Dominaria Info at pax

>dominaria Info at pax
>feature art
>all women

Like you can push the "womenz play magiks" meme all you want. But REPLACING your target demographic?


That's Jaya Ballard you fucking inbred

Please go back to r/incel

>continuing to buy from a company after they made it abundantly clear that they dont want you

whats your problem cuck? what part of find a different hobby dont you understand? youre like a battered wife.


go back to your safespace and stop being so outraged by things that don't cater solely to your identity politics.

literally who

nobody cares about whatever e-celeb they're pushing

dubs dont lie

I thought the reason we were getting all these WIMMEN REEEEE threads was because reddit closed their incel board.

It's actually because women are ruining things in Veeky Forums related products.

You're some kinda retard if you don't know who Jaya Ballard is. She was a character from the old days of Magic, when Magic was good. Bringing her back is reasonable and legitimate. Please fuck right off to whatever hole you crawled out of.

Uh huh. Which is fine.
The other 3 just so happen to be women.
Don't think I've ever seen pre release art that features only one gender.

>Java Ballard
How new are you? Don't bitch about a game you know nothing about

Refer to:

>implying its women making this shit happen and not nu-male soyboys like half the anons in this thread

women literally dont even play these games

They wouldn't be doing it if women didn't push their shitty representation narrative.

Umm actually, they grind tournaments.

I hope they keep it up. These incel tears are delicious.

Louen is so handsome kawaii-desu

>women are around 1/3 of players or thats what they say anyways
>1/3 of the gamer cards feature a woman
seems fair enough

>lol i hope i get less representation of my gender in games
>lol I hope i get less representation of my race in games

People like you ruin the west.

no one is under any obligation to submit to the demands of people who dont even buy the companies products. the cucks in charge choose to do it freely

women always bitch and complain, thats not a recent invention user.

That's some top quality art there.

Show me any mtg tournament or LGS that has a 1/3 ratio. I'll wait.
I've never seen it and I've played this game for 15 years.

The art has heavily swung in the opposite direction. How many colored female walkers have we had in the last 2 years?

Like fuck.

These are the kind of retards who browse this board, the kind who see an unpaired hook and bite down anyway

Oh no, there's more art of women and blacks in a card game for children. This is absolutely a concerted attack on my race and my gender and a slippery slope towards being castrated and enslaved.

Thank you for enlightening, based user. After all, you totally have no agenda or narrative of your own that you seek to push. You are unbiased and speak only the truth.

>Show me any mtg tournament or LGS that has a 1/3 ratio. I'll wait.
None because the ambient thirst drives female away

>ITT: incel cardboard addicts REEEing

This. I don't even play MtG but these threads are a daily source of comedy gold.

tell me more about how the black tranny vegan satanists that run every aspect of our society want to subject white men to genocide

>children's card game meme

I dont get why you tear down your own game to try and make a shitty point.

This game is a secondary source of income for me. And people don't want tk buy shitty nigger cards that are essentially stepping stones and forewarnings of how they are being replaced.

>This game is a secondary source of income for me.
It must be rough being poor

>This game is a secondary source of income for me



you better get a more fucking secure revenue stream than a children's card game then, you fucking moron

Jesus, what the fuck did you expect, trying to make money off of rectangles of colored cardboard?

Well basically they practically control the world already but they've decided to start with the weakest and easiest targets, those being MtG players.

Once Magic is 100% transblackvegansatan, they'll move on to slightly more manly hobbies like stamp collecting or model train building. By 2100 AD they'll have completely taken over the jigsaw puzzle industry.

>Tournament grinder
>Looks like that


I haven't played magic in like 12 years and I know that's complete bullshit.

Ha hah haha haha haha haha

The bigger issue here is that "muh representation" is what WotC thinks is an issue they need to focus on and not cards coming BENT RIGHT OUT OF THE GODDAMN PACKS.

Better bring up the fact I'm Canadian.
Because that's all you got at this point you fucking clowns.

How much is that in real money?

Why the fuck isn't that in the bank? Are you a drug dealer or something?

You know people play magic with their friends at home right?

>Trusting jew banks

Sorry, already called out the Canadian meme. But 10k cdn is about 7,800 burger bucks.

I could post the 20k worth of duel lands and pimped out shit if you'd prefer. And this is all profit. And the cards I own were bought from profit.

So eat shit poorfags.

>Why the fuck isn't that in the bank?
Is that even a grand?

I assume we're supposed to be impressed by user having some cash.

It's ironic because this is literally something /pol/ says and spams on Veeky Forums.

>white people and men don't have enough representation in popular media :'(

your suffering is delightful


Its about half my current duels/fetchs/shocks.

Yea, so sorry. I'm passionate about my future.

Bring it out in freezing weather, I want to see it snap apart due to Canada's piss poor quality control and materials.


user, your still speculating on cardboard. If thats your idea of investment, then you're a goddamn moron.

So you're like a professional poker player but without all the attractive girls and cool shit that comes with it?

That your entire life savings?
Also dear Lord the damage control

This, a million times this.

It's like you haven't had a single marketing class in your life.
WotC is white knighting so fucking desperately because no matter what they say women don't spend money on magic despite providing 80% of the earnings for other industries.

