I'm playing at this very second with a female DM in roll20. I have never had a game this bad

I'm playing at this very second with a female DM in roll20. I have never had a game this bad.

I should have left the moment I heard a woman's voice.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I have never had a game this bad.

What's so bad about it exactly, user?

She doesn't know the rules, improvises everything, make us roll for everything, let players walk over her, the story is absolute shit, but the worst part by far is how we have to roll for perception just for her to take the fog of war and there are nat 20's and nat 1's doing stupid shit.


iirc there are notoriously bad roll20 DMs on some sort of blacklist by experienced users. Seems like you got one based on this

there's just one solution OP: rape her.


At least you have a game :(

Record it and link. For science.
Not playing is better than playing a bad game.

No, it is her first time DMing and she is crying right now as some autist is shouting "I HAVE A SQUIRREL IN MY PANTS". It would be too mean to record it

So, all things that any shit GMs do, not just female GMs.

that's what you get for playing a game on roll20. It's infested with horrible autists who are too unbearable socially to play with people irl

it's not impossible to find a good game on roll20 but it's always a gamble

Wait, what? Is she crying from laughter, crying that this guy is ruining her game with random shit, what?

See, this is when you be the decent human being and offer her tips on how to do things properly and to let her sit in on one of your games so she can learn the do's and don't's so we have another decent gm to claim as our own. Or, point her to a gm that you know knows his shit to train her, if you yourself are a shit GM.

But hey, that's even assuming your a decent human being and not just feeding us a "Things that didn't happen for 500 Alex" for the (you)'s.

The game is over now.

The latter, and probably related to her game going to shit too. She even had handouts and shit, at first I thought she was improvising but no, it seems that she had a lot planned.

We even found a poem, which is a hook for the next game. So sad.

I was gonna give her advice but two nu-males started prasing her about how good of a DM she is and how much fun they had and how they want to play again ASAP.

>I was gonna give her advice but two nu-males started prasing her about how good of a DM she is and how much fun they had and how they want to play again ASAP.

DO NOT LET THEM GET TO HER AND WARP HER! Decent GMs are a rarity, is she has even the inkling of a decent GM, don't you dare let those neck-beard fucktards ruin her for her future groups.


Too late, she received the praise and then she left to make dinner for her children.

Found the real problem

So who's the bigger bitch? The DM, or you, for passive-aggressively posting on a Chinese Checkers discussion site instead of taking it up with the DM or leaving?

Should I send her mesaage in discord? Telling her not to accept dndwiki stuff, that is not necessary to roll perception for her to take away fog of war, that attacks of opportunity are only when leaving the enemy's reach, that you dont have to roll to see if shillelagh works and that players shouldnt be above her.

single mother roasties btfo

>if the spandau were so good they'd still be making it today

It was at that moment that I knew I'd never again trust a word coming out of lindybeige's mouth regarding guns.

It is still made, it's called the mg3 now

>I should have left the moment I heard a woman's voice.
At least you've learned a valuable lesson.

>So who's the bigger bitch?
The DM.

The DM, easily. How is this a question?

>implying this makes lindy any less /ourguy/

Take a moment to remind yourself that this is a person you are communicating with and try the compliment sandwich.

So open with, "I really appreciate the effort you put into that session," and add some examples. You could add that it's rare to find a DM who goes to that sort of effort for their players. This way, you can offer some criticism without seeming like a complete asshole.

Then for that criticism, just say that it was clear she wasn't very confident about her style - and that's understandable for a first time out. Remind her that she is in charge at the table. For the rules side of things, you might want to reminisce about how hard it was for you to master the complexities of the game and suggest a method like noting down one rule that came up often to learn between sessions. (You could suggest one here.)

At this point, you get one complaint. It's probably that she let the other players run wild and this is a good thing to complain about because it's a sin of omission. Be polite though.

Finally, thank her for the time and effort and say that you're interested in playing with her again. (Don't say playing in her next session, you might need to weasel out of this game depending on how she responds.)

>Chinese Checkers discussion site
do you guys come up with these on the spot or do you have a generator or something

Oh well I already sent her a message:

user - Today at 10:29 PM
Hey I decided I won't be playing in the campaign, I think it is not my kind of game, I am more of a guy who enjoys sticking to the rules more.

I hope the campaign works for you guys.
DM - Today at 10:39 PM
Sure! No worries. :) I am still very noob at this, so I'm still kind of learning the rules. :P

Lindybeige is the best thing in youtube after the guy who rates mousetraps.

>guy who rates mousetraps
Can I get a link?

Shawn Woods



What's with the sudden upswing in shitty content on Veeky Forums lately?
Is it because /r/incels got banned?

Should I tell her something else? I kind of feel bad.

