Gurps isn't build to reward any behavior at all: it's a plain, old school, generic system. The basic manuals give "parameters" about heroic realism but the rest is gm-players choices.

It's a TOOLBOX to wich build a FRAMEWORK to wich execute the game of choice

Some people are very tied to facts and rules. They see everything like math, where there is a single correct answer. When they are playing tabletop games, they want to have an answer to point to for every question. They don't like it when something isn't covered or isn't clear. Those are the sort of people who like GURPS, because it gives them what they are looking for, a lack of ambiguity.

This is stupid.

No sane GM would allow this a normal game. And gurps is built with the assumption that GM's are sane and reject characters that don't fit the setting.

Plus I could beat this character with 40 point intangibility (always on) and telekinesis 8 and there is nothing he can do to me.


Strength/damage scaling issues, vague wealth/status interactions, extremely large/small or very powerful characters, advantages priced by intended rarity rather than practical utility, flawed core guidelines like Hiking or Listing ST I can go on. Granted many of GURPS' issues are edge cases, but some of these can be real problems and are worthy of mention and active discussion.

You're pretty much entirely wrong about what I, and many others, enjoy about GURPS.

That said, it does involved more mechanics than many prefer which is entirely understandable.

Then I guess you are different from the people I have played the game with.

Yep. I guess I must be.

You've answered your own question.
>> Is GURPS the biggest RPG meme after D&D?

Yes, it's a meme. People who post "GURPS" in recommendation threads are mocking the system. If anything bait threads like this encourage the practice.

That's not why I play.

I like being able to play any genre and my inner homebrewer comes out whenever I play.

It's just really fun to play in the sandbox sometimes.

That is entirely wrong, but you are free to believe that. 3.5 and GURPS are on opposite ends of the spectrum with regards to what you can do. 3.5 assumes that all splats are available at all times for character creation, and has rules written like a legal document. Meanwhile GURPS specifically asks that you offer your players only what is appropriate, and has rules that actually encourage creativity. Telekinesis in GURPS has text encouraging you to use the ability to pull the pins on the grenades of your enemies, while D&D is explicit in that you can't use telekinesis on objects that your enemies have on their body.

tldr; kill yourself OP.

Gentoo is legitimately good though. You have out of the box options like CloverOS if the set up is a problem, just like how GURPS has out of the box options like Dungeon Fantasy or Transhuman Space if you don't like the frontloading.

Yes, but the point is that Gentoo is legitimately too complicated for most people to reasonably use. Just like GURPS.

In the games I GM, most players have trouble following even 3.PF rules. Can you imagine dropping GURPS on them?

>It's a TOOLBOX to wich build a FRAMEWORK to wich execute the game of choice
Translation: if you homebrew this shitty game a lot, it will actually work.

>Plus I could beat this character with 40 point intangibility (always on) and telekinesis 8 and there is nothing he can do to me.
Except that's supernatural. My 30 guns character can be played in a modern setting with no magic.

Nah, most of the GURPS fanbase have been hanging about since 3e got huge in the 90s.

>while D&D is explicit in that you can't use telekinesis on objects that your enemies have on their body.
Have you ever had a character in D&D use telekinesis? They destroy everything. Fuck telekinesis.

>My 30 guns character can be played in a modern setting with no magic.
"No, he can't."

>no sane GM
Subjective, therefore not an argument.
There is no reason why the skill ranks are as they are, if the developers care about lateral character development.
The skill costs should be 1 3 6 9 15 21 instead of 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. Shifted around, of course, for difficulty. If you look at the skill cost table that I included in the image I posted, you will understand. Linear skill progression encourages the exact opposite of what the developers want to encourage, and relying on ebin rule zero to put a cap on that, is just lazy game design.

The developers don't give a single shit about lateral character development you dumb cunt.

Yes he can, nigger.
Show me EXACTLY what is magical about my character.
Nothing he does requires magic.
You cannot prove he is magic or supernatural in any way.
He has no supernatural advantages or disadvantages.
Or supernatural equipment.
The worst you could accuse me of is a high TL for the gauss gun I used in the example above.
I don't need it.
If I get a 150 point character, I can easily make someone able to snipe enemies on the moon.

