Seeking source

Does any user knows what is the source for this? A link or book?

Other urls found in this thread:









Bump for interest. I'd love to hear more about african mythology. More obscure cultural myths and legends are always fascinating, and any resources I could look into would be great.

Can point out previous threads, but Veeky Forums not too keen on sourcing their stuff.




I'm making a not-African tribesman for an upcoming campaign and this thread is great.

>Western man has theology about apotheosis and higher ideals
>niggers have theology about 'don't fuck up your neighbour's land, bro'

Is that a bike etched on the wall?

fuck outta here unless you're gonna contribute, /pol/

Not even being /pol/ is an excuse.


I'm tempted to remake this if only to have the initial /pol/shit use a different background collar than the response to differentiate them, or at least put some sort of divider between them.

>who are actually more different from each other than the difference between them and Arabs
Are you sure about that? This seems to paint another picture as far as I can tell.

>Why black societies are abysmal failures
>Solomonic dynasty ruled Abyssinia for over 700 years
>Prevented Islam from expanding into the region
>Wasn't colonized by Europeans

>Meanwhile over the past 250 years France has had its government overthrown seven times and had its entire country occupied multiple times

Are ethiopians the same ethnic group as sub-saharan negroes? Genuinely curious, i know fuckall about that area of the world. Also didnt the ethiopians get shitkicked by the brits?

>Also didnt the ethiopians get shitkicked by the brits?
(They never got Ethiopia)

Phrased more seriously, Ethiopia was never occupied by a foreign nation until WWII. They unified and defended themselves. However, Britain was not their primary occupier, Italy was.

Always nice to see someone else with an appreciation for the mad genius of Bill Wurtz

>Are ethiopians the same ethnic group as sub-saharan negroes?
No, Africa is a much much larger continent than Europe with much more massive geographic divides (primarily the Sahara desert and Congo jungle). Unless you classify Arabs and Turks as whites (which most of /pol/ doesn't) Blacks really should be considered three or four different "races."

However, that isn't to say that Bushmen for example are inherently inferior to whites or Ethiopians, technology isn't linear and forming a civilization seems to require fairly specific conditions or else it is nearly impossible. Look at Egypt, Sumer, India, and China all of those civilizations had fertile river valleys on which to settle. Even in regions where those river valleys didn't exist (eg. Ethiopia and Scandinavia) the ideas of agriculture and civilization were able to spread through trade, traveling, and cultural diffusion. The issue with South Africa, the Congo, and West Africa is that in addition to having poor soil fertility for the most part they had no significant contact with the outside world due to massive geographic barriers and thus had little opportunity to actually develop civilization. After all you kind of need crops to have a civilization and to have a reason to settle down.

>Britain in blue
>France in red
This angers me far more than it should

Hopeful bump