How effective vs. plate mail armor would wasps be?

how effective vs. plate mail armor would wasps be?

Like someone points at someone and a hive of wasps goes after them how easy would the wasps find it to sting the motherfucker to death through the plate?

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You can stab someone between the pieces of plate armor, so obviously wasps can get through if they really want to.

don't knives kinda force their way through? does a wasp have the power to spread a knight's plates out and jam it in?

Woah there skitter.

>how effective vs. plate mail armor would wasps be?

Completely ineffective.
Plate and mail armor doesn't completely cover your whole body, but the worse part about these types of armors is they have plenty of openings and crevices that are perfect for something like a wasp to crawl into while at the same time the wearer is at an enormous disadvantage because they can't immediately strip off their armor or conveniently reach inside.

A fencing suit would honestly provide more protection from a swarm of wasps than a suit of armor since it at least somewhat mimics the function and design of a beekeeper's suit.

You realize that large parts of the body would be protected by padded armor underneath that plate armor?

Imagine getting knocked off your horse in the middle of a battle and waking up hours later later to find wasps are building a nest inside your helm with you in the middle

Not over the face. While in plate armor the thing that would make a hornet swarm effective, isn't the damage a sting would cause, it would be seeing those fuckers crawling in through your own eye slits and then stinging your bare face.
That would be terrifying beyond reason and once they get in, you'd have to have a will of steel and no allergies to avoid pain.

The body would be perfectly protected. Below the sheets of steel is thick padding that no wasp or hornet can get through. But the face is a weakness. "Smart" wasps would sting the lips and nose to swell the nostrils shut and then fly into the mouth and sting the tongue and throat. Or they can just swarm the throat and clog the airways. The plate wearer would suffocate in minutes. I'm not sure they'd be able to do so quick enough without intelligence, however.

What's stopping the person from covering their face with their armored hands? Or wearing a face concealing helmet with small enough slits or holes that they'd stop the wasps from entering or at least slowing them sufficiently to allow the person to swipe them away before they get in?

I'd try to cover my helmet with cloth and then stage a mostly blind escape.

Such an armor is incredibly impractical due to horrible visibility, audibility and heat retention. You'd also potentially do the wasp's work yourself - circulation would be shit, and you'd be starving yourself of air and drown in your own perspiration.

Not sure about wasps but I've heard some species of bee are attracted to your mouth by your breathing and will typically go for the face first, so do with that knowledge what you will.

Bee suits have trouble keeping these fuckers out. Doesn't matter if you have a comforter under that suit, these cunts will just crawl around the damned thing.

Beekeeper here.
Completely ineffective.
Thick cloth doesn't do jack shit if you don't tape it down, and if they have access to your face, you WILL be stung until you run away or die. And they do have access to your face, since you're in plate.

though, I guess if they tie it off REALLY GOOD, you could get some extremely minor protection before they wheedle their way into the general body part.

Wasps need to be eradicated. Honeybees are chill though

This is the definitive answer: Yes. They can. They'll be able to squeeze through the small gaps between plates (where eyeholes are larger). Chainmail, the same... But they'll likely just sting you multiple times through the tiny gaps in the chain.

I'm not an extermination expert... But I can tell you from slapping those motherfuckers with sticks that on two separate childhood occasions 1) they can sting you when they are dead and 2) the stinger is the last thing to rot (and is basically a splinter, but worse).


Imagine a knight who left his armour in storage only to discover that it has become host to a hive dwelling within.

Now... Animate it.

>accidentally fucking with a nest wearing armor
>wasps fucking everywhere
>gets through the cracks in your armor, stings in the gaps in chain mail
>any you somehow manage to crush still have their stingers protruding out
>spending time to rip your armor off means more time and opportunity for wasps to get in
This is the stuff of nightmares.

>Imagine a knight who left his armour in storage only to discover that it has become host to a hive dwelling within.

Have it be armor enchanted with a planar shift spell that the waps occasionally set off while they're stomping around in their mobile fortress hive.

