Ok, Veeky Forums, show me your best paladins and Paladin quotes!

Ok, Veeky Forums, show me your best paladins and Paladin quotes!

> "I'm lawful good, now lawful nice."

Other urls found in this thread:


I am the most forgiving of men, however certain standards must be maintained.


>"I am the line in the sand between the good and the profane, and I shall not be crossed!"

Have I ever lie to you?

>"Get behind me! I will keep you safe!"

Blade with whom I lived, Blade with whom I now die, Serve Right and Justice one last time, Seek one last heart of Evil, Still one last life of pain, Cut well old friend, and then, Farewell!

>"Crackin' open a cold one with the boys"


Paladins are impossible because the only valid moral imperatives are those that can be followed all the time if you try, even in your sleep. We don't see sleep as an evil act just because it's the absence of good acts; it's only evil to sleep on the job. What's the use of a moral system where absolutely everyone is evil, and any action you take is evil by absence of another good action?
For example, a moral imperative like "you MUST give money to charity" is invalid because there will come a moment in your life when you are not giving money to charity at that moment, because you need to sleep, or you run out of money, or for some reason you have other things to do that most people would agree does not make you evil. Now you could refine that into needing to give a certain fraction of your money to charity, or only giving the amount you estimate wasn't earned through your own efforts, but you'd be getting into economic systems and that depends on the society in which you live, so you're getting too far from objective morality here. Anyway that's just an example, moving on.
A paladin is obligated to help the needy and punish the wicked. There is no phrasing in the paladin's code allowing time off to rest and travel, so the moment you aren't helping the needy or you aren't punishing the wicked, you have violated your code. A paladin who has accomplished all the good and fought all the evil in his immediate area should rejoice at a job well done, but alas he has no choice but to lose his powers.
Such moral systems relying on positive compulsion to action are illogical and antiquated, leading only to a life of self-flagellation where even the most martyred saints are constantly falling short of their own imperatives. The superior morality is based on respect for people's lives, liberty and property, since it is actually possible to follow flawlessly. Prove me wrong.

What’s this from?


No one talks about that movie but it's been one of my favorites since I was a kid. Watched it so many times I broke the tape

Nice try, Guardian pawn. I'm on to your bullshit.

That quote just shows the metagame bullshit Paladins were until their best iterations in recent years.

>Spare the others, I am ready.






how does one properly play lawful good when the party is a bunch of people who think "nah, I'm good out here, helping people is lame, all I wanna do is buy slaves" neutral to evil types? That is, how do you not make every party decision into an all out brawl?

Work with your group to produce a cohesive unit of characters that like and support eachother enough to regularly risk life and limb together for eachothers' sake.

"I believe in three things, chivalry, honor, and really big sticks."

sure, of course. but how does one bend the paladin archetype to allow for dickish LE or NE type folk? Because it seems like a continual problem that a paladin just ruins every party or every party ruins being a paladin. I'm currently a chaotic neutral moron of a lizardman, but our party paladin just gets fucked by every decision of the party, despite my CN lizardman, Lizardmaan Lizardm'n, being mostly just CG and trying to support doing good shit. But the other homeboys just wanna dick around and buy slaves and murder innocent people for pocket change/ small slights and not go on any kind of real quest. just dick around in town and get a fantasy dayjob. like, man, I wish my life was so dope that I used fantasy escapism to have a fantasy 9 to 5, or that I thought I was such a good person that I'd only play as evil/ apathetic to change it up.
Like, just being an american under 40 means you're probably ranging from apathetic to evil at various points of the day, don't these people get bore with that?

Meanwhile in the Warlock quotes thread:
>"Crackin' open a boy with the Cold Ones"

The next morning, I woke up and crawled out of the northern edge of the Grand Canyon, that cursed place. It took me three months to reach New Canaan.

It was as though the prodigal son had returned. They welcomed me like I had never left, never done anything to shame them.

The fire that had kept me alive was love. Their love, God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe to them, but I must try.



