Pic related has landed within the 41st millenium upon a populated world, and quickly ones about its dread work...

Pic related has landed within the 41st millenium upon a populated world, and quickly ones about its dread work, consuming and "recording" the lifeforms it encounters. How quickly do things go utterly FUBAR, and how long before it is noticed?

What the hell is it?

It's the Creeper from Creeper World. A sentient/sapient blob f blue death that has wiped out the entire human race (first game, second), to having well and truly nearly devoured the entire universe itself (Third). It's practically indestructible, and requires utterly unorthodox methods to prevent it from simply regenerating via its "Emitters".

Creeper, "emitters" land on a planet and flood it with creeper which consumes anything it touches. The emitters can only be destroyed by specialized weapons in the game but Imperial Vortex weapons might do the trick.



Assuming it is primarily planetary, not well unless its simultaneously seeded across the length and breadth of the galaxy. As soon as the Imperium figures it's boned with no chance of victory, they go straight to the planet-crackers

Humanity (and countless other civilizations) tried planet-crackers against the Creeper as well.
They didn't work. At all.

Then humanity is boned. The Eldar might be able to use some sort of dimension-warping tech, but likely fucked. Chaos should be alright but without any new mortals to entertain themselves are probably gonna slowly fade. If its OP enough to ignore planet crackers, then throw it against pretty much anything and it'll win. Not even worth asking t b h f a m, unless you throw it against the culture or something it seems to be unstoppable

The Creeper *can* be harmed and destroyed. It's not completely invincible, and it's Emitters, for all their resilience, can still be blasted to nothingness. Even the Creeper Nexus, the primary source for most Creeper invasions can be destroyed. The only problem is that with each defeat, the Creeper learns, and returns with new tricks and abilities, and in even greater tides until it overwhelms and utterly destroys you (as what happened to Ticon). Unless the 4th game reveals that the Creeper has a "primary core" generating everything, it's practically impossible to *truly* destroy.

Well then, seems pretty cut and dry that barring some serious reality-warping level powers, i.e. making it never exist, its gonna win, and even if it can initially be beaten off by a band of plucky teenagers it'll eventually win against the best any universe will ever muster against it.

Good taste. Honestly I think it would fill pretty much the same niche as Tyranids. But then I only played the third game (a few years ago) and my knowledge of 40k is mostly cultural osmosis.





Creeper World and 40k have entirely different levels of technology and power though.

A psyker might be able to turn Creeper into anti-creeper, or maybe the Creeper has a warp presence.

I don't think it was ever explained as to why the Creeper and the Emitters couldn't have just been blown away by long range nukes or lasers, but I'm pretty sure the Imperium would have weapons capable of doing that.

>Creeper World and 40k have entirely different levels of technology and power though.
Indeed they do. Apparently, it's stated somewhere that those "average" Turrets constructed in game to combat Creeper are actually like, 1/4 of an entire city or some such.

what is this game

>Imagine an enemy that is everywhere and moves like a giant, organic mass across the map.
Imagine your base and your people surrounded by a blanket of crushing destruction from all directions.
>Your only hope, well what hope?
>Then you take the high ground and pound this enemy into oblivion. You've saved the day just so
you can do it again and again. Do you have what it takes to save your great city and all of history?

So is there anyway to actually win this game?

It spreads until one of the Chaos Gods throws an army at it; The Daemons get their ass kicked incredibly hard. That puts the Chaos God/s into such a tizzy, that they shit out a warpstorm and pulls the Creeper into the warp.

Other possible scenarios include:
Tyranids adapting to the Creeper in some convoluted manner
Necrons messing with time or just phasing it out of reality or what ever pseudo science shit.
Chaos Space Marines enacting some bullshit ritual that counters the creeper with Warp magic
The Imperium pulling out the same shit they used for The Harrowing, or similiar level.
Space Marines SOMEHOW find a primary core and destroy, cause space marines

In the first game, not really. You had to defend Odin City from the Creeper long enough to open a Gate to GTFO before the Creeper overwhelmed you (which it *would* do eventually). After a while of playing cat and mouse however, you discover things like Anti-Creeper, and weaponry capable of damaging and destroying Emitters, which will even the playing field. The Creeper itself is still nigh-unstoppable though, even if you destroy the Nexus (the final boss of most of the games) powering everything. It will just return eventually, and will probably be even *worse* this time.




>Creeper world

Hell that takes me back. Have they done anything since creeper world 3?

Particle Fleet: Emergence was released and follows one of the destroyed Civ's mentioned in 3, specifically the Ticon. And Creeper World 4 is already in development, and it looks damn awesome.


>creeper world with 3d graphics
because fighting a mountain of the stuff 13 z levels high needed to be even spookier.

He actually shows in one Dev video what happens when you put shells around Creeper Emitters. It literally causes the Emitters to create more and more Creeper as a work-around until it becomes a massive tower of Creeper. You can probably guess what happens should even *one* of said shields were to fail/be destroyed.

