Which is the better bloodsucker aesthetic, Egyptian vampires or Aztec vampires?

Which is the better bloodsucker aesthetic, Egyptian vampires or Aztec vampires?

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Chinese soul sucker
What the difference?

don't they both worship sun gods as the head of their pantheon? talk about awkward.

anyway, aztecs don't really suit the refined aesthetic that vampires are usually known for.

Vampires from Hell.

How is this even a question?


The Aztec "main" god was Huitzilopotchli, the god of war and blood. The "most powerful" god was Tlaloc, god of rains and winds, and the most feared was Tezcatlipoca, the god of death, slaughter (i.e. the horrible aspects of warfare) prophecy, deceit, and just general "bad shit."


shit, guess the conquistadors did something write when they conquered the new world

Of those two? Egyptian imo. Fantasy aztecs are almost always stupid.

Their main god was Quetzalcóatl aka the feathered serpent.
Huitzilopochtli was important too, but Quetzalcóatl was more powerful.

No, Huitzilopotchli was the aztec's main god.
Huitzilopotchli's temple was the aztec Mecca, right in the midle of Tenochtitlan where the power resided.
Quetzalcoatl's temple is in Tehotihuacan.

In Aztec mythology Huitzilopotchtli, Tlaloc and Tezcatlipoca were equivalent to Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. While Quetzalcoatl was more like Apollo.
In Mayan mythology Q'uq'umatz/Kukulkan is the creator deity AND a feathered serpent. The lack of care to distinguish these cultures despite the maya mostly dissapearing 400 years before the aztec showed up and Tenochtitlan being as far away from Chichen Izta as Texas is from New York, is why some people believe Quetzalcoatl was the aztec's patron deity.


Aztec human sacrifices, literally ripping someones heart out of their chest. Just change up the pantheon.

Native Groups literally helped the Spanish to fight the Aztecs because they hated the Aztecs so much.

I keep telling the local native Americans I know that the Aztecs where dicks to other natives, but they pretend they were benign noble savages... not dickass murder hobos

I didn't come here to be educated!
But thank you.
I just wish I could pronounce any of those names, let alone remember them.

It's one of the reasons mexicans are seldom if ever offended by conquistadors in fantasy and fiction.
There was no trail of tears in Mexico's conquest, just two empires at the apex of their power clashing against each other AND against themselves. The Tlaxcalteca helped Cortez fight both the Aztec Empire and Panfilo de Narvaez who had been sent to Mexico with twice as many people as Cortez to take his head back to Cuba.


Part of the reason why is because the Spanish arrived at just the right time, when the natives were just newly conquered and haven't gotten settled in with their new shitty life.

>aztecs don't really suit the refined aesthetic

>don't they both worship sun gods as the head of their pantheon? talk about awkward.
How is that awkward? When you are a vampire the Sun is the one thing you fear the most.
Sure for humans Sun would be the life giver worthy of worship but in vampire society Sun could be worshipped as well as the ultimate destroyer and "the scariest thing possible".

Jojo has shitty vampires

Aztec, Egyptian would be retarded


>Egyptian would be retarded
Why exacly?

It's also the one thing clearly more powerful than a vampire, and the one thing they can't fuck up.

Remember, man created Ahriman before Yahweh.

>Aztec vampires



It's not like Ahriman is the only deity in Zoroastrianism.


What is this from? The golden guy looks aesthetic as fuck.

Cainhurst x Darkest Dungeon is the best vamp aesthetic.

It's from a French comic called Requiem Vampire Knight in English. Basically about a Nazi soldier who went to Hell when he died only to find out that A) Everyone goes to Hell, there is a Heaven but no one can get there, and B) He became a vampire, one with good traits instead of being irredeemably evil. Everyone turns into a specific creature based on their sins.

Boy, I love this movie.
It's from "Requiem".
Somebody knows if the tome after this pic has been released?

I think we're currently on Chapter 10 and that image is from 9 iirc

>Everyone turns into a specific creature based on their sins.
Judging by that armor, I'm guessing the Vampire was guilty of lust.

This is Dracula, one of the rare vampire "before he was dead".
In this setting vampires are people who knew they were evil in their past life and embraced it, ghouls are people who were evils but thought they were doing good (a former head of FBI, a feminist from the future who killed all men, etc.), apparently being english is a sin and you turn into an greedy lizardman, rapists turn into centaurs, fanatics into werewolves and the victims are in Hell too.

Wowzers, it would be like vampires are repelled by what is seen as holy.

The Lizardmen are that way because of their greed driving a need for conquest, it just so happens that the biggest proprietors of conquest are British.