I played an assassin, LE oc, with a strict code of honor. Never had a problem with my pally buddy.
He disapproved of my methods, and doubted my motivations, but never of the results.
I killed quickly, without collateral damage.
No innocents. And for honor or money.
The CN dwarf berzerker on the other end was acting randomly and causing a mess everytime.
So i killed him, after an innocent family got burnt alive after one of his tantrum .
(He threw a torch in a random house to create a "diversion" while guards were after him. It was late in the night and people were sleeping)
Because it was wrong, and caused bad reputation to those who were associated with him. Because we might have lost our contract with the local lord.

The problem with chaotic and evil chars is often that its just a poor excuse to do bs.
Chaotic does not mean total randomness, and evil does not oblige you to be a complete monster.

At some point the pally in the party will have to act if people do horrible and stupid things


That is the cringiest shit ever.

>"I'm going to win. It's simple enough; you don't want this as badly as I do. You could never want this as badly as I do! That is the weakness of villains, of the people who want to destroy the world! Those who wish to destroy the world can always put it off till another day. Gather their forces. Take another swing. They know there’s an escape. They hold back. Those who fight to save the world know they have no choice but to be invincible. They have to win every time. Anything else would be unacceptable.”

Lake of Fire. All volumes are online at free reading sites.

I assume you meant 'not?'

So, in this one game, the main villain kept playing on the paladin's morals to let him live, since all the PCs were lawful good, we let him live a bunch of times, around the 8th time we had to take him down, he started throwing that "It would be wrong to kill me" shit

Pally channels his Alexander Pope and says "To err is human" before smashing his head in with a mace.

"Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."

My GM asked me to leave after that, and that was the point I realised I didn't want to live in this world any more.

>a straight quote from Gygax about how you should play LG

Veeky Forums is dead

"...The simple act of trying to do the right thing will make you a better person; so you see, trying to do good is never ridiculous, even when it is."

"Winning? Is that what you think it's about? I'm not trying to win. I'm not doing this because I want to beat someone or because I hate someone or because I want to blame someone. Not because it's fun. God knows it's not because it's easy. It's not even because it works because it hardly ever does. I do what I do because it's right! Because it's decent! And above all, it's kind! it's just that. Just kind."

"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other. Practiced hands make for short work. And the good Lord knows there's much to be done."

I don't have any good quote, but does GARO count as a Paladin?

O muthafuckin G

Is this Mignola? Or, the guy who did B.P.R.D.?

"Mercy is giving someone a second chance, even if they don't deserve it."

spoilered the image by accident.


Neither. Guy's name is Matt Smith, but that name is insanely common in comics.
As far as I can tell, THIS Matt Smith's only published comics are Lake of Fire, and Barbarian Lord (which I can't make judgement about, as I haven't read it).
Mignola is an obvious influence on his style, though.

I think your post tops OP's.

“Truth! Freedom! Justice! And a hard-boiled egg!”

>Can I help?

10/10 wish i could Paladin it up with Burned Man permanently, or abuse a glitch to get BM, Boone, me, and ED-E as the dream team whirlwind of death.

I mean, mods exist, dude.

Honestly, it sounds like your DM needs to yank your group out of its comfort zone. Have them piss off the local mob boss or get slapped with a gypsy curse or something, I dunno. Something to make them treat their characters like actual characters, not vehicles for their own ego.

> "You call me a hypocrite, and I cannot deny your claim. I can, however, try to prove you wrong".

The paladin's player should have his character fall and become a blackguard so he can get your party to start doing some real shit.

I know this word gets through around a lot, so much so it's lost all meaning.
But Jesus fuck you're autistic.

My grandmother said this: "Walking the path of Heaven, the man who will rule above everything."

I think they said what they meant. "I used to be the Judge Dredd THE LAW type, but now I realize that the laws are to protect people, not subdue them."

>quote from man before his world ended


You guys think paladins do this? That they get together to brainstorm and share witty paladin quotes?