GURPS is legitimately more simple than 3.5 though. I don't see what you are trying to claim.

Not really, you just have no idea what a toolbox is. Which isn't uprising for a basement dwelling neet.

>"No, he can't."

Why not?

This. SJG isn't trying to make League of Legends where they are trying to balance out "Builds" catering to the WAAC crowd. That would be Paizo.

I'm going to guess you're a 4e fan, strictly because you tied it to 3.5 and nobody else spergs about 3.5 anymore.

>Yes he can, nigger.
No, he can't. I am GM, and I am telling you to get the fuck out of my house.

Besides, the game takes place in Japan, and you are arrested for having a gun.

What's lateral character development?

>can't optimize in the game
>this is somehow a good game


I don't think you actually know what the fuck I am talking about.
But they do.
They don't want you to sink all your points into one thing.
Pretty sure B172 explains how skills past 20 get less and less useful.
Which is true, with a base 3d6 roll.
They say to take skill techniques and "complementary" skill instead.
What they fail to take into account is that with range penalties and movement penalties you can jack up your guns skill to do insanely stupid shit.
Entirely within the rules.
This is because there is no punishment, no diminishing return for increasing a skill.

No one brought up League of Legends.
No one brought up power-creep mini-tweak balancing bullshit.
That is not what this is about.
This has to do with the core system being shitty for encouraging well-rounded characters.

Install Gentoo.

>No one brought up power-creep mini-tweak balancing bullshit.
But OP explicitly compared GURPS to 3.5. If anything GURPS is a game where the minmaxing mentality is discouraged.

Please continue your power fantasy somewhere else.
So it's weeb trash. I wouldn't have wanted to play anyway.
Do you think I am actually intending to play this character?
Do you think I intend this as a way to say "haha look how clever I am"?
There is nothing clever about dumping your points into one skill.
But GURPS allows it.
And, in fact, rewards you for it.

Please look up the word "lateral" in a dictionary.

Not him, but basically it's where your character becomes capable in other fields rather than growing in they one they're focused on.

I played GURPS before 3.5 came out. The draw wasnt splat glory because 2e had splat glory. The draw was to be able to play non-fantasy/ non-high-fantasy games. But the system isnt penetrable by casuals. So the trick is to steal ideas from the GURPS sourcebooks and then put them into a system people already know. "GURPS" = "GURPS fluff over rules you already know, (usually D&D)"

There is nothing that is homebrew about using the system exactly how it tells you to use it.

You can't even seem to tell what I am talking about.
I am talking about the fact that the developers did not build their system to encourage well-rounded characters.
This has nothing to do with D&D 3.5.
>If anything GURPS is a game where the minmaxing mentality is discouraged.
Not at all, as I just showed in the image above.

>we can't discuss the flaws of a system because the GM can just fix any problems present therein

You are part of the problem.

More like you get to spend all those hours coming up with the perfect character build. Go back to Dungeon World if you hate options so much.

>the game takes place in Japan,
Okay. Do I get a sword? I'll just dump 80 points into my swords skill and have a Parry of like 15 or something. Or I could do the same kind of shit with a bow and arrow. You think this is limited to guns?

You could just read actual books about the subject matter and not have to deal with a game made by pedants for pedants.

>power fantasy

>Not at all, as I just showed in the image above.
Which was already disproven. It's almost like actual groups who play the game aren't minmaxing faggots like your average 3.5/PF group.

Wew lad.

>the GM is supposed to power trip over the players


>wow user the GM can't tell the players that some character options are not available that's power tripping now let me play a paladin tiefling even though you explicitly said that neither of those are present in the setting what's that you won't god you're such a power-tripping shitter

Nothing in my image was disproven.

By getting salty and switching campaign settings because a player showed how shitty the rules are?
I was only responding to the other user LARPing as my GM, implying that I would participate in a Japan campaign. That was the only part that offended me.

D&D and loads of games tell you to make new content and house rules to fit your game.
It's still homebrew.
This is nothing new.
Oh sorry did you think GURPS was special because it said it in a slightly different way?

"It seems that you want to play a shonen protagonist. The rest of the group does not want anything of the sort, however, so I'm going to have to ask you to make a new character."