Please take your retarded shitposting somewhere else

You're not wrong, but you're not right either.
It's not women, it's executives desperate for money women don't want to spend on their products.
They're gonna end up losing the couple dozen million insecure nerds spend and not even get their so desired hundred million female spending power anyway. It happened to video games, it happened to comics, and now it's happening to Veeky Forums.

yeah, who would ever value a piece of paper 100+ dollars
oh wait

>g-guys, this cardboard printed by a toy company is j-just the same as federally backed currency!
The absolute state of you

Speculating? When does it go from speculation to profit?

Are you saying making 30k in mtg, reinvesting half into duels (already a net of +$2300)
And $15,000 cash is bad?

Lol ok. Stay mad.

Sorry, I'm too happy about Jaya being back that I don't give a shit about what you're complaining about.

Shit, this is some top bait. I haven't laughed this hard in a few weeks.

>Are you saying making 30k in mtg, reinvesting half into duels (already a net of +$2300)
>And $15,000 cash is bad?
I mean, my wife and I are in our 30s and we've almost got a million dollars worth of actual investments. Like mutual funds and shit. I wouldn't say having $15,000 is "bad". Definitely not "worth bragging about on Veeky Forums and repeatedly defending yourself", though.

>its pathetic to brag about money
>brags about money

Hmm. Really activates my spark.

I was called an idiot and poorfag. I defended myself. Nobody accused you of anything. You felt the need to brag out of sheer spite.

But i welcome another richfag. Together us merely existing puts these mouthbreathing white knights on tilt.

You may not know this but underage retards that get butthurt about women and whine on /v/ is not that big of a group. Comics was dying out long before SJW became a boogeyman and video games and Veeky Forums stuff like D&D was always popular.

Tbqh id still fuck her

alright, fair enough. probably wouldn't invest in cardboard myself, but their value is still pretty much ensured

Jaya aged damn well.

I hope WotC royally fucks up the secondary market just to see this guy's face.

>another richfag
I don't think so, Cardboard Kid.

I'm selling next year during the next legacy boom. Another free $4000-$5000 dollars.
Again, this is seconddary. I work as well. Its literally free money. Only Veeky Forums would call free money bad.

Yea. You can't play with stocks and bonds. Magics better.

No, there are still women there. But they are the Gender Studies types, who see differences in people and assume all of them are a result of some sort of prejudice or oppression, rather than actual differences in individuals or groups. These are the people the executives listen to.

I thought you were trolling but now I honestly feel kinda bad for you. Imagine bragging about this kind of shit to strangers on the internet

Most of the women employed at wotc are exactly this type.

Feminist, dyed hair, ugly. Its not a coincidence

Whatever you say, Cardboard Kid.

Don't need to imagine. I'm doing it.

I had 5 shit talkers before, now its just you and some other straggler trying to explain how 30k is a bad thing.

Its cute.

Sure, Trump was also completely unavoidable and wasn't exacerbated by retarded teenagers in college campuses celebrating how Hillary would kill all men

Both extreme right and extreme left views shape the opinions of the true majority, that they don't go and express their opinions doesn't mean they don't vote.

Don't talk shit about my waifu

Some of those wome ARE executives.
WotC pays like shit and is a very stressful place to work at, it also doesn't ask much to become part of their workforce, you don't even need any sort of qualification to apply for the design teams.

>Still playing MTG
That is your own problem. The people buying packs are the ones actively funding any SJW horseshit.

Go gargle hairy balls somewhere else

>buying packs

People still do this?

Aren't the only Amonket cards seeing competitive play minotaurs, jackals and the gods? Two copies of Harsh Mentor in the PT top decklists. And all the cards bend like shit, Ixalan and Kaladesh are bad quality cardstock too but fucking Amonkhet and HOD come bent out of the booster.

The universe itself conspired against the basketball egyptian revisionist history.

They were tested and found to resist temperatures well below -40C and above 100C before being rolled out, you tremendous faggot

>Knight art
>It's a nigra with a sidecut
Are they not fucking aware Thalia is one of the most popular modern Magic characters ever?
Why does this company insist on swimming against the money?

>implying incels, /pol/acks, and SJWs have any interests other than whining and wanting to feel in control

I've not seen a single overweight white fatso exposing their buttcracks in a single feature artwork ever for magic, so this is no change from the norm, OP.

well you sure are triggered.

Nice $200 of Chinaman, user


the difference would be, do those neckbeards (who support the company and pays their workers) want the cards to show that? its not so much about whats realistic, its about what your customers want

>This game is a secondary source of income for me.

You're a pathetic loser of the highest order and you deserve to be "replaced"

>And people don't want tk buy shitty nigger cards that are essentially stepping stones and forewarnings of how they are being replaced.

I think that people will keep buying Magic cards regardless of whether the people on them are black or white, because literally nobody else cares about this shit

what does it feel like being the most easily-triggered faggot this side of the galaxy

Oh, you hate money and profit to?

Fucking commie faggot, stay jealous bitch.


user, if communism was about being jealous of money, why are so many of our richest and most talented celebrities communists? You've shot yourself in the foot there, mate. Painted into a corner. Clearly you don't know as much about communism as you think, and now you're obliged to read the Communist Manifesto.

In fact, you are all obliged to read the Communist Manifesto.

>still being a cuck and buying mtg

Omg fuck you hahah

>It happened to video games, it happened to comics, and now it's happening to Veeky Forums.
Goddammit those are like the only three things I like!

What's Narset type of "magic"?
>inb4 autistic magic

>do those neckbeards (who support the company and pays their workers) want the cards to show that
And do the neckbeards want to see virile young men on their trading cards, hmm? Or would they rather hot and sexy women?