Super Dimensional Fortress Wasp Nest.

Not as effective as people in this thread are claiming it they would be.

Being a knight is suffering.

I'd weld my helmet to myface.

The party finds a dead warrior in great/magical plate. Doesn't ping for mundane or magical trap devices/intent, no curses, the thing that killed the night is dead or long gone. The party, murderhobos that they are, begin looting the body.

And discover that the helmet/chestplate/whatever is a nest of hornets who are very much pissed off with having their home dismantled.

(works best if they have no magical anti-swarm spells/protection)

Actually, their stingers don't protrude. It's inside the torso until it is squeezed (like, from stepping on it or using your fingers).

The proposition of trained wasps is bad enough.

At least this isn't the "Hulk's weight in bees" paradox.

The fuck is that woman doing? Those suits come with gloves for a reason. As a pest control tech I can tell you that those little fucks will find a way into one of those suits too. No one is completely safe from the wasps.

makes me think of a fun idea for a swarm druid who runs around in heavy wooden armour, but when attacked unleashes thousands of wasps that nest inside said wooden armour.

He brings them food and in exchange, they protect him as they would their nest, for indeed, he is the nest.

Its pretty obvious she is posing for a photo user, not dealing with bee's. I dont actually see any bees in that picture at all.

Have them be mud wasps, and you can use "growths" all over the body. Like super angry barnacles.

jump in a river and then tack off armor, problem solved

>he doesn't know that wasps wait above water for you to surface for air

Maybe they're invisibeele.

>doesn't know about fishing wasps
>they are species of wasps that are able to dive and swim underwater
obviously bullshit, but let's make hell real

There's spiders that actually can, so why not

God damn you, OP!

Plate mail isn't airtight. any point of articulation is going to have gaps because people need to be able to move. Particularly, the insides of the elbows, back of the knees, armpits, neck, and any openings in the helmet to allow for vision and air flow. All of these are going to be possible means of ingress for intrusive insects. Unless you specifically want to design a suit of armor to protect against swarms of shit, they're going to be able to get in. the question is how big a swarm and how badly are they trying to get in?

Screw it... More wasp variants...

Cementing wasps. These wasps are builders of nests in windy areas and prefer to aggressively bind leaves and bark together as a superstructure to make their hives. Knights have noted being sealed within their armour, slowly being unable to move while these wasps glue the plates together and seal eye slits and ventilation holes in helmets.

Shrining wasps. Large wasps attracted to magical artifacts, often building nests around them. Capable of carrying a dagger by oneself, or dragging a sword with assistance from the hive. They tend to steal these artifacts or build their nest upon them. Their name comes from their tendency to place stolen objects in the center of their bowl-shaped nests, looking like offering shrines made to eastern deities..

Rat wasps. Furry, brown flightless burrowing wasps. Large wasps weighing a pound. Aggressive hunters that tend to prey on rodents. Their territorial nature sees them attacking feet of humans on a regular basis. Their sting is 1cm long with a micro-saw along the inside curve and confers a weak numbing toxin; it's primary use is to eviscerate prey animals. They known among the local populaces among many names such as "Basement Bankers", "Bootcutters", "Toe Stealers", "Gravelwulfs" and "Child Hunters."

Houseaters. A subspecies of the standard orange-banded wasp with a similar behavior patterns except for two: 1) This variant of wasp swarms in the hundreds to thousands in number. 2) Swarms builds hives by exhausting a singular resource of dead wood instead of spreading their collection of resources. This is an evolutionary trait believed to be in response to larger hive sizes, where a uniform material structure is important for the hive to support its own weight. Settlements within range of a hive tend to bare holes of respectable size in their buildings with other significant structural damages. Villagers often find that expeditions to burn the nests is worth the risk of allergic reaction.