Considering most of these are related to paladin philosophy, most of these are probably included in paladin basic training

It looks like the art style from BPRD. It's really not all that similar to Mignola's. He's very heavy on lines and blacked-in spaces.

Didn't he also do the art for Darkest Dungeons?



>That file name
That's an interesting way to spell Northern Cross Priestess.

Not OP but tried my best at changing the head.

ANNNNND heres the other head, millions of hours in paint etc etc.

Not sure if this counts for the purpose of the thread, but how about one from the pally player in our group, that was actually just a pretty damn good quote?

One of the players (who, unsurprisingly, had bitched when the paladin-player first stated his intent to play the class), called him out in-game during a session for 'not playing the class right' because he wasn't trying to boss us around on every little moral choice and action we made.

"My oaths hold me to a higher standard," he said, "because my God has demanded this of me, if I am to be worthy to be a tool in His employ. If my rules for myself are stricter than those for you, it is because I am required to follow a stricter set than you are. Would you so willingly take on you this burden, chain yourself to this yoke, forswear your freedoms and your choices, in the name of something which you do not believe? Be thankful, friend, that I do not expect you to walk this strait and narrow road with me, as I am thankful I am not burdened with the freedoms you bear."

Shit, that line is longer than all our RP lines together for average session.

"You've had your chances but now it's time to see which god takes you. Pray it is mine, he has a soft spot for cowards."


Good work!

I actually liked the avenger in 4e. A Paladin was a leader, a vangiard. The Avenger was a god's vengeance made manifest.

I'd love to see an avenger in 5e.

What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

He just wants to make america great again

Aw yeah holyland

>Never fear m'lady the white-knight is here to save you. Please respond.

Lets see. Back in the day I had a Paladin of Mercy who's battlecry was "Feel the wrath of Mercy." He was a sappy dude, would give giant speeches, and always try his very best to turn whatever foe he was to the other side or at least turn themselves in for punishment. One quest was locals were being converted to cultists and he just said, "Oh well, cults rather commonly turn people over by convincing them their good. They get people who are down on their luck or looking to rebel like teenagers. Most of them can be saved, but I'll look into the matter and not harm anyone if I can." Though if you were nonredeemable the most merciful thing was to bash you in the side of the skull with his flail until you were dead. As well, as a crusader he didn't mind militarily taking people over. It's the most merciful thing to do. Some people might need to die for the greater good, and it's better to die for justice rather than die for evil.

"Aghh cleric save me"

>Mercy my shield, Justice my sword!

I'm not smiting the merchant. Just because he's price gouging doesn't mean he is evil

I came here for this and a brotha was not disappointed.

>Something to make them treat their characters like actual characters
How does that even apply to this discussion?

"Everything's gonna be okay."

I lost way harder than I should've.

>he didnt bring 3 plague doctors

Thank you :3

>"Knock knock !"
>"who is it ?"
>It's Just...
>Just who ?

[kicks door open]

>It's no' who ah am underneath, but whit ah dooo thit defines me

Oh, is that what it's called? I found it on a character art thread. Thank you.

Kouga had a motto along the lines of "Saving one person's life means they can save more in the future".

"I'm not even angry any more, you've caused so much harm to others because of your own faults it's sad. It's past time I put you out of your misery."

I reject your fundamental premise that a moral code that isn't humanly possible to live up to in perfection is ipso facto invalid.

>This is worst than that time we had to break the wizard out of jail


"You seem to be confused by a common misunderstanding. Evil is infrequently the result of injustice; any good man will empathize with those whom he shares the pain of experience, and experience is the seed of empathy. Therefore, any good man who has suffered an injustice will only become more empathetic to his fellow man.

You have chosen to find vindication in injustice you have suffered to exact retribution against your fellow man for a victimization which is entirely self-imposed. Simply put; you are not a good man.

It is my duty to kill men like you. Draw steel."

My paladin met mixed reviews.

Rules lawyers meet philosophy.
It doesn't end well.
It's actually funny since rules lawyers are more bent on the wording than actual lawyers. There is a thing called reasonability that you do not even try to use.