>Involuntary celibates
>Implying they want to fuck women
>Implying they like women
>Implying they don't loathe women to the point where even their mere mention frustrates them
If you're going to insult me, at least try to make sense.

Underage retard gargles man ass.
Fixed that for you

If the faggot learned a lesson he would not whining in a dumb thread.


>Take a moment to remind yourself that this is a person you are communicating with and try the compliment sandwich.
This is why I hate beta males.
Look at this bullshit. Imagine this beta male soyboyshit being said about user
Stop putting women on a pedestal.

> I'm a virgin by choice!

That's what I said when I was sixteen too.

>This is why I hate beta males.
The fact you consider treating a woman like a human being is putting her on a pedestal speaks volumes.

"compliment sandwich" is bullshit invented to not hurt soyboy and female feelings.
Just tell her why she is a shit DM. Tell the bitch to read the fucking rules before trying to run a game.

Worst part is, he's making a good point for once but it's buried under his inarticulateness.

I haven't been on Veeky Forums in a while and randomly decided to pop in. Thank you for reminding me why I left.


I keep I list from this laosian competitive knitting forum I visit.


>What's with the sudden upswing in shitty content on Veeky Forums lately?
As blocks of content producers get banned, the void where people would reply to those threads is filled by people replying to threads like these, which encourages proliferation of bait because it gets more replies than it used to.

No, it's clearly worse because she doesn't have a penis.

This is how I prefer to be communicated with, but it may be a geographical/area you were raised around sort of issue.

>That's what I said when I was sixteen too.
When i was sixteen i used to wear clothes, i sure hope you don't indulge in such childish habits anymore user.

>This is how I prefer to be communicated with
This is how you think you like being communicated with, but the truth is you get your bitch on in your safe space when it happens cold and unasked for.

Quests died for these threads

I don't know what Incels is, but I got spooked real bad by the VD videos during sex-ed.

Don't talk to the person who is either deliberately baiting you for replies, or is too insane to understand how human communication actually works.

giff story

At least we didn't have to learn the syntax for filters.

Holy shit I made that! Someone saved it! Amazing. Incredible. I'm honoured user you made my night!

I'm sure this topic will serve as a basis for a civil and rational conversation on the internoot.

>beta males
still clinging on to that shitty wolf experiment huh?

whose lindy?

A "history" youtuber. He's a mixed bag. There was a huge upswing in shitpost threads derived from his vids a few months ago and people were accusing him of shilling but it probably wasn't but it was still funny. Was just flavour of the month shitposting some time ago.

>I was gonna give her advice but two nu-males started prasing her about how good of a DM she is and how much fun they had and how they want to play again ASAP.

Same happened to me
>shit game
>GM hardly did anything
>prepared 1 map
>world was homebrew with nothing in it
>ask where there'd be organized crime
>he gives me a nonanswer
>ask where other thing is
>nonanswer again
>after game that one guy tells him its was the best game ever
>turns out he has to quit gaming because his kid cries till 3 am

The game was still shit

As far as I know we come up with it on the spot and that's my favourite thing ever on this Taiwanese animatronics image forum.

A LARPer with an enormous ego and the inexplicable need to explain things in great detail without actually knowing anything at all.

You shouldn't contact her again unless you feel like inviting her to play in a game.

>spend time doing thing
>person whos supposed to be organizing the thing doesnt read rules
>doesn't organize
>gives you a bad experience

Literally no reason to feel any remorse over leaving that. On the contrary it will motivate her to improve and give you the time to join another game

I agree that he should leave, but you're wrong about how motivation works.

I'm reading at this very second a shitposting thread on Veeky Forums. I have never read a thread this bad.

I should have left the moment I saw a Lindybeige OP pic.

You should leave because it's bad, not because she's female.

Why would you care about a thing that you're doing wrong if theres no consequences? Humans are lazy by nature and the shortest part to GMing a game is by not reading the rules and not putting your foot down when needed

A really annoying britbong youtuber who is self-proclaimed expert on anything and everything, while being a dance teacher. Got a lot of buzz on Veeky Forums for making a fuckload of really autistic (and REALLY wrong) historical videos, along with open clickbaits in tune of "Why cavalry is a bad idea" or "Why Bren is better than MG42" (which managed to trigger /k/, /v/ and Veeky Forums).
Said that, there is a small handful of good and useful videos by him: forging scene from Conan, the short series dedicated to lighting and petrochemical, an explaination how crossbow works and explaination of how platoon works. But other than that, a series of clickbaits and/or vidoes so wrong it's not even funny.

Either way, if the video in question involves English/Brits, he's wrong and if it's about French, he's most likely wrong too.

