"And that's my turn done, your go."

>"And that's my turn done, your go."
>"Okay these guys mov.."
>"Hey bro, check out this cool video I found on facebook! It's a monkey riding a unicycle!"

Is there any better argument for gate keeping than people who use their phones at the game table? When you sit down to game you should be focused on the game not on your phone. Unless there is something critical you have to respond to and then set the phone aside once it's done you're on a whole new tier of That guy. You would be better off not turning up at all rather than forcing someone to play you while you act entitled and selfish the entire time.

Get a shoebox. At the start of every session, have everyone put their phones in the box. Whenever you take a break they can look at their phones again.

If they don’t put their phone in the box, they don’t play.

It’s a really simple solution. No gatekeeping required

What kind of beta numale would actually agree to that?

The kind that plays DnD, faggot

This topic is over.
New discussion, has anyone been able to find a way to use cellphones to add to their games positively? Using that to let characters talk to each other privately without stopping the game?

Some of us aren't autistic larpers who sit round a table pretending to be elves because we're utter failures in life. Making people put their phones in a box might work in your mothers basement but not at gaming clubs or stores where mature gamers like myself play.

>mature gamers like myself


My group's wizard has a useful spellbook app. As GM, I'm always juggling a dozen things, so it's really convenient to be able to declare a spell and have him just rattle off the specific mechanics immediately.

It's nothing to do with the phones. It's everything to do with the players.

A phone can be a useful tool. Looking up rules or keeping a quick reference, making notes or even doing bits of research on a topic, along with digital character sheet apps or other useful bits of automation.

'No phones at the table' isn't an indictment of mobile phones. It's just a sign of shitty players.

Just implement a no repeating rule.
If they're too busy looking at their phones then they have to guess what's going on and take actions without knowing context.

In game they became absent minded.

Exception: they were paying attention but someone did something very confusing. i.e casting a spell and explaining it's effects in a complicated manner

This was me at a Forbidden Island game last night. Felt bad.

>Elf larpers don't understand wargaming.avi

You say that as if nerds don't do that same shit too.
>Hey bro, check out this video from the new dragon ball.
>Hey bro, check out this meme compilation I found.
>Hey bro, check out this page on the new splat book that's coming out.
Plus, some people, like myself, use our phones to keep track of our character sheets and roll dice as well.

Get a signal jammer and hide it nearby.

No seriously who would actually do anything but laugh and say fuck off to some stammering fatass saying P-P-PUT THE PHONES IN THE B-B-BOX, I'M WARNING YOU

So, are you going to show us this video or what? I'm ready to see this unicycle riding monkey.

This seems like an issue that you shouldn't be dealing with if you're playing with friends.

And sometimes one character is alone and its other players turn, so he can do whatever he wants as long as he is not disruptive.
Truly a problem of people rather than some.
I knew a annoying guy always reading rulebooks, sometimes while playing, and interrupting other players on stuff unrelated to the scene.
Didnt need a phone to be a problem

Do you think people like this really exist? Bastards who are so insecure they can't even cooperate to play a simple game because they're afraid it makes them seem weak? 'Coz most people I see are actually halfway functional in social situations.

No, he's pretending to be a tough guy on the internet.

So in a way, yes.

Any time i see stammering text i think of grim matchstick and i get rock hard.

Why do people have so much trouble with Grim Matchstick? He's piss-easy.

Any time I see stuttering text, I just assume that the poster doesn't have anything useful to say and move on to the next post.

I'd ostracize anyone from my social circle if they're honestly so much of a cuck that they'd actually give in to a demand for their phone at someone's mother's basement for a game of pretend, but I also ostracize fat people and virgins.

Either that sexy belly or that sexy tail.

All my players have the PHB on their phones and my druid has a spellbook app, but i take a hard stance on fucking around when we play. If i don't use my phone to fuck around then my players shouldn't either

Interesting how you just assume everyone else on this board you go to is a stammering fatass with no social skills. I wonder why...

Every single person in my group uses an app to keep their character sheets and access their phbs. It makes gameplay super streamlined and I don't how honestly know why people would play without phones at the table.

What do you not understand in the concept of cooperating with your friends to have more fun? And why do you have to pretend to be an extremely cool tough guy on the internet? You're impressing no one with this bullshit.

>alright bro piss in the cup, gotta check your BMI
>hey bro you get any poontang this week? No? Sorry bro, can't let you tabletop game with the gang, come back when you smash some puss

Phones are banned at the table. There is a hammer by the GM screen for phones at the table. If you cannot be separated from your phone, you cannot play.

>There is a hammer by the GM screen for phones at the table.
Fucking kek.
I hope there's also a pile of money so the GM can refund the phones.

People with so little self control that they cannot stay off their phones in the middle of a social gathering are going to be shit players regardless of if their phone is accessible.
Because they're shit people with tiny attention spans.

>I ostracize
Of course you do, user

Wow you are so tough.

I get a hold of everyone's number.

Then every now and then I send them an SMS which will say something along the lines of "If you read this your next roll has a -3 modifier etc."

I actually don't use social media so my GM has never had a problem with me using my phone at the game.

>There is a hammer by the GM screen for phones at the table.
Is there a checkbook and a 1st aid kit too? Because you're going to need one of the two if you actually do that to someone's phone.

This seems backwards. You're tempting people to look at their phones by sending them messages, then punishing them for doing so?
I just ask people to pay attention. If they don't, then they don't know what's going on and I explain that to them. Then they usually pay attention from then on.

Most people ITT aren't what normal people would call reasonable.