Infanticides, I'm assuming victims, become Harpies, suicidal people become trees and mountains of their own screaming visage, the Archaeologists are people who invented death-dealing things.

>All this depth.
Damn, I was just making a jab at the dick knife, but thanks for telling me all this instead. Good to know.

That's complete speculation. The earliest recording of Yahweh's name is 1402–1363 BC while there is no written record of Zoroastrianism till 5th century BC. Zoroaster the prophet apparently lived about 1000 years BC and was though to have influenced an older religion but we really don't know how long ago it was founded before then .

>Native Groups literally helped the Spanish to fight the Aztecs because they hated the Aztecs so much.
As far as the other kingdoms and tribes were concerned, the Spanish were useful foreigners who could tip the balance in their war for independence from the Aztec Empire.

And then the Spanish turned out to be so, so much worse.

Aztec Vampires are female but have snakes for dicks. Also known as the Tzitzimitl.

The Tzitzimitl lived in the dark between the stars and cames to Earth when Huitzilopochtli had surrendered the sky to his traitorous siblings (the moon and stars).

iv been to chicken pizza and seen the klu klux klan pyramid first hand

That poor tube-baby. He just wants to leave so badly. He keeps trying to hide his head and ride out this nightmare but they wont let him.


Truely so much worse in the long run right user! :^) I'm sure as a pasty burger mouth breather American you are enlightened to the true purity of the Aztecs, and how amazing it would be if those mean Spanish had just left them to forge their own empire!

Oh wryyyly?

Like a sturgeon
Sucking blood for the very first time
Like a stuuurgeon
Feel your heartbeat, next to mine

Were they all dicks or just the Aztecs?

Its like I always say, agriculture is the first step towards madness

I always pronounce it like Queezy-Coatull

Some people say it like Kwix-i-coat-ull
which makes me think of the Kwix rabbit.
which makes me laugh.

New Blood favored Kwix! Just take regular cool-aid and add "BLOOOOOOOOD!!!"

All I know is that all gods are the same, they won't give you money.

its trix you unamerican faggots

i will fight you nibba

The Aztecs belonged to the Uto-Aztec linguistic family, which included groups such as the Shoshone and Comanches (fun fact: the mythic Aztec homeland is in Colorado). Many of the various offshoots of this language family were known for being insanely violent. The Comanches in particular were possibly the most sadistic culture known to recorded history, and the Aztecs took a very slightly less intense form of that sadism and scaled it up to an empire-sized operation.

Mesoamerican cultures were all dicks, but the Aztecs took it to another level.

I was under the impression that the Inca weren't terrible.

And, honestly, if you look at the history it becomes clear that the societies that were discovered when the Spanish arrived were literally post apocalyptic at least twice over. They were pretty much raiders.

All Amerindian cultures were weirdly violent and cruel from a modern Western POV. Part of that is that they just handled violence differently and in a way that doesn't align with our sensibilities. An Inca or Mayan would probably be horrified at the modern phenomenon of widespread crime, both petty and violent, within our cities and communities.

But as with any norm, there will be outliers. The Aztecs were one such outlier. In the intensity and magnitude of the institutionalized violence they committed, they were unusual for their time and place. Both they and the Comanches were aberrations in the sense that they took advantage of apocalyptic collapse conditions like you mentioned to carve out a niche for themselves and rise to prominence. The Aztecs did it hundreds of years before contact with Europeans and were subsequently undone in the European-induced apocalypse, while the Comanches rose to power on the wave of chaos and demographic implosion that precedent European settlement.

tl;dr the Aztecs were assholes who had it coming, and their subject peoples who sided with the Spanish had no way of knowing, with the information they had available, the magnitude of the threat Europeans posed

Basically if there's a sin, there's a Hell race for it.

Unless you went on relatively sin-free, then you're just a zombie. Lamia are just Vampire victims.


Aztec Gods of Veeky Forumsness is go!!!

>Mesoamerican cultures were all dicks, but the Aztecs took it to another level.

Moche were also pretty big assholes.


I'm not sure if this is edge lord shit or goofy eighties hair-metal.

It's edgy 80's hair metal.

That said you should definitely listen to steel panther while reading this.

Whichever one has bigger tits.

>profane evil beings that hate the sun
>prey on a culture that views the sun as holy
Explain to me what is wrong about this?
If anything it gives vampires a more interesting background, as being things literally against the divine

I feel like there are better ways of doing this concept...

It's pretty much both. Granted it's from France which is a welcome change from them.


>don't they both worship sun gods as the head of their pantheon? talk about awkward.
>vampires worshiping the sun is awkward instead of neat
Hello unimaginative newfag.

I don't know what this is but I want more of it.