And even leaving isnt enough because shes got 3 men besides OP desperate enough to get in the game. They wont care about quality as long as they can do what they want and have their social experience

>This is how you think you like being communicated with, but the truth is
Telepath spotted.
Enjoy your mindscrambler

There are many conclusions one could draw from a player leaving the game, ranging from, "Oh well, it wasn't for him," to, "I'm awful at this, I should never run a game again." The assumption that OP leaving will motivate this DM to improve is not well grounded.

>tell guy what hes doing wasnt fun
>list 2-3 reasons
>leave game

Now if he stops GMing and does something he and different people will enjoy thats perfectly fine

If he keeps going with people who like this style, fine aswell

If he improves and draws in more players, thats perfect

OP has to look out for himself is all im saying. If you spend more time coaching guys than they're willing to spend to improve themselves thats just a waste of your time because they'll come to depend on you too much. Instead you could join a different game and enjoy yourself

That's what OP's saying. He should've realised it was going to be a shit GM the moment he knew it was a female.

But is it FUN?

>still using the "quest threads improved the board" bait

And it was an improvement.

Evidence is piling up to suggest they did

Veeky Forums's quality has been in a steady decline since far before quest threads were removed, hell their popularity was a symptom of the board getting worse. It's more a general drop in quality across the site to be honest. If I wasn't an autistic masochist who gets withdrawals from not checking the catalog twice a day I'd have left a long time ago.

This is unironically my main enjoyment of Lindybeige videos, when he says something stupefyingly ignorant while looking smug. My all-time favorite is probably the video of the first time he encounters some HEMA guys and sneers at a feder going "pchyeah, this looks like an effective shape for a weapon HURR DURR WINK WINK AT THE CAMERA".

Man I found this guy 4 days ago. Some of the mousetraps on there could probably be adjusted to make decent dungeon traps.
One is a turnstile pressure plate that flings the mice into a cage, which in a game could be a pit with whatever nasty you want at the bottom.
Then there's the classic roller/falling platform into water, which could be useful for causing a distraction while the residents come out of murder holes to shoot those in the water while the party tries to fish them out.
Another one is a small tunnel that snaps down on the neck when they reach in. Sadly won't work since humans don't use their head to get stuff, but catching an arm and then having something drop on them would be effective.


Ah I see you are a man of taste too.

You made one of the classic blunders, OP: never post an image that's beiger than the topic of the post.

Make way for the (only) good Lindy vids!

>Thread is not even remotely veiled
You know exactly why he started this thread, user.

You're not replying the way you think you're replying.

You sound like the type of asshole who is always "telling it like it is" but is not only always wrong but probably a soft little bitch when someone tells him how useless he is in return. Fuck you, learn some manners and how to communicate. You aren't hard as fuck, nobody thinks you are, and it isn't impossible to tell someone they suck without being rude, unless (you) re an autist.

>Try the compliment sandwich

What the fuck does that even mean

Are you even able to communicate without sounding like a complete retard?

in(voluntarily) cel(ibate)

internet is trying too hard to make new terms for every single thing.

God forbid if they used "virgin" or "perma virgin"

You’re going to take OP’s word for it? You can clearly see what he’s like in person right?

A person that doesn't let shit game slide just because it is run by a woman?

Every one of these new words is an euphemism too
All these new words for gay or fag and theres a billion words for people lookingf or some kinda identity

You seem like you are pretty good at directly communicating your feelings.

It seems like your skills at contextual understanding could use improvement.

I can't think of a second compliment even though I do this for a living!

If you know what a compliment is, and what a sandwich is, it should be pretty simple to understand the metaphor of a compliment sandwich.

Compliments are the bread, and between them are the meats and/or veggies and condiments of your complaints.

It's a tool that was devised to aid people overseeing workers with communicating criticism to the workers in a way that was less likely to have counter-productive results; i.e. you lead with something good about how the worker has been doing, follow that with the thing they need to work on because they fucking suck at it, and prevent them (usually) from responding with something in the realm of "Fuck you, I quit" or the passive-aggressive equivalent of just continuing to be awful at that part of their job by finishing off with another something good.

The second compliment could have been addressed at user's correct spelling. A rare talent to see in practice when someone's being shitty for no good reason.

>She doesn`t know the rules
Like none at all, or does she not know the rules as well as a Veeky Forums autist?

>improvises everyting
This might suck at first, but think of it as her training to become really good at improvising.

>Let players walk over her
Tell the players "Hey fuckos, femanon is the DM, listen to her or start a game yourself"

>The story is absolute shit
of course its shit when you decided you hated the game the moment she was a woman. Try just rolling with it more often, the campaign I am in has a garbage-story, but the DM is totally new, and him stepping up to DM means I get to take a break from being forever DM. The story might suck but at least you get to kill some monsters.

>The worst part by far is this weirdly specific ruling
Tell her you dont like it, but do it in a constructive way.