Hey Veeky Forums i have a job interview for a board game and hobby shop this week. How should I get ready for this ?

Hey Veeky Forums i have a job interview for a board game and hobby shop this week. How should I get ready for this ?

Like any normal interview. Clean yourself, shave/trim (if applicable), get your clothes ironed/cleaned, and relax. If they ask about your hobbies be honest, don't try to bullshit that you like x tabletop game when you haven't played it. They're probably asking cause they're familiar with it. If you find yourself not being able to connect on the question, ask them questions based on what games you like/play. Considering if that ever comes up, of course.

Don't shower, they like to hire people their clientele can relate to. It sounds dumb but trust me, it works.

t. Guy who's worked at a hobby shop for years.

But i can't get back my virginity

Virgins won't know the difference, as long as you look a bit disheveled you should be fine.

Just state that you dislike elf players

Chapstick. Lots of it.

I will. Elf players are disgusting

* Get used to the taste of beans and rice. Maybe an occasional onion as a luxury.

* Since you won't be able to afford new clothes, practice walking barefoot to build calluses. Also invest in sunscreen.

* Learn how to re-enforce your cardboard box with driftwood and aluminum siding.

* Get a dog that you won't be able to feed but will occasionally glance in your direction for that wholesome pet experience.

Don’t talk about their product too much OP. Establish you have a working knowledge of the products they sell and you’re a hobbyist of it.

They mainly want to hear about work experience, work ethic, be clean and well spoken/articulate. But by all means, establish you play the games, but don’t focus on that.

They want an employee first, hobbyist second

I've sat on both sides of the interview table for retail jobs so I'll offer some advice

First impressions matter. Show up looking neat. Shower, comb your hair, brush the tendie crumbs from your beard, all that. Wear business casual. Remember to tuck your shirt in and always match your belt with your shoes.

Bring good energy. Make eye contact, shake the guy's the hand. Nice, firm handshake. That cold fish bullshit is disgusting. But don't just grab the guy's arm and jackhammer it because that makes you look like a sperg.

Bring at least two copies with your resume. One for your interviewer. Another in case anyone else might want to look at it. You do have a resume, don't you OP?

I assume this is just low-level retail shit, which means you probably won't face too many technical questions. Assuming you've had jobs before, you know what most of the interview will be. "Describe your leadership experience." "Explain a time when you went above and beyond your normal job duties". That kind of shit.

You'll probably get a few questions about your experience and knowledge with traditional games. Remember this guy is probing to see if you can explain to Billy's mom the difference between Stormcast Eternals and Ultramarines, not tell her about the adventures of your drow sorceress.

Expect it to be the worst job in your life. Nerds are among the worst customers, and people in general.

Bring your own dice. That way you'll be prepared in case they ask you to play a game and don't provide any dice. Wear a suit and pack every pocket with dice.

A subtle way of projecting your dice-rich character is to let a few dice spill out of your pockets when you sit down. When they ask you if you want to pick up the dice you can say with cool confidence that there's plenty more dice where that came from.

Your employers will remember you as the dice guy, and will be more likely to roll with you as a result. make sure to look for cues to bring up the dice, and if appropriate, pull all the dice out and mound them on the table.

This should be especially effective for you as hobby games sometimes involve dice, but it works as a general interview strategy.

>Walk in, confidently. Toss a sack of dice on the table.
>"You either give me this job or your family dice."
>get a nat d20

>using * for bullet points

Threaten the employer with death if he doesn't bow down to the greatness that is DBZ

Please for the love of god, don't listen to this person.

>More likely to roll with you

Memorise the Rules of Acquisition and make sure to quote the 57th.

Burst into the store 10 minutes before your interview is scheduled to begin. Immediately start trying to sell the manager the hottest minis available. Keep trying to convince him until he gets visibly uncomfortable. If you are able to scare him out of the store you can usurp his position as the store manager and begin treating your customers in the same manner.

It's not easy, but it's how I got my current job at GW.

Remember that this is a job interview, they’re looking for a retail employee, not a gamer. Knowledge of the products is a bonus, not the whole.