Seriously, guys: No game is better than being stuck in a bad game you're having no fun with

Seriously, guys: No game is better than being stuck in a bad game you're having no fun with.

So if you ever find yourself in that situation for whatever reason, just politely bow out of the game and go find something else to do with your time.

Entirely correct OP. I'll never understand why so many people on this board claim to be stuck playing games they hate. Just quit already.

Thanks Ghandi

Players have imput in the game also. Before just stopping try and talk to the gm before hand of why you don't like the game. The real diffrence between a good dm and bad one is his ability to lisen to his players.

Why is she spreading her legs like that if she's wearing such a short skirt? Is she a slut?

she wants to fuck

I dunno. Ask the artist. Hope you know Japanese.

That last part should tell you all you need to know.

1) Because usually the games are with their friends whom they otherwise get along with.

2) Because 90% of the problems could just be solved by user sitting down and talking with other Anons, but they never do that because they're massive sperglords.

3) Because most of the games don't actually happen, they're just stories made up for Veeky Forums.

Does it matter? Enjoy the view.

This is bullshit advice that only accounts for socially successful people. As a failure of a human being, my choice is not, and will never be,between no game or bad game.

My choice is between bad game or no friends. And everyone who is not a literal Ayn Rand understands that bad friends are better than no friends.

With that mindset you're just setting yourself up to fail

I enjoy the view of a modest woman more.


>As a failure of a human being, my choice is not, and will never be,between no game or bad game.
Get off this fucking board then, this is a place for people to discuss games that require social interaction.
Veeky Forums was better when we were ironically losers instead of actual losers demanding a safe space

Here ya go

>when we were ironically losers
Uh, when was that?


Well it was a bunch of losers embracing their loser-dom to an ironically excessive degree, now nobody knows.

>Is she a slut?

She's a woman, so yes.

Back when we could call each other virgins without anyone actually getting butthurt

Maybe there is no one around her and she is just sitting in a room thinking.

I don't understand, the skirt is covering all her bits even with her legs spread

Are you triggered that she is "manspreading"?

I only have one group. I don't have the luxury to tell these retards off because then I'll be out of games forever

>everyone who is not a literal Ayn Rand understands that bad friends are better than no friends
haha you fool
I have a cat

>corners of the eyes and bridge of the nose exposed

>Why is she spreading her legs like that if she's wearing such a short skirt? Is she a slut?
That's actually a two-dimensional drawing. It's incapable of independent movement or self-determination much like yourself.

For past three years I was literally forcing myself to run games for flaky group of power-gamers, with the mentality of "if not with them, then no game at all"
Turns out no game really is better than burning out any sort of interest I still have left for the hobby itself.

>bad friends are better than no friends.
Only that's not true and no friends are better than bad ones, you stupid shit.

>Because 90% of the problems could just be solved by user sitting down and talking with other Anons, but they never do that because they're massive sperglords.
And then there is the remaining 10%.
My last group was in that 10%. Always civil, always having a lot of talks with pre and post analysis of the game... and still shitload of things were going in directions not satisfactionary for anyone.


What if everyone else is having fun and the reason I'm not having fun is my own perceived inadequacies as a roleplayer?

Hard mode: if me bowing out would actively make the game less fun for the other players?

Do you speak to your mother with that mouth?

>What if everyone else is having fun and the reason I'm not having fun is my own perceived inadequacies as a roleplayer?
Give up on role playing altogether if it's so psychologically torturous for you. Be sure to let everybody who ever invites you to a game from then on how yiu can't because it hurts your feelings so much.

>Hard mode: if me bowing out would actively make the game less fun for the other players?
Apologize, bow out, and go see a therapist about your martyr complex.

If I knew who she was, then yeah I would. But, alas, orphan.

I stand by my statement. She's a woman, therefore a slut.