Sore wasps. A wasp that has made certain forests in the world unlivable by opinion due to their reputation. They prefer to sting hosts and lay their eggs subdermally, often multiple times, spaced out. The larvae (2-3 per sting) takes approximately one month to mature and hatch, eating a hole to freedom from within the skin. Mammalian hosts tend to have sores where larvae are maturing, human hosts predominantly exhibit equidistant sores along the neck and arms. There have been several deaths (rare) attributed to this species of wasp, where the adult does not eat in the correct direction to freedom but instead burrows itself further into the host neck and ending up in either a major artery or vein. This wasp's biology, like its prey insect species, is fragile and is limited to warmer climates.

Honeydogs. Solitary flying wasps tending to be 3-5 inches long. These wasps aren't known for stinging and are seen as beneficial to hunters and local farming populaces. They build large nests with 2-3 other solitary wasps with bitter-tasting comb (to discourage scavengers) filled with a lightly-flavored jelly. Locals tend to tie strings around these wasps and use them as compasses to their nests. The nest is then split, leaving half for the wasps. The nest used local dishes, the honey is used in teas and spreads, the comb is used to flavor many foods and any larvae are boiled then fried as a snack.

Presumably the knight showed up to a battlefield and was not expecting to do any apiary work.

pictured is a yellow jacket not a wasp, but from experience they always go for your eyes and have no problem crawling up your leg from ankle, in sleeve from wrist, or any access at neck. thats why i wear rubberbands and velcro and keep my veil tied as tight as possible

>As a pest control tech I can tell you that those little fucks will find a way into one of those suits too.

Now there's a job I'm genuinely interested in, but have no fucking idea how people start a career in. If you're still around, user, mind telling me a little about the job?


You know what? Fuck it, they can keep Jerusalem for all I care.

Why people can't read?

Actual entofag here. Where to start?

Yeah, plate mail would not help much if at all against a swarm of wasps. Any sort of hole in the facial protection would be exactly as bad as it sounds. Wasps, while not actually the flying death monsters most people believe them to be, are not fluffy bunnies either.

Get tafe (or community college? I don't know burger things) certs in basic hazardous chemical handling, learn some basic entomology and get to know someone already in the business.

>Actual entofag here
What inspired you to study the most abominable monsters on God's green earth for a living? I'm literally in therapy for my fear of insects, any tips?

Against plate armour at its technological height incredibly even wasps would be pretty inneffective at getting through. Only the helmet grill would give them enough to get through to bare skin so the Warrior would at least be aware of them.

Go slow and be dedicated. I used to be afraid of spiders (Not DSMV phobic, but... nightmares and such), now not so much.

As for how I got in to it, I was that kid who spent too much time turning over rocks and poking things with sticks. By himself.

Late armour Joints where made like those telescoping travel mugs so where very well protected. Blunt force trauma was the way of taking down armoured opponents by that time not thrusting for weak spots.

I have never been stung by bees while getting honey from the nests, and the only thing I ever wear is a veil to keep them away from my face. I've only ever been stung a couple time by bees, and that was when I was playing in the garden and lay or stood on a bee.
I'm forced to the belief that americans are MASSIVE FUCKING PUSSIES.

T. Family kept beehives at the bottom of the garden.

There are a dozen-ish breeding lines of domestic honey bees, all of which have well documented "personality traits" that affect how they react to the actions of keepers. I've personally seen hives that won't sting if they are kept clear of the face, and also hives that will aggressively "investigate" before you've even cracked the seal and will follow for a few hundred meters after you've finished up and closed the hive.

People in this thread who claim to keep bees though are acting as if they are MURDERWINGS! It's all that yankee hype about KILLER AFRICAN BEES FROM SOUTH AMERICA again.

>any point of articulation is going to have gaps because people need to be able to move

Your move.

What now?

Peasant weapons BTFO.


Yeah I bet all that padded armour covering your face would do wonders

>That codpiece
I-Is that so you can rape the enemy's women without ever having to remove your armor?

You put your purse in the codpiece.

