Which is a more dangerous character: a parent avenging their child or a child avenging their parent?

Which is a more dangerous character: a parent avenging their child or a child avenging their parent?

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Before this thread goes any further, I'd love for you, you OP, to explain why you think it would have any bearing on how dangerous the character is.

Child avenging their parent has their entire formative years to train to be a murder machine hellbent on killing the one who killed their parent.

Depends on so many things.

If it is a parent, if they are a young adult and the child was also very young on its life. It could also be dangerous for a grizzled vetreran trying to avenge their teenage child.
If they are a child, it really depends on how old the parent was and if they missed on the important life lessons they could get from them and/or getting to know their lost parent.

What the hell is this calle thing you keep throwing at me, captcha?

Google uses reCAPTCHA to parse street signs for Street View. "Calle" just means "street" in some euro language.

I dunno. If Liam Neeson and Mark Harmon have taught me anything it's that parents seeking revenge can be very dangerous, too.

Both can be dangerous. Some child training their entire life for revenge can be pretty deadly, but so can a grieving father who has an army and a seething desire for vengeance.

On their own? The parent. They have absolutely nothing to lose. Their offspring is gone. The person they raised, put so much care into - they're gone. The child suffers a break with the past. The parent has a future cut short. The parent has nothing to lose; that's what makes him dangerous.
Specifically Spanish, and suddenly the majority of Latin America becomes a viable place.

It depends, how many fingers do you have on your right hand?

the only correct answer

I feel like IRL, a child would probably adjust and move on rather than turn into Batman. But for a parent to lose their child, I can see that turning into a deep seated hatred. A child will blame their parents' killer but a parent will blame themselves.

They're bigger than a child, too.

for you.

A man avenging his dog.

But what about a dog avenging his man?

Parent avenging their child, they have nothing left to lose. Nothing is more dangerous than a man with nothing left to lose.

The latter. Avenging children are more likely to have a life and reason to be once the revenge is done. A grieving mother or father is more likely to view their retribution as a suicide mission and generally are more prone to driving harder and more recklessly. Their lives are lived, they bore a child and now it has been taken from them. The living world has no more fear left for them- only bloody justice and the promise of seeing their child again in the afterlife

Airlines say to put the O2 mask on yourself first and then your child. Kill the parent first, and then the child so you won't have to deal with either.

Short-term, parent since they're more immediately capable.
Long-term, child since they'll have a long time to train and mentally prepare before they're physically ready.

The atf already shot it

A child avenging their parent is more dangerous than a parent avenging their child.
A parent protecting their child is more dangerous than both.

You posted a Manga in which the kid fails to kill his father’s killer at every single turn. Thorfinn had no chance of beating Askeladd.

Id say a father with either a young to teenage daughter being avenged is the most dangerous

Not the best examples. The Taken movies are basically a power fantasy for aging dads. Go back and watch taken 1: he is right about LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Every piece of advice he ever gives his family, on anything, ends up vindicated by the plot, even when its not related to his super spy skills.

Which brings us to point number 2: Liam Neeson wasn't dangerous because he was on a revenge spree. He started off already being an unrealistically dangerous individual with an absurdly specific list of contacts and skills that left him with the means to go outside the law and win. The fact that out of all of the daughters to get kidnapped, his was one of them was really just a stroke of incredible bad luck for the kidnappers. You know who didn't have a murder machine of a father come and rescue them? Literally everyone else in that slavery ring, including her daughter's own friend. Who, unless I am misremembering, is basically completely forgotten about during leeson's revenge spree, and still ended up sold into slavery somewhere.


*teleports behind you*

>Pssht, nuthin' personnel...kid

Came here to post this.

As posted above, bad example.
Thors going all out against a kid-killer Askeladd would win without a second thought.

Less the manga given as example and more about how the kid has a number of years to tunnel vision into training to get revenge, while the parent already has skills set in stone.

Friend was found dead in one of those safehouse apartments, OD'd I believe.

Had a game where we had our old characters came back together after the daughter of our warrior was killed by a bandit king.

Crew wrecked house.

Child avenging a parent. Pic and video related

It is a rage etched into their body and soul. They absolutely will not stop until the killer is dead, or they are - or both if need be.

Bad things happen when you kill a man's ma.

Yeah, but Liam Neeson can only do that with aid of shaky cam and quick cuts. Otherwise you have to remind yourself he's really old and should stop trying to do action movies.

How about a dog mauling his man?

The parent. The child could be more dangerous of they trained long enough, but if they're dead set on vengeance they'll almost certainly head out before they're really ready.

>Everyone remembers the character's quest for revenge
>Actor is bothered by this and reminds everyone that he's empty and doesn't know what to do with his life when it's all over
>Conveniently forgets that the very next line is him getting an offer of a career in which he will literally murder everyone -1 that he meets.

I feel like there's a certain level of pure, murderous fury that can only be felt by a parent who has lost their child. I fear such rage.

Then why not post Star Wars?
In Vinland Saga, the kid tries every couple days and fails every time, eventually losing his reason for living and becoming a pacifist when some twink prince kills him instead.
In Star Wars, the kid wins in the end, but then backs off from the kill on principle.

Parent avenging their child is often a side character and/or, is fated to suffer a phyrric victory at best. Their act of vengance is their undoing.
A child avenging their parent is the protagonist.

Not recognising Italian.


A pro doing his job.

Second one. They tend to be immune from context or reason, prone to enormity, walking narrative justifications for the positive moral worth murdering children.

I'd say a parent avenging a child. No matter the circumstances, every child expects their parents to die before them and will have an easier time being at peace with that. No parent expects to outlive their children.

My niggas


One thing you're forgetting is that unless the kid is abnormally brave or skillful, they won't come for their revenge until the killer is old and has forgotten about the whole thing. They're like a landmine, because you won't see them until it's too late.

But a parent has nothing else to live for if he or she only had the kid left. I'm more afraid of a person who isn't afraid to die trying to kill me.

It really is a terrifying experience when you realize the person/people you're fighting aren't afraid to die, or are happy to do so for one reason or another, because more often than not it means you can't break their morale. It's either you kill everyone of them that comes at you, they fall back regroup and then you're on edge as to when they'll show up again or you die.

It depends on many factors. Several of them have already been pointed out. Just on average I would have to go with the parent avenging a child. If you have ever met a parent that has lost a child you know how much it alters them. If that was their only child or something like the last piece of their lost spouse then they can spiral down tremendously quickly to a very dark place. Having someone to focus that darkness on would be scary. You life is meaningless now.

The one thing that kept you going when your wife died in labor was raising your son but he was ripped from you the same way the she was. Except this time you can't blame God. You can't blame the universe. You know who did and you are going to find him. When you do you are going to make sure he feels every bit of pain you have ever felt.

A man avenging his dog.

Or his rabbit