Is it possible for demons to be good people in your setting?

Is it possible for demons to be good people in your setting?

"Good", sure, "people", not really.

Yes. But is incredibly rare, requires extraordinary circumstances (including being cut off from wider demon culture) and isnt just a reason for there to be good aligned Succubi.

Exceptions to the rule do exist, yeah.

It's quite possible as the main difference between angels and demons isn't strictly moral but in the way they interact with mortals, with angels forming a "cult" of devoted followers and demons focusing on a single individual there are general ideological and moral differences, however, they are far from universal. A demon/angel feeds of off divine energy which is given off by any creature with a divine soul, which most beings have. more powerful soul more divine energy given off., being also give off more divine energy in specific situations such as during battle and while praying.

Demons aren't actually sapient beings, not quite. They're a post-death manifestation of one's legacy, or at least what people refer to the bad ones as. They're similar to ghosts, but in an actual afterlife. They are effectively incapable of personal growth beyond the original person that they came to represent after death, and only form after someone has had a strong impact on a place, a concept, and organization, or other major facet of existence.

>Is it possible for demons to be good people in your setting?

Yes, Demons have personalities, possess free will, and are only restricted by their supernatural agency to chaos and chaotic alignments*, so, in effect (affect?): they 'can' be good people. *Demons can be any chaotic alignment: chaotic good, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil.

The only thing Demons can't be is female, there are no female demons.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - if the world forgets them, they cease to exist, so these spiritual beings have quite the motivation for continuing their legacy - the evil variety tend to have a much easier time of it.

Demons are good in the same frequency that people are good. It's the celestials in their high thrones who are the assholes.

My favorite take is that demons are actually the good ones, the celestial are the violent, evil ones who have successfully tidied up their own image and sullied the demons' with centuries of propaganda.

Not really, though it isnt uncommon to have aligning interests

>literally defined as the embodiment of evil as a concept
>good people

Wew lad.

Fiend-blooded mortals and other such hybrids can be, though. They just tend to act like their parents/ancestors.

>literally defined as the embodiment of evil as a concept

I mean, that's the traditional definition of fiends, and I've always stuck with it.

Defined where?

Demons in my setting are some kind of proto humans: the gods created them at first, thousands of years later created the humans (that resembled them in most aspects but the magic aptitude, greater in demons).
Humans cohabitated with the demons for a long time, but they were almost always enslaving humans through their superior power, so the gods decided to move them to another dimension.
The demons didn't like this, of course, and have since then been trying to conquer the world of humans.
Tl;dr: They are not bad people; it is only that only a few see humans as little more than cattle.

Demons are allegorical representations of evil. They make no sense as good people unless the metaphor is changed from evil to a nation of generally evil people. But then that causes an infinite regress. Because you'll always need some kind of allegorical representation of evil and then you'll just need something else for that.

To expand. This is like asking if you can redeem Rumplestiltskin or the Big Bad Wolf. It's a fairy tale, the characters are deliberately flat and one dimensional.

yes. They're more lawful than anything, really, and even then there are still chaotic ones, because newsflash: even the most perfect systems will have outliers and defective models, whether it's a manufacturing line or a demon dimension.

I thought the traditional definition is that they were angels that disagreed with god, and thus got sent to a plane where god wasn't.

And then someone wrote fanfiction about how the boring godless plain was actually full of suffering and evil, and this fanfiction became popular.

I want to kiss him and pet his horns and hair.