>this horrifying thread
Fucking wasps. Thanks for the new antagonist idea Veeky Forums

Thanks, using this in my next warhammer session

Obviously a true plate armor should protect its wearer unfailingly. Who knows what heathen diseases the local women may be carrying, not to mention that those capricious harpies might seek to steal a noble house's seed, or to lure the heir to bed only for him to be attacked treacherously whilst in the act.

This is an armour with NO WEAKNESSES

Nah, it's to keep your jerkin off your tender syphilis dick.

If a spell is designed to conjure bees to attack people, the bees will be inordinately aggressive.

They would be very effective. During the Spanish conquest of the new world, conquistadors were often met with hornets nests, tossed by natives, from my understanding they were very effective.

Unless you're casting Gacha's Personable Swarm, obviously.

how long does it take to take a piss while wearing that armor?

Just gotta unscrew the codpeice.

Though honestly just pissing down your leg is also fine in full plate.

Did something similar a few times, basically had locks in dungeons get colonised by various nasty critters.
>you successfully pick the lock
>but now the hornets are angry

Then made the natural logical realisation that if insects could function as naturally occurring traps, then a wizard has probably at some point devised one whose whole thing is doing that.

hence the carnivorous justice bee: naturally forming their hives in cavities in walls or doors such as locks, they string trip wires made of their hive spit that when broken by something trying to get into the hive via the entrance hole causes a small crossbow like section of the hive's structure to launch dozens of nasty small spikes each coated with a horrible venom that paralyses victims, at which point the bees sting the intruder to death and feast on their corpse to feed their young.

>high level warrior in fancy fuck-off armor walks up
>with a great crash, he impales his sword in the ground, while stretching his shoulders for imminent skull fucking
>three unarmed peasants are standing between him and victory, it should be easier than breathing
>the warrior begins charging, all is lost
>the first peasant throws a great flask filled with oil and tar
>the second peasant throws a giant bag of human hair
>the third peasant is actually a druid and summons a fuck-off cloud of wasps
And that's how the warrior dies a humiliating wasp-related death. Imagine trying to take off plate armour while being stung, and covered in slippery/sticky bullshit.

ever got a monring stiff? imagine getting a morning stiff in metal pants. Not very comfortable, so you make your metal pants accomodate your morning stiff.

Christ man, just have peasant three throw a rock at a nearby hive. It's not an accomplishment if the plan hinges on "Oh, and this guy was secretly a master celtic wizard who has control of all natural forces"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume it's much easier, thus lower level for someone to summon bees, instead of a Bear or some Eagle or some shit. You're right, they could always just throw a hive at the knight with a rake.

Anyways you aren't going to question the giant bag of human hair?

Wait, why human hair? Why not just have the first two guys throw honey and/or pollen on him and the third guy throws a big jar of wasps?


I can't be the only one who always has too much human hair left over after thanksgiving.

depends on the setting

I tried googling the interwebs, but didn't find anything solid on that. So what is the "Hulk's weight in bees"-paradox?

literally the first result on google. Are you actually retarded?

spoon feeding summary:

The hulk weighs X. Therefore the hulks weight in bees also weigh X. The hulk stung by bees gets angrier, and therefore larger, now the hulk weighs X+Y, with Y being the additional anger weight. The hulks weight in bees now also weighs X+Y. More bees=more stings=more pain=more anger=heavier hulk=more bees. Repeat ad infinitum.


>The proposition of trained wasps is bad enough.
It's not that unfeasible because pheromones and bullshit.

Ah, I see.
I don't see how it's a paradox, though, you just need to increase the amount of bees. Also, due to square-cube-law, the Hulk's surface area will increase more slowly than his mass so the rate of growth should slow down and approach zero as he grows larger.
I haven't done the math, but my gut feeling is that there's a maximum size for the Hulk, eventually he'll not grow enough to make room for an additional bee, and his growth will stop.

So when it connects with the oil/tar, it sticks and everyone's gut reaction would be "Oh god, why am I covered in human hair? Where did they even find this, and now it's literally everywhere."